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[Notebook: DB 57 Language]

[Sunday 31 July 2005 - Saturday 6 August 2005]

[page 186]

Sunday 31 July 2005

[page 187]

Time is the great operator.

The scholastic arguments that deny time to God were in error since they had a static vision of 'pure act' even though they also held that god lives, distinguishing between immanent and transient action. Aquinas 113 If we take the Universe to be divine all action is immanent to god, and a state of pure act (E = h.ℵ0)

In the theology section, we begin from the model standardized by Aquinas and show how it needs to be modified to conform to modern ideas about mind and matter.

Once again I write under the influence of drugs (marijuana, alcohol, sugar, a fire, energy)

Quantum mechanics tells us how to study the transfinite network.

Quantum mechanics is not the world of hard balls clashing, but of gossip, innuendo, science, literature, law and all the other forms of information. This has been made obvious with the rise of quantum information theory. Von Neumann's quantum mechanics tackles infinity head on, building on the theories of infinity that had arisen since differential and integral calculus proved to be the key to understanding the workings of the observable (measurable) world.

The genetic underpinning of my efforts is to increase the fitness of my children, not by changing them (for their genotype came into existence long ago) but by changing the environment in which they live (which

[page 188]

includes me), ie building a world in which they can thrive. This is not something that can be done alone: the quality of our environment is non-local, it depends on the quality of the whole. We need have no doubts about the Universe that made us, but should keep a close eye our interpretations of what is going on.

Many prophets obtain knowledge from sources allegedly inaccessible to the normal person. From my point of view, this is not a credible source of information. It is just power-tripping. We should restore our faith and trust for the models of the world which demonstrably fit experience. Catholicism its incongruity with the world on the grounds that the world was fucked by original sin. This is very dangerous arrogance, leading to actions not in harmony with the nature of the world, like promoting a certain 'religious life'. (I have repeated these words since an early age without really thinking about them - religious life = unnaturally constrained life (historically, for me)).

BLOG: As I have ploughed like a behemoth bulkship through life, I have kept this log. Once I was shy of revealing it because my revolt against the Church seemed a rather shameful act to me and my failure to to much good in civilian life added to the tendency to hide. But now that I can see a few good result sin the distance, the road I have travelled becomes important as a guide to the future.

Quantum information theory puts quantum mechanics on a much more intuitive basis, since we are good at logic, computation and communication and do it consciously and

[page 189]

unconsciously all the time. The task in me (as in any other animal) is performed by a complex network of nerve cells communicating with one another though various channels (including propagating 'action potentials' and chemical transmission (synapse)).

Instead of confronting infinity straight out, we begin with a two state system (as Feynman does) and then go onto show how we can link two state systems together (like binary numbers) to deal with any number of states

All action is to some degree a matter of life and death, and deserves careful study proportional to its weight.

A network is a quantum entity. Nodes log onto and off one another, depending on who they want to speak to as they move through their lives. The top level of every node is the user of the network. {user}

Monday 1 August 2005
Tuesday 2 August 2005
Wednesday 3 August 2005

This paper is motivated by the string 'language = communication - error correction - fidelity - trust - trade - peace.'

The UN Charter of human rights defines a set of human symmetries, features of our nature which make us formally indistinguishable. We are all to observe these norms while communicating with one another.

The formal study of symmetry has probably been best developed in the field of physics, and the purpose of this paper is to suggest applying thee physical models to the study of language.

[page 190]

Our modern physical insight seems best expressed in quantum information and communication theories, which use the qubit as their understanding of a two state system, and then build up to the real transfinite quantum world by creating ordered sets of qubits and gates (operators)

'Trade or perish: that is the history of mankind in a nutshell'. Bo Hernan, Rotterdam Economist 30 July 205 p 18.

Distance makes control grow more tenuous by time delay so we can understand the inverse square law of we think of communication occurring in packets of x-toms

Thursday 4 August 2005
Friday 5 August 2005
Saturday 6 August 2005

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Further reading


Pais, Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this . . . major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. . . . Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography . . . including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' 

von Neumann, John, and Robert T Beyer (translator), Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press 1983 Jacket: '. . . a revolutionary book that caused a sea change in theoretical physics. . . . JvN begins by presenting the theory of Hermitean operators and Hilbert spaces. These provide the framework for transformation theory, which JvN regards as the definitive form of quantum mechanics. . . . Regarded as a tour de force at the time of its publication, this book is still indispensable for those interested in the fundamental issues of quantum mechanics.' 


Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein, ' "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible" from "Physics and Reality" (1936), in Ideas and Opinions, trans. Sonja Bargmann (New York: Bonanza, 1954), p 292.' back

Alison Gopnik, What Babies Know About Physics and Foreign Languages, 'New research tells us scientifically what most preschool teachers have always known intuitively. If we want to encourage learning, innovation and creativity we should love our young children, take care of them, talk to them, let them play and let them watch what we do as we go about our everyday lives. We don’t have to make children learn, we just have to let them learn.' back

Amanda Holpuch, Chelsea Manning: 'It is terrifyng to face the government alone', 'I am always afraid. I am still afraid of the power of government. A government can arrest you. It can imprison you. It can put out information about you that won’t get questioned by the public – everyone will just assume that what they are saying is true. Sometimes, a government can even kill you – with or without the benefit of a trial. Governments have so much power, and a single person often does not. It is very terrifying to face the government alone.' back

Aquinas 113, Summa I, 18, 3: Is life properly attributed to God?, Life is in the highest degree properly in God. In proof of which it must be considered that since a thing is said to live in so far as it operates of itself and not as moved by another, the more perfectly this power is found in anything, the more perfect is the life of that thing. ' back

Cartesian product - Wikipedia, Cartesian product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, the Cartesian product is a direct product of sets. The Cartesian product is named after René Descartes, whose formulation of analytic geometry gave rise to this concept. Specifically, the Cartesian product of two sets X (for example the points on an x-axis) and Y (for example the points on a y-axis), denoted X × Y, is the set of all possible ordered pairs whose first component is a member of X and whose second component is a member of Y (e.g. the whole of the x-y plane):. . . A Cartesian product of two finite sets can be represented by a table, with one set as the rows and the other as the columns, and forming the ordered pairs, the cells of the table, by choosing the element of the set from the row and the column.' back

Connor Narciso, Its an easy choice: everyone in the US military should vote for Clinton, 'Like most Americans, US soldiers aren’t thrilled about electing Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. “The military thinks both are total losers,” announced the Military Times. That may be true, but for military members and veterans, the only viable choice is to vote for Hillary Clinton.' back

Creative Evolution (book) - Wikipedia, Creative Evolution (book) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Creative Evolution (French: L'Évolution créatrice) is a 1907 book by French philosopher Henri Bergson. Its English translation appeared in 1911. The book provides an alternate explanation for Darwin's mechanism of evolution, suggesting that evolution is motivated by an élan vital, a "vital impetus" that can also be understood as humanity's natural creative impulse. The book was very popular in the early decades of the twentieth century, before the Neodarwinian synthesis was developed.' back

David E. Sanger, U.S. Wrestles With How to Fight Back Against Cyberattacks, '“When it is determined who is responsible for this,” Mr. Brennan said, choosing his words carefully to avoid any direct implication of Russia, there “will be discussions at the highest levels of government about what the right course of action will be. Obviously interference in the U.S. election process is a very, very serious matter.” ' back

Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation, Catholic Encyclopedia: Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation, 'An ecclesiastical or religious vocation is the special gift of those who, in the Church of God, follow with a pure intention the ecclesiastical profession of the evangelical counsels. . . . Ordinarily this vocation is revealed as the result of deliberation according to the principles of reason and faith; in extraordinary cases, by supernatural light so abundantly shed upon the soul as to render deliberation unnecessary.' back

Gary Gutting, How Religion Can Lead to Violence, 'You may object that moral considerations should limit our opposition to nonbelief. Don’t people have a human right to follow their conscience and worship as they think they should? Here we reach a crux for those who adhere to a revealed religion. They can either accept ordinary human standards of morality as a limit on how they interpret divine teachings, or they can insist on total fidelity to what they see as God’s revelation, even when it contradicts ordinary human standards. Those who follow the second view insist that divine truth utterly exceeds human understanding, which is in no position to judge it. God reveals things to us precisely because they are truths we would never arrive at by our natural lights. When the omniscient God has spoken, we can only obey.' back

Giselle Au-Nihen Nguyen, Realising that your love is not a miracle cure, 'Rather, it's the lesson I have learned over the years that relationships thrive when two people don't need each other to survive – they choose to be together because they complement each other's lives, not because they are each other's lives.' back

Gloria Patri - Wikipedia, Gloria Patri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Gloria Patri, also known as Glory Be to the Father, is a doxology, a short hymn of praise to God in various Christian liturgies. It is also referred to as the Minor Doxology (Doxologia Minor) or Lesser Doxology, to distinguish it from the Greater Doxology, the Gloria in Excelsis Deo.' back

Interpretations of quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, Interpretations of quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'An interpretation of quantum mechanics is a set of statements which attempt to explain how quantum mechanics informs our understanding of nature. Although quantum mechanics has held up to rigorous and thorough experimental testing, many of these experiments are open to different interpretations. There exist a number of contending schools of thought, differing over whether quantum mechanics can be understood to be deterministic, which elements of quantum mechanics can be considered "real", and other matters' back

John Keane, Capitalism and Democracy [part 2], 'The positive political point here is that socially damaging market failures can be prevented, or minimised, but only if public watchdogs and other types of early warning and public monitoring mechanisms are built into capitalist market economies. The history of struggles to form trade unions, to establish public inspection boards and German-style co-determination councils shows that sowing the seeds of monitory democracy in the soils of commodity production and exchange is no easy political task. That doesn’t make monitory democracy irrelevant, or fanciful. For whenever capitalist markets are not tamed and restrained, democracy failure happens.' back

Jose A. DelReal and Anne Gearan, Backlash for Trump after he lashes out at the Muslim parents of a dead U.S. soldier, '“Trump’s slur against Captain Khan’s mother is, even for him, beyond the pale,” tweeted John Weaver, a Republican strategist for Ohio Gov. John Kasich. “He has NO redeeming qualities.” ' back

King James Version - Wikipedia, King James Version - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The King James Version (KJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV) or King James Bible (KJB), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England begun in 1604 and completed in 1611 . . . The translation is widely considered to be both beautiful and scholarly and thus a towering achievement in English literature. . . . James gave the translators instructions intended to ensure that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy.' back

Liz Macpherson, Erin O'Donnell, Lee Godden and Lily O'Neill, Water in northern Australia: a history of Aboriginal exclusion, 'Unfortunately, however, these reforms largely failed to make substantive change in Indigenous water rights or to engage Indigenous people effectively. Today, Indigenous Australians have land rights and/or native title rights and interests over some 30% of the Australian continent, but own only 0.01% of water entitlements.' back

Matthew Beovitch - Wikipedia, Matthew Beovitch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Matthew Beovich (April 1, 1896 - October 24, 1981) was an Australian Roman Catholic clergyman, and the fifth Archbishop of Adelaide.' back

Paul Musgrave, Why woud Russia interfere in the U.S. election? Because it sometimes works, 'The United States also has a long and active history of interventions in other countries’ politics. We have toppled governments by supporting coups, fueling revolutions and sending in our troops. We have employed more subtle tactics, too, to influence the outcome of elections.' back

Philip Wen, Legal rights activist Zhai Yanmin found guilty of subverting the Chinese state, 'The verdict in Zhai's case was handed down just hours after the commencement of the trial on Tuesday, raising further questions of procedural fairness in a case already shrouded in official secrecy and with Zhai unable to appoint his own lawyer. His family, who have been unable to contact him for the past year, was not informed of the trial in advance. "It's an unfair trial almost by every way you can look at it," said William Nee, China researcher for Amnesty International. "Whether from the procedural irregularities, to the lack of legal access, to the fact that he was forced to give a television confession before the trial." ' back

Ramazan Yuksel, The Ancients: At Australia's spiritual heart, 'The Ancients, is not just a time lapse video, it is a saga depicting the spiritual communion of the oldest of land in Red Central Australia. It tells the story of the great spiritual landscape experiencing different seasons across the year.The video features Australian icons that have existed from Devonian to Ediacaran ages ranging from 359-635 million years old. The old and beautiful Uluru comes face-to- face with lightning, rain and thunderstorms.' back

Saul Newman, Whither anarchy: ownness as a form of freedom, 'Perhaps we can say that ownness is the experience of self-affirmation and empowerment that ontologically precedes all acts of liberation. Let’s take Stirner’s example of the slave. While the slave has little or no freedom in his chains, he nevertheless has ownness, a sense of self-possession. It is the one thing his master cannot take from him: That I then become free from him and his whip is only the consequence of my antecedent egoism.' back

Shmuel Rosner, How Israel's Modern-Orthodox Jews Came Out of the Closet, 'Rabbi Levenstein miscalculated: He thought he was drawing a line against sexual permissiveness. He ended up forcing the modern-Orthodox community to draw a line against rabbinical small-mindedness.' back

Thomas B Edsall, The Eternal Return of Unenlightened Despotism, 'The basic finding [of the Public Religion Research Institute is ] — that a solid majority values respect and good behavior more than creativity and independence — helps to explain why Trump has continued to be competitive so far. The autocratic character of his bid is also revealed in his espousal of conspiracy theories, his speculation about “rigged” elections, once and future, as well as in his fundamental rejection of deliberative processes.' back

Vicky Roach, As it is in Heaven 2: Heaven on Earth is a Scandinavian drama on song, 'A large part of the film’s success rests on the shoulders of its actors, who rarely overplay their hand. Hallgren is a strong and engaging lead. Even when, as a movie goer, you are aware that your emotions are being shamelessly manipulated, you still happily acquiesce. In the end, her performance is simply too infectious to resist.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2021 © Jeffrey Nicholls