natural theology

This site is part of the The natural religion project
dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.

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[Notebook Turkey, DB 55]

[Sunday 10 November 2002 - Saturday 16 November 2002]

[page 134]

Sunday 10 November 2002
Monday 11 November 2002
Tuesday 12 November 2002
Wednesday 13 November 2002
Thursday 14 November 2002
Friday 15 November 2002

New: The site is undergoing a major revision to reflect its new corporate management. For summaries of the practical consequences off our position, see the two new essays on freedom and security and physical theology.

We apply constraints to our enormous model looking for symmetries. Here in the modelling section, we are concerned with mathematical symmetries. Later in applications of the model, we shall see how it works in physics, biology, cybernetics, psychology and theology.

Saturday 16 November 2002

John L Casti: Five Golden Rules: Great theories of twentieth century mathematics and why they matter. Casti.

page 5: religion: Game of life - maximize the minimum vs minimize the maximum.

Maximize the minimum payoff,
Minimize the maximum evil.

Male competition for females and female competition for males (expressed as jealousy) can inhibit communication between males and females that are not pairing, since communication to an opposite outside the pair threatens one or more existing partners, who will act to inhibit it.

greatest good for greatest number.

Current world system seems to maximize the maxima and minimize the minima. Since the powerful use bombs and starvation to increase the pain of the weak at arms length. Religion should change the

[page 135]

rules of the game to establish a minimax. Will global social security achieve this?

Ie does De Maupertuis [principle of least action] say in effect that the world tends to pure rather than to mixed strategy.

page 9: two person zero sum game can be solved completely.

Racism: mathematics is all about spaces of labellings = transformations. Humans are all one equivalence class of labelling, ie a symmetry.

page 73: Sperner's lemma to Brouwer's fixed point theorem.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Casti, John L, Five Golden Rules: Great Theories of 20th-Century Mathematics - and Why They Matter, John Wiley and Sons 1996 Preface: '[this book] is intended to tell the general reader about mathematics by showcasing five of the finest achievements of the mathematician's art in this [20th] century.' p ix. Treats the Minimax theorem (game theory), the Brouwer Fixed-Point theorem (topology), Morse's theorem (singularity theory), the Halting theorem (theory of computation) and the Simplex method (optimisation theory). 
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