natural theology

We have just published a new website that summarizes the ideas of this site. Available at Cognitive

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Sunday 26 February 2023 - Saturday 4 March

[Notebook: DB 88 Salvation]

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Sunday 26 February 2023

I have argued that Hilbert space is the logical predecessor of Minkowski space and it seems to make quite a lot of sense and explain certain features of the world like spooky action at a distance and the related existence of null geodesics. The task now is to summarise the difficulties of quantum field theory as we know it, in an abstract way that enables me to demonstrate the advantages of the Hibert space first approach in eliminating the difficulties

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in quantum field theory that arise from the apparent incompatibility of special relativity and quantum field theory. The difficulties seem to fall into two categories raised by the use of continuous mathematics to map Hilbert space onto Minkowski space: the existence of infinitesimal points; and the consequent infinites. At this point (in my intellectual development) this seems to be the problem but I still cannot state it clearly. At the moment I am trying to decide between Streater and Wightman and Zee as the sourcebook for the difficult case and I have to admit that I do not understand either of them well enough to implement my plan so I am stonkered. Take a break and have a think. This is the key issue. If I can revise quantum "field" theory, I can revise theology. Streater & Wightman (2000): PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That, Anthony Zee (2010): Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell

Here we come back to the idea that gravitation is god, the initial singularity in the flesh, in our lives, the physical version of the Eucharist, God incarnate. Energy comes into existence by another[ instance of] zero sum complexification (ZSC) ie real particle like me (actual) and gravitation (potential) Principle 4: Zero sum complexification. Feynman thought he could make it work, If this is the case, the page on memory, particles and spacetime operating system also becomes the page on gravitation.

I cannot write honestly about what I cannot understand and I feel that there is a big lump of confusion here to be muddled

[page 310]

through before I can get spacetime, gravitation, particles, null geodesics and the role of quantum computation and communication into perspective and the second development after the emergence of Hilbert space, ie the emergence of spacetime, particles and gravitation which describes the compact 4D universe in which all momentum is in fact angular momentum ie action. This may make some sense of Dirac's trick with the gamma matrices to get the square root of the momentum operator in the Schrödinger equation and Clifford algebra William E. Bayliss (2004): Relativity in Introductory Physics, John Baez (2012): Spin, Statistics, CPT and All That Jazz, Richard Feynman & Steven Weinberg (1986): Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures

By bringing forth real particles out of nothing the universe creates gravitational potential equal and opposite to the reality created.

Where does field theory go wrong? Too much emphasis on calculus, real numbers and point sources all leading to fictitious infinities, to be replaced in my plan by logical digital calculus free computation as developed in Nielsen and Chuang. Our basic problem, in a nutshell, is to [have used] the fictitious ideal of the real numbers to describe a quantized universe. Hilbert on Infinity. Have said all this before and can repeat it all in CC20_memory, since we take information and therefore memory to be digital, remembering principle 8: The information carried by a fixed point is equal to the entropy of the space it occupies. Nielsen & Chuang (2016): Quantum Computation and Quantum Information

[page 311]

Monday 27 February 2023

I am trying to weave my way through the morass of human violence which runs from nuclear war through conventional war with murder, rape and pillage to pornography, slavery and domestic violence. The source of all this, I feel, is the downside of evolution when reproduction overwhelms the available resources and the alternative to death [by starvation] is to kill. This is also built into predation and the long food chain that leads from the Sun to my personal life and the problems facing us to minimize the pain and violence along this chain by intelligent management, replacing, wherever possible, violence with cooperation. My concept is that religion is the art of peace and, since physical problems like starvation are the source of violence, theology and physics have to be brought into harmony, which is the founding idea of cognitive cosmology. The radical problem in physics and theology which seem to block their union are, in theology, that the Universe is an arbitrary creation of an omniscient and omnipotent god; and in physics that we cannot reconcile quantum mechanics and gravitation. Up to this point Page 20: Space-time—the cosmic memory and operating system I have laid out a conceptual path that may provide and answer to these problems, and now the task is to apply it.

[page 312]

1. On the theological side; The Universe is divine and creates itself.

2. on the physical side - therefore physics and theology must be consistent. Trying to state the obvious.

We have to dig deep to find harmony, and this means going back to the beginning. I am a peaceful person whose aim is to resolve every conflict without violence. I am against the waging of gratuitous war.

Maybe this week I get the project back on track, the ancient project, the toward natural religion project

Repent, ie change your mind [think again, metanoia]. In the 14 billion years since the Universe was formed a lot of facts have been established and a lot of things have changed. We see this beautifully demonstrated in the evolution of the tree of life over about 4 billion years. The tree of human culture grows and changes much more quickly than the tree of physical life, and we might place its roots somewhere in the vicinity of the emergence of our species. The theological branches of this tree can be traced back archaeologically for about 50 000 years and we have a written theologcal history of about 5000 years which has oscillated between a world that creates itseld and a creator existing outside the world. The external invisible creator is a dangerous idea because it is invisible and so

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it is not possible to check our ideas about it. Scientific method tells us that we can only trust what we can see and understand, and this is the core of the case for postulating that the universe is divine, that is has an eternal origin, and that it has grown into its current shape by its own efforts by a process similar to our own differentiation and growth. So we attempt to follow its history from the omnipotent undifferentiated God of Aquinas and many other theologians to its present state by a process of evolution, uncontrolled variation and controlled selection. At the end, this whole story is about memory, and change of memory, change of mind in a cognitive universe. Metanoia - Wikipedia, Tree of life (biology) - Wikipedia, Funerary archaeology - Wikipedia

The transfinite computer network describes the universe that exists inside the initial singularity, the creative operators which build and transform over bilions of years and centuries, bring it to its current state by a process of creation of new relationships and annihilation of old ones, working by both chance and determinism as we see in the unitary evolution of a quantum system. In a sense we might call the whole universal process in Hilbert space the universal operation, and interplay between Hilbert and Minkowski space (see Cognitive cosmology: page 18: Transfinite Minkowski space

Tuesday 28 February 2023

My first glimpse of the cognitive cosmogenesis that I am trying to describe on this site came to me while

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writing an Essay on the Divinity of Money in 1992. Jeffrey Nicholls (1992): An essay on the divinity of money

Homer Iliad: 'Of all the things that breathe and creep abut upon the earth there is nothing more piteous than man.' Homer: Iliad book 17:423-455

'For in sooth there is naught, I ween, more miserable than man among all the things that move and breathe upon the earth.'

God is feeding action into the Universe in their fertile belly and the action is zero sum bifurcating into kinetic and potential energy. The kinetic energy is me; the potential energy is expanding the divinity, as Einstein belatedly learnt. This is getting a bit closer to the music and poetry I have so long longed for as I slowly travel through hard rock deep down looking for insight, the prophet in me beginning to see some profit for all my hard work after all.

Can we say that quanta of action never die, they are prior to potential and kinetic energy which break their symmetry, but the breakage does not destroy [the quantum] its imply adds detail leaving the underlying structure, the divine action, untouched. So the entropy of the universe is the count of quanta of action that continues being fed in by the nourishing divinity and preserved forever. How do we square this with black holes?

[page 315]

Shakespeare, King Leah: How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is,
to have thankless child
. William Shakespeare (1608); King Lear act IV, scene 1

Things are becoming simple, but they have to be becasue of the heuristic of simplicity. God, gravitation, is feeding the universe by increasing its negative potential feeding the universe with positive kinetic energy and somehow this algorithm is bult into the primordial Hilbert space and the Minkowski space it engenders, a space kinetic energy divided further into fermions and bosons, whereas gravitation, if it is anything, is a 4D boson, rather like a gluon really, three colours + time.

As I get further and further away from the standard model, I get nearer to the truth, maybe.

What I am trying to do is to write a true story about how the divine world works. Something that John le Carre does in his own way and I do in mine, but on an enormously larger canvas, a universal canvas. On the boundaries of the Universe: Cantor, Gödel, Turing, Shannon.

Cognitive cosmogenesis [have just registered the .com domain] is the story of the divine universe building itself. It is the story of divine humanity building itself. It is the story. And now I can write it out as a simple

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narrative without the 10 000 or so references that I have embedded in my [other] web pages.

Wednesday 1 March 2023

Catholic theology has received no further empirical input since the thirteenth century work of Aquinas.

Thursday 2 March 2023

One of the sources of my doubt about my attempts to unite physics and theology is that it seems too good to to be true. Instead of the enormous complexity of modern attempts to harmonize particle physics and gravitation the application of the heuristic of simplicity seems to produce a clear logical picture of the first steps in the complexification of the universe by breaking the symmetry of divine action into potential and kinetic energy with the appearance of Minkowski space snd particles. I am now revising my essay on the divinity of money written 30 years ago to understand how much I have learnt since then and how the old ideas of Cantor;s paradise and the "Hilbert Oscillator" laid the foundations for what I now know [project abandoned, to be moved to].

Can we say that cash is debt, credit is potential, the dollar is the quantum of action, split into potential and action.

[page 317]

Friday 3 March 2023

Al-khalili page 20: '. . . a 40-year-old illiterate merchant named Muhammed announced in the year 610 that the angel Gabriel had appeared to him to reveal the word of God while he was meditating in a cave in Mount Hira overlooking the city.' Jim Al-Khalili (2010): Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science

So the Universe [itself] is the word of God and it is very complex but the idea in cognitive cosmogenesis is to simplify this all down to the Thomistic / quantum initial singularity and then explain how God learned to talk by a long sequence of zero sum differentiations to give us the world we have.

page 33: 'Arab science was, throughout its golden age, inextricably linked to religion.'

page 35: ' The common view is that the exciting advances . . . all began thanks to the success of a spectacularly massive translation movement — a process that lasted for two centuries — during which much of the wisdom of the earlier civilizations of the Greeks, Persians and Indians was translated into Arabic.

Why? The Abbasids: 'A huge amount of money was laid out by a large number of wealthy patrons to subsidize and pay for this movement, and translation quickly became a lucrative business.'

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The propagation of Islam was a theological - military operation based on the ancient contradiction that gods and warlords are merciful, spreading the good word by murdering infidels. This is a clear manifestation of the problem of evil built into the nature of evolution which brings about frequent confrontations of the finite nature of resources and the infinite nature of chain reactions such as the reproductive power of life leading to destructive explosions. It is the essential task of theologians and other saviours of the world to deal with this problem by explaining its source and seeking ways to avoid it.

Saturday 4 March 2023

My essay for the Banking Law Association was an attempt to follow on from my 1987 Theory of eace which emphasized the infinite nature of human cognitive space as a potential antidote to the finite nature of the space of resources. Now I wish to perfect these ideas and encapsulate them in the new website cognitive cosmogenesis which will be designed, I think, to be published as a book. I would like it to be short ad sweet because the issue is quite simple, at least in essence. I have been trying to preserve the 1992 historical integrity of the Essay on the Divinity of Money in my revision, but I see this as a

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nostalgic mistake and now I should [leave the original in place] being it up to date, using the abstraction of money as a tool for promoting eace, along the lines of the other big new site, Lust for Life. So new priorities: put lust for life on the back burner for a while and develop cognitive cosmogenesis as an essay and a website, using the layered network symmetries as an explanation of knowledge [similar to the Hilbert oscillator] and this abstract message in terms of action as a foundation for religion, ethics and politics in an effort to redevelop these subjects on a scientific rather than a military and imperial basis. The top down organizations of the Communist Party of China and the Roman Catholic Church and their autocratic supporters appear here as opposition to the growth of human space, entropy, information and peace as first hinted in the theory of peace. After only 60 years a coherent picture is emerging in my mind simple enough for me to apprehend as my physical and intellectual capacity begins to dwindle. Jeffrey Nicholls (1967): A theory of Peace

Aristotle wanted to base knowledge on causes, as most of us do, even in gossip, where we trawl endlessly for clues about why people are acting as they do. We extend the same consciousness to reality, often making up causes where none exist, and our best work is done in theology, where we attribute, knowledge, power

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and purpose to our invisible god.

The invisibility of divinity is consistent with the invisibility of all other causes, but it also gives a free hand to the ruling classes who imagine that they have god on their side, that they are god's mouthpieces on earth and can say whatever they like since no one can check and they have the power to cut down dissidence. This is why so much theology is full of miraculous contradictions and the only way to solve it is to make God real by identifying it with the universe which we know, from its evolutionary origin, to be self consistent. pope John Paul II (1983): : §331: Papal Power

Plato gave a ruling class philosophical imprimatur to the influence of the invisible heaven but Newton took a giant step toward bringing the heavens down to earth [even though he was theologically inclined] and now, with the help of quantum mechanics we can at last develop a fully grounded picture of our divine Universe. John Polkinghorne (2008): Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship, Diarmuid O'Murchu (1997): Quantum Theology : Spiritual Implications of the New Physics


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Further reading


Al-Khalili (2010), Jim, Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science, Allen Lane 2010 ' For over 700 years the international language of science was Arabic. In Pathfinders, Jim al-Khalili celebrates the forgotten pioneers who helped shape our understanding of the world. All scientists have stood on the shoulders of giants. But most historical accounts today suggest that the achievements of the ancient Greeks were not matched until the European Renaissance in the 16th century, a 1,000-year period dismissed as the Dark Ages. In the ninth-century, however, the Abbasid caliph of Baghdad, Abu Ja'far Abdullah al-Ma'mun, created the greatest centre of learning the world had ever seen, known as Bayt al-Hikma, the House of Wisdom. The scientists and philosophers he brought together sparked a period of extraordinary discovery, in every field imaginable, launching a golden age of Arabic science. Few of these scientists, however, are now known in the western world. Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, a polymath who outshines everyone in history except Leonardo da Vinci? The Syrian astronomer Ibn al-Shatir, whose manuscripts would inspire Copernicus's heliocentric model of the solar system? Or the 13th-century Andalucian physician Ibn al-Nafees, who correctly described blood circulation 400 years before William Harvey? Iraqi Ibn al-Haytham who practised the modern scientific method 700 years before Bacon and Descartes, and founded the field of modern optics before Newton? Or even ninth-century zoologist al-Jahith, who developed a theory of natural selection a thousand years before Darwin? The West needs to see the Islamic world through new eyes and the Islamic world, in turn, to take pride in its extraordinarily rich heritage. Anyone who reads this book will understand why.' 

Nielsen (2016), Michael A, and Isaac L Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press 2016 Review: A rigorous, comprehensive text on quantum information is timely. The study of quantum information and computation represents a particularly direct route to understanding quantum mechanics. Unlike the traditional route to quantum mechanics via Schroedinger's equation and the hydrogen atom, the study of quantum information requires no calculus, merely a knowledge of complex numbers and matrix multiplication. In addition, quantum information processing gives direct access to the traditionally advanced topics of measurement of quantum systems and decoherence.' Seth Lloyd, Department of Quantum Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Nature 6876: vol 416 page 19, 7 March 2002. 

Polkinghorne (2008), John, Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship, Yale University Press 2008 Jacket: 'Despite the differences of their subject matter, science and theology have a cousinly relationship, John Polkinghorne contends in his latest thought-provoking book.  From his unique perspective as both theoretical physicist and Anglican priest, Polkinghorne considers aspects of quantum physics and theology and demonstrates that the two truth-seeking enterprises are engaged in analogous rational techniques of inquiry. His exploration of the deep connections between science and theology shows with new clarity a common kinship in the search for truth.'   

Streater (2000), Raymond F, and Arthur S Wightman, PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That, Princeton University Press 2000 Amazon product description: 'PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That is the classic summary of and introduction to the achievements of Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory. This theory gives precise mathematical responses to questions like: What is a quantized field? What are the physically indispensable attributes of a quantized field? Furthermore, Axiomatic Field Theory shows that a number of physically important predictions of quantum field theory are mathematical consequences of the axioms. Here Raymond Streater and Arthur Wightman treat only results that can be rigorously proved, and these are presented in an elegant style that makes them available to a broad range of physics and theoretical mathematics.' 

Zee (2010), Anthony, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press 2010 ' Since it was first published, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell has quickly established itself as the most accessible and comprehensive introduction to this profound and deeply fascinating area of theoretical physics. Now in this fully revised and expanded edition, A. Zee covers the latest advances while providing a solid conceptual foundation for students to build on, making this the most up-to-date and modern textbook on quantum field theory available. This expanded edition features several additional chapters, as well as an entirely new section describing recent developments in quantum field theory such as gravitational waves, the helicity spinor formalism, on-shell gluon scattering, recursion relations for amplitudes with complex momenta, and the hidden connection between Yang-Mills theory and Einstein gravity. Zee also provides added exercises, explanations, and examples, as well as detailed appendices, solutions to selected exercises, and suggestions for further reading.' 


Funerary archaeology - Wikipedia, Funerary archaeology - Wikipedia, the feee encyclopedia, ' Funerary archaeology (or burial archaeology) is a branch of archaeology that studies the treatment and commemoration of the dead. It includes the study of human remains, their burial contexts, and from single grave goods through to monumental landscapes. Funerary archaeology might be considered a sub-set of the study of religion and belief. A wide range of expert areas contribute to funerary archaeology, including epigraphy, material culture studies, thanatology, human osteology, zooarchaeology and stable isotope analysis.' back

Homer, Iliad book 17:423-455, ' 445] Was it that among wretched men ye too should have sorrows? For in sooth there is naught, I ween, more miserable than man among all things that breathe and move upon earth. back

Isobel Koshiw, Kherson torture centres were planned by Russian state, say lawyers, ' Evidence collected from Kherson in southern Ukraine shows Russian torture centres were not “random” but instead planned and directly financed by the Russian state, according to a team of Ukrainian and international lawyers headed by a UK barrister. . . . The lawyers, called the Mobile Justice Team, said on Thursday they had investigated 20 torture chambers in Kherson and concluded they were part of a “calculated plan to terrorise, subjugate and eliminate Ukrainian resistance and destroy Ukrainian identity”. . . . “The mass torture chambers, financed by the Russian state, are not random but rather part of a carefully thought-out and financed blueprint with a clear objective to eliminate Ukrainian national and cultural identity,” said the British barrister Wayne Jordash, who is leading the team. More than 1,000 survivors have submitted evidence and more than 400 people have vanished from Kherson, the lawyers say.' back

Jack Shafer, Opinion | Rupert Murdoch Rides the Trump Tiger — and Gets Eaten , ' Murdoch’s pursuit of power and money, and his deft combination of the two, has always been a naked secret for those who care to inquire. These latest court filings only strip the top layer of epidermis from his hide and expose his venal essence. As late as Jan. 26, 2021, Murdoch was still so fearful of Trump that he had not executed the pivot and was still allowing stolen-election crackpot (and loyal Fox advertiser) Mike “MyPillow” Lindell a platform on the network’s Tucker Carlson Tonight show. Why allow it? Murdoch was asked. Presumably cashing Lindell’s fat checks in his mind’s eye, Murdoch replied, “It is not red or blue, it is green.”.' back

James V. Wertsch, Russia’s narrative of a Great Patriotic War in Ukraine must be buried, ' The first priority is to reassert that no national narrative justifies the invasion of a sovereign country. This applies to everyone, including the United States with our own dark chapters in Vietnam, Iraq, the Caribbean and elsewhere. But in the midst of the largest land war in Europe since 1945 and the possibility of a massive conflagration, the focus is on Russia. Putin’s incessant use of the Great Patriotic War narrative, and insistence that Russians must relive it, continue to guide his actions even in the face of mounting losses and international condemnation. This is a narrative campaign that deserves to be called out and opposed.' back

Jeffrey Nicholls (1987), A theory of Peace, ' The argument: I began to think about peace in a very practical way during the Viet Nam war. I was the right age to be called up. I was exempted because I was a clergyman, but despite the terrors that war held for me, I think I might have gone. It was my first whiff of the force of patriotism. To my amazement, it was strong enough to make even me face death.
In the Church, I became embroiled in a deeper war. Not a war between goodies and baddies, but the war between good and evil that lies at the heart of all human consciousness. Existence is a struggle. We need all the help we can get. Religion is part of that help and theology is the scientific foundation of religion.' back

Jeffrey Nicholls (1992), An essay on the divinity of money , ' The rise of science questioned revelation and the churches as sources of truth, but they have remained in existence because science still lacks the power to ask or answer the fundamental questions of life and death that concern theology. Here I outline a new scientific theology whose model of god derives not from ancient text but from the mathematical theory of text and communication itself. I propose that this model describes the universe of our experience, which is therefore fittingly called god. I then interpret this model using elements of current physical theory. These ideas are then applied to money. The movement of money is an abstract representation of the the activity of society as a whole, just as the flow of momentum in space-time is an abstract representation of the physical universe. My hypothesis is that proper understanding and political control of public cashflows is necessary and sufficient to obtain peaceful civilisation.' back

John Baez (2012), Spin, Statistics, CPT and All That Jazz, 'This is a little grab-bag of proofs of the spin-statistics theorem. Quantum mechanics says that if you turn a particle around 360°, its wavefunction changes by a phase of either +1 (that is, not at all) or -1. It also says that if you interchange two particles of the same type, their joint wavefunction changes by a phase of +1 or -1. The spin-statistics theorem says that these are not independent choices: you get the same phase in both cases! The phase you get by rotating a particle is related to its spin, while the phase you get by switching two goes by the funny name of "statistics". The spin-statistics theorem says how these are related. The theorem lays out two possibilities. Some particles change phase by +1 when you rotate one by 360° or switch two of them. These are called bosons. They include photons, the W and Z boson, and gluons. Others change phase by -1 when you rotate one by 360° or switch two of them. These are called fermions. They include protons, neutrons, electrons and neutrinos.' back

John Paul II (1983), Code of Canon Law: §331: Papal Power, ' Can. 331 The bishop of the Roman Church, in whom continues the office given by the Lord uniquely to Peter, the first of the Apostles, and to be transmitted to his successors, is the head of the college of bishops, the Vicar of Christ, and the pastor of the universal Church on earth. By virtue of his office he possesses supreme, full, immediate, and universal ordinary power in the Church, which he is always able to exercise freely. . . . §3 No appeal or recourse is permitted against a sentence or decree of the Roman Pontiff. ' back

Metanoia - Wikipedia, Metanoia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Metanoia (from the Greek μετάνοια, metanoia, changing one's mind) in the context of theological discussion, where it is used often, is usually interpreted to mean repentance. However, some people[citation needed] argue that the word should be interpreted more literally to denote changing one's mind, in the sense of embracing thoughts beyond its present limitations or thought patterns (an interpretation which is compatible with the denotative meaning of repentance but replaces its negative connotation with a positive one, focusing on the superior state being approached rather than the inferior prior state being departed from).' back

Philip Ball, Can we use quantum computers to make music?, ' The event was attended by about 150 people, who were listening to an improvised musical performance orchestrated by the Brazilian composer and computer scientist Eduardo Reck Miranda, who is currently based at the University of Plymouth in the UK. In one piece, Miranda and two colleagues were each using their own laptops, which were connected to a quantum computer over the Internet, to control – via hand gestures – the state of a quantum bit (qubit). When the state of the qubit was measured, the result dictated the characteristics of the sounds created by synthesizers back in London.' back

Richard Feynman & Steven Weinberg (1986), Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures, Foreword: John C Taylor: 'Dirac Died in 1984, and St John's College, Cambridge (Dirac's College), very generously endowed an annual lecture to be held at Cambridge University in Dirac's memory. The First two lectures, printed here, are contrasting variations of Dirac's theme of the union of quantum theory and relativity.' back

Ruchi Kumar, Al Jazeera, ‘Books they love’: A Kabul graveyard library for two schoolgirls, ' Kabul, Afghanistan – One morning in early October last year, 16-year-old cousins Marzia and Hajar Mohammadi were laid to rest next to one another in a remote graveyard on the outskirts of Kabul. Among the roses on the girls’ graves, their grieving family members placed a few of the teenagers’ favourite books – a tribute to their love of reading. . . . After Marzia and Hajar’s funeral, their 22 siblings returned regularly to the quiet, dusty, hilltop cemetery. About a week later, they found several books – mostly in Persian, some in English, and all well-worn from years of reading – left behind by strangers. The following week, there were about two dozen books – titles by Shafak, American author Rachel Hollis and Iraqi Yazidi human rights activist Nadia Murad. . . . In late October, the sturdy cabinet was brought to the graveyard and placed next to the cousins’ graves. The shelves hold about two dozen books, protected by glass doors which are left unlocked so the volumes can be easily accessed.' back

Shreegireesh Jalihal & Kumar Sambhav, Modi govt allowed Adani coal deals it knew were ‘inappropriate’, ' New Delhi, India – The Indian government granted an extraordinary favour to controversial tycoon Gautam Adani, boosting his coal business, documents reveal. After Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s office had ascertained that a particular regulation handing over coal blocks to the private sector was ‘inappropriate’ and lacked transparency, his government made an exception. It allowed Adani Enterprises Limited to mine from a block holding more than 450 million tonnes of coal in one of India’s densest forest patches. . . . But the Modi government’s decisions enabled the Adani Group, whose business fortune has risen in parallel with Modi’s political heft, to continue to mine coal, unfettered by the court ruling as well as the government’s own policy decisions that put many other private players at a disadvantage. To date, the company has mined more than 80 million tonnes of coal from the block.' back

Tree of life (biology) - Wikipedia, Tree of life (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The tree of life or universal tree of life is a metaphor used to describe the relationships between organisms, both living and extinct, as described in a famous passage in Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859).' back

William E. Bayliss (2004), Relativity in Introductory Physics, 'A century after its formulation by Einstein, it is time to incorporate special relativity early in the physics curriculum. The approach advocated here employs a simple algebraic extension of vector formalism that generates Minkowski spacetime, displays covariant symmetries, and enables calculations of boosts and spatial rotations without matrices or tensors. The approach is part of a comprehensive geometric algebra with applications in many areas of physics, but only an intuitive subset is needed at the introductory level. The approach and some of its extensions are given here and illustrated with insights into the geometry of spacetime.' back

William Shakespeare (1608), King Lear act IV, scene 1, ' GLOUCESTER He has some reason, else he could not beg. I’ th’ last night’s storm, I such a fellow saw, Which made me think a man a worm. My son Came then into my mind, and yet my mind Was then scarce friends with him. I have heard more since. As flies to wanton boys are we to th’ gods; They kill us for their sport. [35-42] back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2023 © Jeffrey Nicholls