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Sunday 29 May 2022 - Saturday 4 June 2022

[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]

[page 89]

Sunday 29 May 2022

Zero sum bifurcation introduces fast fourier transform.

One of my superpowers in the physics and theology business is

[page 90]

that I am an absolute non-entity in the business so that I can say what I want without constraint. I felt the same sting as Galileo in the Church because I was slapped down and thrown out, but fortunately I was in my 20s and knew that I was right and that my life was not at stake. I was able to retreat into the bush from 1967 until 2017 (my 50 years in the desert) and think the matter through, generating millions of words of tacit background. My visit to the University of Adelaide in 2018/2019 yielded no recognition but I was ignored rather than punished and was able to see that the philosophy department was not much different from the Church, demanding impossible conformity to achieve any success. The last 2.5 years of elaborating my honours thesis have been very productive and enabled me to see that the physics industry was just as constrained by its history, so that after 120 years of development physics has yielded a high level of technological success with very little progress in developing a model of the world free of infinities and contradictions. I am now ploughing ahead and yielding much pleasure and confirmation of my stance while getting further and further out on a limb, but seeing some interesting stuff from my position in the tree.

The idea of giving closure to fixed point theory seems to be bringing me closer to home and I can see a way to provide what Weinberg and Einstein were seeking, a path from the initial singularity identical to the Thomistic God to the Universe as we see it, specifically to myself as I see myself made in the image of god without sin and a fallen nature. I am now stepping into the space of green theology with the political and economical consequences of loving the god that made me becoming clearer by the day. I am no longer in a frantic hurry to save the world just steadily building the specification of a new world, much of my theology being made clear by the theological violence being made by Putin's treatment of Russia, following the path of the warlike gods who have shaped the world since the warlords of empire stole theology for their own aggrandizement.

Monday 30 May 2022

Grasping a straws as usual, and thinking about major revision of the physical approach to theology. As usual trying to rise above detail and produce a foolproof broad picture. Is this possible, since the devils (ie the contradictions) live in the details? Keep working on cc22_fixed-points. Should I do something more practical. I still have faith in all the work I have done on physics and theology and am pretty certain that it will not become a stranded asset. So turn to the Kakutani fixed point theorem. Kakutani fixed-point theorem - Wikipedia

[page 91]

Proton density: Mass 1.67E-27 kg, radius 0.87E-15 metre, volume 4/3 π r3.

density = 1.67E-27 / 4 × (0.87E-15)3 = 6.35E19 kg m-3

Does charge exist in Hilbert space? I think not, it lives in Minkowski. If this is the case it kills the screening and antiscreening stories and all the stuff about renormalization. A good idea like this is so relaxing a sort of Lagrangian for the mind. I might knock off and go to the movies, but have to read some more Feynman.

So how does Hilbert space couple to charge? By logic and turing machine? Minkowski, photon, electron and positron are all born at once via Dirac equation, zero sum bifurcation.

Tuesday 31 May 2022

. . .

The universe generates memory by discovering things that endure like protons. Darwin explained how new memories are generated and old ones erased in the biological sphere, always building on what has come before. War is an example of the elimination of old memories like the Nazis or the absolutism of the Roman Church. European wars of religion - Wikipedia

Today I am feeling very iconoclastic in that all that I have learnt in theology and physics is false, not at the practical level of practice (technology) and emotion (religion) but at the theoretical level of explanation, the claim that reason in the form of mathematical proofs, physical theories and theological traditions is all unverified fiction because it exists in the unobservable world where verification is not possible. This might be the conclusion of cognitive cosmology, the boundless power of invisible imagination. So I feel free to dream up a completely new physics and theology, and I can see that in the end the practical politics of the Putins of this World is the same as the reason for creation and annihilation in physics, the only way to change culture is to kill the previous generation and breed a new one.

Agatha Endless Night : Make Believe. Christie (1967, 2011): Endless Night

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Cognitive cosmology is a

[page 92]

sort of crash through operation which has established a beachhead for me which I now have to perfect by extensive revision and substantiation in the literature to which I have access. It brings a point of closure to the sixty years from when I was 17½ and committed to entering the Dominican Order to now that I am 77½ and standing on a hill from which I can see a new theological vista.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Bosonic fingers of angelic influence can reach through Minkowski space, sometimes through many light years of cosmic background radiation.

Memory is a (possibly) fixed point. A proton is believed to last forever but most of its mass is dynamic and, if we take into account the dynamic mass of the quarks within it, we may say that all of its mass is dynamic. If it was a continuous compact convex set we would expect it to have a fixed point, but this does not seem to be the case. Maybe this is an instance of the inversion of the fixed point theorem. The properties of the set does not demand a fixed point inside it, but rather the dynamics of the proton create a fixed point outside itself, to wit the proton. By [error free] mapping internally onto itself it renders itself eternal. This may be the case with all stable particles. The beauty of the proton is that is has light and massless internal particles which serve as a clue both to its own mass, the mass of all other massless particles and the mass of the universe whose fixed point is the boundary between consistent and inconsistent. Like our friend Wittgenstein, the two excitements in the boring world or academia are sex and thinking, and maybe this is the same for the universe where we may look at orgasm as a fixed point at the centre of sexual dynamics. Another version or orgasm of course is insight and a third version is the quantum of action. Here we have an example of symmetry with respect to complexity.

In the world of mathematical ideals fixed point theorems work in both directions which we may see through logical continuity, since it works both ways [codec]. Herein lies the fundamental theorem of this dissertation. Codec - Wikipedia

Proof of fixed point theorem: contraction mapping, topology and continuity has no metric so we can squeeze a continuum down to a point [affine space?]. Agarwal, Meehan & O'Regan (2000): Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Affine geometry - Wikipedia

Ideals in mathematics - using logical continuity to prove the inverse of the fixed point theorem.

Hilbert's axiomatization of geometry. Hilbert's axioms - Wikipedia

Friday 3 June 2022
Hatching Hatching (film) - Wikipedia

Neuenschwander: in zero energy, zero change, zero everything else universe all conservation laws are local. How can screening and antiscreening work if, eg, equal amounts of electrons and positrons are created by the vacuum in the vicinity of a screened particle? vs gravitation where there is no charge except mass, and conservation of energy requires that creation of mass requires reduction in kinetic energy. How do we get positive energy in massive particles like protons? Dwight Neuenschwander (2011): Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem

Saturday 4 June 2022

Hilbert space is a vector space. The orthonormalization of vectors in Hilbert space introduces quantization into this space and the effect of superposition is to add vectors changing their direction while maintaining orthonormalization, so changing direction of vectors is the feature of the space that carries information.

The eigenvalue equation extracts the direction of the components of superposed vectors while also yielding the eigenvalues associated with each vector in the superposition. [The eigenvalues are] converted to probabilities by computing the absolute square of the amplitudes associated with each direction so yielding the spectrum of the measurement operator applied to each measured state: . . . the Born rule.

These values are discrete and precise yielding the discrete and precise probability values whose sum has the character of a complete set of probabilities that add up to 1. There is no uncertainty associated with these values, although the measurement process does not determine which eigenvalue will appear in the observation, only the probabilities of the results that will be obtained. This is the result of the 'collapse' of the wave function. This process yields probabilities, not certainties of the appearance of the specific characters emitted the quantum source of information which is consistent with the demands of the theory of communication which assumes that a communication source yields only one element of its alphabet at a time. In other words the total probability of observing each element of a superposed vector is 1. Collectively exhaustive events - Wikipedia

From the discussion on page 12: The quantum creation of Minkowski space I conclude that the velocity of light is an arbitrary value that establishes the existence of the null geodesic which enables quantum states to be carried unchanged through Minkowski space . . . and its numerical

[page 94]

value is therefore a product of the units we use to measure space and time.

The next question is how is the value of Planck's constant that we measure in Minkowski space determined? Because it is also a very precisely fixed point which is clearly related to spin and we see it as closely related to the fine structure constant, the velocity of light and the charge of the electron by the relationship

α = (1/4π ε0) e2/ hc

and the electric constant, the permittivity of the vacuum which is in turn related to the magnetic constant

μ0 = 1/c2 ε0

This relates μ0 to ε0 via the velocity of light. α is dimensionless, which suggests we seek its origin in Hilbert space where ℏ reigns supreme.

In 'natural' units where c = h = 1, μ0 = 1/ε0 = 2α.

In Hartree atomic units (e = me = ℏ = 1 and ε0 = 1/4π). α = 1/c. There are some clues here.

Fine-structure constant - Wikipedia, Vacuum permittivity - Wikipedia, Vacuum permeability - Wikipedia

So space is electric and with relativity electromagnetic [and given the Dirac equation and zero sum complexification to create electrons and positrons maybe we do not really need the QED vacuum]. QED vacuum - Wikipedia


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Further reading


Christie, Agatha, Endless Night, William Morrow Paperbacks 2011 ' The exclusive authorized edition of one of Agatha Christie's personal favorites -- a critically acclaimed classic crime thriller from the beloved Queen of Mystery.When penniless Michael Rogers discovers the beautiful house at Gypsy's Acre and then meets the heiress Ellie, it seems that all his dreams have come true at once. But he ignores an old woman's warning of an ancient curse, and evil begins to stir in paradise. As Michael soon learns: Gypsy's Acre is the place where fatal "accidents" happen.' 

Neuenschwander (2011), Dwight E, Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem, Johns Hopkins University Press 2011 Jacket: A beautiful piece of mathematics, Noether's theorem touches on every aspect of physics. Emmy Noether proved her theorem in 1915 and published it in 1918. This profound concept demonstrates the connection between conservation laws and symmetries. For instance, the theorem shows that a system invariant under translations of time, space or rotation will obey the laws of conservation of energy, linear momentum or angular momentum respectively. This exciting result offers a rich unifying principle for all of physics.' 


Affine geometry - Wikipedia, Affine geometry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, affine geometry is what remains of Euclidean geometry, when not using (mathematicians often say "when forgetting") the metric notions of distance and angle. As the notion of parallel lines is one of the main properties that is independent of any metric, affine geometry is often considered as the study of parallel lines. Therefore, Playfair's axiom (given a line L and a point P not on L, there is exactly one line parallel to L that passes through P) is fundamental in affine geometry. Comparisons of figures in affine geometry are made with affine transformations, which are mappings that preserve alignment of points and parallelism of lines.' back

Al Jazeera, AP, California unveils the US’s first slave reparations report, ' California’s task force on reparations for Black people in the United States – the first-ever in the nation – has released a report documenting in detail discrimination perpetrated by the state and recommending steps to address those wrongs. The 500-page document released on Wednesday lays out the harms suffered by descendants of enslaved people long after slavery was abolished in the 19th century, through discriminatory laws and actions in all facets of life, from housing and education to employment and the legal system. “Four hundred years of discrimination has resulted in an enormous and persistent wealth gap between Black and white Americans,” according to the interim report of the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans.' back

Bianca Fileborn & Sophie Hindes, Catcalls, homophobia and racism: we studied why people (and especially men) engage in street harassment, ' A growing body of research shows public harassment is among the most prevalent forms of sexual and gender-based violence. Street harassment can include homophobic, transphobic, racist and ableist actions, as well as overtly hostile and aggressive behaviour. . . . Our participants’ explanations of why men harass paint a complex and multifaceted picture. While harassment is firmly situated in the spectrum of violence against women, a more holistic approach is needed addressing homophobic, transphobic, racist and ableist harassment. It’s clear street harassment requires interventions targeting individual, cultural and structural drivers. The normalisation of street harassment requires urgent attention, so this behaviour is no longer excused.' back

Bill Hare, The ultra-polluting Scarborough-Pluto gas project could blow through Labor’s climate target – and it just got the green light , 'The Albanese government has this week thrown its support behind what’ll be one of Australia’s most polluting developments: the Scarborough-Pluto gas project in Western Australia. Our analysis last year found the full Scarborough-Pluto project will emit almost 1.4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases over its lifetime. That’s over three times Australia’s current annual emissions, and around 14 times WA’s annual emissions. . . . Gas simply has no place in the fight to stop global warming beyond 1.5℃ this century. The big question is whether the Albanese government, if it wants to be taken seriously on climate change, will take that on board. Right now, given the high-profile intervention from the resources minister providing “absolute” support for Woodside and gas developments, the jury unfortunately is well and truly out.' back

Camille Gijs & Stephan Faris, Lumumba's tooth: Belgium's unfinished reckoning with its colonial past, ' Then comes a darker period. The tooth’s owner is Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected prime minister of Congo, a man many want dead. In 1961, Lumumba is assassinated, his body is buried, disinterred, dismembered and dissolved in acid. The tooth is preserved — brought to Belgium by a Belgian police officer named Gérard Soete as what he later describes as “a type of hunting trophy". . . . Today, Lumumba’s tooth is the center of attention, as the Belgian government gets ready to hand it over to his family as the independence leader’s only known remains. For now, it sits in a “custom-made box” in a safe in the offices of the Belgian federal prosecutor in downtown Brussels, according to Eric Van Duyse, spokesperson for the prosecutor’s office. But on June 20, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo will formally hand it over to Lumumba’s descendants, in what is planned to be the first step on its journey back to the country of its origin.' back

Codec - Wikipedia, Codec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A codec is a device or computer program capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal. Codec is a portmanteau of coder-decoder or, less commonly, compressor-decompressor.' back

Collectively exhaustive events - Wikipedia, Collectively exhaustive events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In probability theory and logic, a set of events is jointly or collectively exhaustive if at least one of the events must occur. For example, when rolling a six-sided die, the events 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 balls of a single outcome are collectively exhaustive, because they encompass the entire range of possible outcomes.' back

Damon Young, Cowardice is the point of white supremacy, too, ' White supremacy is, essentially, an ecosystem built around the idea of never having to fight fair. A full-bodied commitment — culturally, politically, spiritually — to the retention of the privilege to be cowards. They’re learning to read? Let’s kill them. Can’t (legally) kill them anymore? Let’s burn down the schools. Can’t burn down the schools anymore? Let’s ban books. They want to vote? Let’s kill them. Can’t (legally) kill them anymore? Let’s make them take “literacy” tests. Literacy tests are outlawed? Let’s gerrymander the districts. The gerrymandering wasn’t enough? Let’s say the elections are rigged. They’re building community wealth? Let’s kill them. Can’t (legally) kill them anymore? Let’s redline them and deny them loans. Can’t (legally) deny them loans anymore? Let’s give them loans at subprime rates.' back

European wars of religion - Wikipedia, European war of religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The conflicts began with the minor Knights' Revolt (1522), followed by the larger German Peasants' War (1524–1525) in the Holy Roman Empire. Warfare intensified after the Catholic Church began the Counter-Reformation in 1545 against the growth of Protestantism. The conflicts culminated in the Thirty Years' War, which devastated Germany and killed one-third of its population, a mortality rate twice that of World War I. The Peace of Westphalia broadly resolved the conflicts by recognising three separate Christian traditions in the Holy Roman Empire: Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism. Although many European leaders were sickened by the bloodshed by 1648, smaller religious wars continued to be waged in the post-Westphalian period until the 1710s, including the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639–1651) on the British Isles, the Savoyard–Waldensian wars (1655–1690), and the Toggenburg War (1712) in the Western Alps.' back

Fine-structure constant - Wikipedia, Fine-structure constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In physics, the fine-structure constant, also known as Sommerfeld's constant, commonly denoted by α (the Greek letter alpha), is a fundamental physical constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. . . . While there are multiple physical interpretations for α it received its name from Arnold Sommerfeld introducing it (1916) in extending the Bohr model of the atom: α quantifies the gap in the fine structure of the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom, which had been precisely measured by Michelson and Morley' back

Haaretz Editorial, The Palestinian Flag Obsession, ' Israel's ministerial legislative committee on Sunday approved letting coalition members vote according to their conscience on a bill by opposition MK Eli Cohen (Likud) that would ban “the waving of the flag of an enemy country or of the Palestinian Authority, at institutions supported by the state,” including universities. . . . The Palestinian flag is the flag of the Palestinian people, and it is to be hoped that one day it will be the flag of a Palestinian state established alongside Israel. In addition, formally speaking, the Palestinian flag is the flag of the Palestinian Authority, an authority established by diplomatic treaty with Israel. It is the legitimate emblem of an authority recognized by the entire world including Israel, which maintains regular ties with it on a myriad of daily life issues, not least among them tight security coordination for nearly 30 years. The Palestinian Authority is not an enemy country.' back

Hatching (film) - Wikipedia, Hatching (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Hatching (Finnish: Pahanhautoja) is a 2022 Finnish body horror film directed by Hanna Bergholm, written by Ilja Rautsi and starring Siiri Solalinna, Sophia Heikkilä, Jani Volanen, Reino Nordin and Saija Lentonen. It premiered at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2022, and in theaters and on streaming on April 29, 2022. It won the Grand Prix and the Prix du Jury Jeunes at the Festival international du film fantastique de Gérardmer 2022. The film centers on Tinja, a young gymnast desperate to please her mother, a woman obsessed with presenting the image of a perfect family to the world through her popular blog. One day, Tinja finds a mysterious egg, which she chooses to bring home. Once it hatches, she names the creature within "Alli", and cares for it as it grows into a doppelgänger that acts upon Tinja's repressed emotions.' back

Hilbert's axioms - Wikipedia, Hilbert's axioms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Hilbert's axioms are a set of 20 assumptions proposed by David Hilbert in 1899 in his book Grundlagen der Geometrie[ (tr. The Foundations of Geometry) as the foundation for a modern treatment of Euclidean geometry. Other well-known modern axiomatizations of Euclidean geometry are those of Alfred Tarski and of George Birkhoff. . . . Mathematics in the twentieth century evolved into a network of axiomatic formal systems. This was, in considerable part, influenced by the example Hilbert set in the Grundlagen. A 2003 effort (Meikle and Fleuriot) to formalize the Grundlagen with a computer, though, found that some of Hilbert's proofs appear to rely on diagrams and geometric intuition, and as such revealed some potential ambiguities and omissions in his definitions.' back

Ian Sample, Research may reveal why people can suddenly become frail in their 70s, ' Working with scientists at the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Campbell and his colleagues studied blood cells across the age range from newborns to people in their 70s and 80s. They found that adults under 65 had a wide range of red and white blood cells produced by a diverse population of 20,000 to 200,000 different types of stem cells in their bone marrow. In the over-65s, the picture was radically different. About half of their blood cells came from a measly 10 or 20 distinct stem cells, dramatically reducing the diversity of the person’s blood cells, with consequences for their health.' back

Kakutani fixed-point theorem - Wikipedia, Kakutani fixed-point theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematical analysis, the Kakutani fixed-point theorem is a fixed-point theorem for set-valued functions. It provides sufficient conditions for a set-valued function defined on a convex, compact subset of a Euclidean space to have a fixed point, i.e. a point which is mapped to a set containing it. The Kakutani fixed point theorem is a generalization of Brouwer fixed point theorem. The Brouwer fixed point theorem is a fundamental result in topology which proves the existence of fixed points for continuous functions defined on compact, convex subsets of Euclidean spaces. Kakutani's theorem extends this to set-valued functions.' back

Mark Satta, Putin’s brazen manipulation of language is a perfect example of Orwellian doublespeak, ' Putin’s brazen manipulation of language is drawing attention. Kira Rudik, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, recently said of Putin in a CNN interview: “When he says, ‘I want peace,’ this means, ‘I’m gathering my troops to kill you.’ If he says, ‘It’s not my troops,’ he means ‘It’s my troops and I’m gathering them.’ And if he says, ‘OK, I’m retreating,’ this means ‘I’m regrouping and gathering more troops to kill you.’” As a philosophy professor who studies the British author George Orwell, I am reminded by Rudik’s comments about Putin of another set of claims: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” These are the words etched onto the side of the building for the government agency called the “Ministry of Truth” in Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984,” published in 1949.' back

Moira Donegan, The Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial was an orgy of misogyny, ' For their part, Depp’s fans seem to not so much deny Depp’s alleged violence against Heard, but to approve of it. “He could have killed you,” says one viral Tiktok supporting Depp, the text superimposed over photos of Heard’s bruised face. “He had every right.” The post has more than 222,200 likes. . . . In some ways, one could see the defamation suit itself as an extension of Depp’s abuse of Heard, a way to prolong his humiliation and control over her. The only difference is that now, the legal system and the public have been conscripted to take part. This seems to be at least partly how Depp sees it. In 2016, as their marriage broke apart, Depp texted his friend Christian Carino, vowing revenge against Heard. “She is begging for global humiliation,” Depp wrote. “She is going to get it".' back

Orthonormality - Wikipedia, Orthonormality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In linear algebra, two vectors in an inner product space are orthonormal if they are orthogonal (or perpendicular along a line) unit vectors. A set of vectors form an orthonormal set if all vectors in the set are mutually orthogonal and all of unit length. An orthonormal set which forms a basis is called an orthonormal basis.' back

QED vacuum - Wikipedia, QED vacuum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The QED vacuum is the field-theoretic vacuum of quantum electrodynamics. It is the lowest energy state (the ground state) of the electromagnetic field when the fields are quantized. When Planck's constant is hypothetically allowed to approach zero, QED vacuum is converted to classical vacuum, which is to say, the vacuum of classical electromagnetism. Another field-theoretic vacuum is the QCD vacuum of the Standard Model.' back

Shira Ovide, Sheryl Sandberg’s Legacy, ' The 23-year-old Zuckerberg hired Sandberg in 2008 to figure out how to build Facebook into a large and lasting business. On that score, she succeeded beyond anyone’s dreams. But that legacy is complicated, too. . . . Sandberg spearheaded a plan to build from scratch a more sophisticated system of advertising that was largely based on what she had helped develop at Google. Ads on Facebook were tied to people’s activities and interests on the site. . . . Google and Facebook transformed product marketing from largely an art to a sometimes creepy science, and Sandberg is among the architects of that change. She shares in the credit (or blame) for developing two of the most successful, and perhaps least defensible, business models in internet history.' back

Vacuum permeability - Wikipedia, Vacuum permeability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The physical constant μ0, (pronounced "mu nought" or "mu zero"), commonly called the vacuum permeability, permeability of free space, permeability of vacuum, or [preferred name] magnetic constant, is the magnetic permeability in a classical vacuum. Vacuum permeability is derived from production of a magnetic field by an electric current or by a moving electric charge and in all other formulas for magnetic-field production in a vacuum. . . . The parameter μ0, is a measurement-system constant, not a physical constant that can be measured. It does not, in any meaningful sense, describe a physical property of the vacuum.This is why the relevant Standards Organizations prefer the name "magnetic constant", rather than any name that carries the hidden and misleading implication that μ0, describes some physical property. back

Vacuum permittivity - Wikipedia, Vacuum permittivity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The physical constant εo (pronounced as "epsilon nought" or "epsilon zero"), commonly called the vacuum permittivity, permittivity of free space or electric constant or the distributed capacitance of the vacuum, is an ideal, (baseline) physical constant, which is the value of the absolute dielectric permittivity of classical vacuum. . . . It is the capability of the vacuum to permit electric field lines. This constant relates the units for electric charge to mechanical quantities such as length and force.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2022 © Jeffrey Nicholls