natural theology

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Sunday 2 April 2023 - Saturday 8 April

[Notebook: DB 88 Salvation]

[page 366]

Sunday 2 April 2023

Have said it before and I will say it again. Kinematics is formal sequence of events without any intrinsic causality, the sequence established by some other method such as running a film or a computer process. Dynamic or causal means that the events occurring are a causal sequence involving some sort of forces, like actually walking with all the physiological chain from food to muscle contraction happening in real time.

The key idea is to replace the whole notion of quantum fluctuation with the divine emission of action. Here is the radical theoretical error exposed in the cosmological constant problem. Cosmological constant problem - Wikipedia

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (film) - Wikipedia – a work of art. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (film) - Wikipedia

The data behind quantum chromodynamics was collected over many years with very complex and sophisticated equipment using very innovative methods. The data is very precise. The interpretstion, like the rest of quantum field theory, is ratshit, built on radical misunderstandings of the role of mathematics in physics.

Monday 3 April 2023

Here we come to the critical part of my critique and interpretation of quantum field theory. My ambition is

[page 367]

far greater than my ability, but I must do what I can to build my new picture of the world by always seeking clear foundations from the beginning of the world, the divine sequence of action. Quantum mechanics is deprecated as a random affair when in fact the quantization of communication is more precise than the continua of classical physics. The precision is to be found in eigenvalues. The probabilistic element is what causes the choice of precision utterance to be made. I may speak at random, but each speech must be considered and precise, like a quantum eigenvalue, a clear and distinct idea in the mind of the universe. We contrast this with the prevailing idea that the vacuum is a seething maelstrom of quantum uncertainty

Badgehot: Be very careful; don't let daylight shine in on your magic. Walter Bagehot (1826 -1877)

Tuesday 4 April 2023
Wednesday 5 April 2023

Tuesday spent preparing documents to restore peace to this house. Cognitive Cosmology and force: information exerts a force on receptive sources, which may explain the factor of 1040 difference between electromagnetism and gravitation.

Feynman's path integral approach maps quantum phase represented by complex functions onto Minkwski space, which is exactly the opposite of what I propose.

[page 368]

I still have a long way to go interpreting my picture but I think the important thing about the Turing network model is its vast potential entropy and the replacement of operators in Hilbert space with computers in Minkowski space which act as the front end to the quantum processes that underlie observations in Minkowski (= dynamic) space. I am at present working through cc23_quantum_field as a preparation for updating cc24_chromodynamics, and then I will work back up through 22, 22, 20 etc to get them to fit more closely to the final story. I hope that I can see some more light as I go along and find a way to map the computer network model onto the vacuum quantum fluctuation model that currently occupies the stage and introduces impossibilities like infinities and point sources through its adhesion to continuous mathematics. Vacuum is a word for empty space. My version of empty space is the divinity full of angels which we understand to represent the divine basis vectors which, taken as a whole, represent a long piece of music [stretching across the life of the universe] (sound) which can be Fourier transformed into a [transfinite] computer network [executing the life of the universe].

Thursday 6 April 2023

[page 369]

cc19_fixed_points: Angels formally identical to vectors in Hilbert space, perhaps identical to eigenvectors. Aquinas, Summa I, 50, 4: Is every angel a different species?

Networks involve waiting for synchronization, memory and buffering.

Finding viable software in a Fourier transform of a Hilbert space is like the natural selection of finding an eigenvalue in a matrix.

Friday 7 April 2023: a.k.a. GOOD FRIDAY

Today we celebrate the idea that the Christian God gave themself up to be tortured to death to save the world from imperialism, in this case the Roman forces occupying Palestine. Conditions in Palestine have not improved. The country is still occupied, this time by the proxies of the US Imperium.

My ownlife has been on a similar track, although I have never had the slightest intention of sacrificing my life to the cause. I unwittingly sacrificed myself to the imperialist Christian heirs to the Roman emporer Constantine by joining the Dominican Order. This religious order was and is part of the Military Theological Complex that ran the medieval Crusade against Christian heretics in the Middle ages, a project run by the Holy Inquisition whose descendants are still a dominant force in many theocratic societies around the world.

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After five years the Order let me go for heresy, but the seeds of my life's work were sown. Now, 60 years later, I have woken on a Good Friday morning with the conviction, arising from much 'soul searching' that I have the answer to imperialism. The imperialists believe that power comes from above, from the creator of the world, a warlord who enforces their hegemony by military violence, sometimes, in its more mature stages, disguised as love and compassion. This follows naturally since deceptive propaganda is a lot cheaper and often as effective as military violence, probably the most expensive endeavour undertaken by the forces of evil on Earth.

My initial (and continuing) heresy is that power comes from below, not from above, and that the creator is not an omniscient god, but an eternal source of action, formally identical to the Christian God of Aquinas, which has come to be called the initial singularity. This entity is the source of discrete quanta of action which we represent mathematically as orthogonal vectors in Hilbert space, or in poetic language as angels, spiritual creatures distinguished from one another by their formal structure rather like the natural numbers. We postulate that like natural numbers there are a countable infinity [of them]. These beings exist before the emergence of space and time and are the

[page 371]

source of the universe. They are kinematic, superposed upon one another and are equinumerous with the set of Turing machines to which they are coupled by forward and reverse Fourier transformations. From the computational point of view, they explain the network strucure of the universe.

The Fourier transformation from Hilbert space to an equivalent Turing network space is reversible and we can imagine that some of the Turing results are closed circuits representing stable groups which we can identify with eigenvectors (fixed points) and eigenvalues in matrix mechanics. Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia

We can now try to apply the "Turing vacuum" to the chromodynamic problem. What we are talking about is that the gluons and quarks cannot exist independently but need the complex little hadron ecosystem to survive and when the energy is available they will do it, creating a new hadron. All the screening and anti-screening is ad hoc rubbish.

Saturday 8 April 2023

On the one hand my theological story seems to be going like magic and on the other I feel that I have completely lost confidence in it. What is right?

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I keep going back to basics to find a solid foundation. A divine initial singularity creates a Hilbert space of singing angels. A Fourier transform turning this music into a logical network whose continuous elements form the fixed points we observe in this world, as I observe myself each morning waking up, getting dressed, drinking coffee and going to work. But is my heart in it? Am I so fixed on all the stories of the Catholic Church and nuclear physics that I cannot let them go. Revolution is a painful and uncertain process best served by blind faith and hope spurred by hopelessness?

I feel like a shrinking anemone, unable to stand up for my story which, although it seems better than the old chasm between matter and spirit, has still to win my subconscious seal of approval. What is missing? Where is my weak point? Lack of empirical and numerical verification? The answer to this might be to continue the shift toward logical and concise symbolic reasoning and play down the physicists claim to multidigit coincidences between measurement and computation which are possibly obtained by liberal use of fudge factors in renormalization, screening and anti-screening.

Maybe the time has come to seek help and profit from 'angel' investors, and aim for the cleaned up and compressed

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version of my story as cognitive cosmogenesis, modelled on cognitive cosmology.

Like most practical operations (in my erstwhile building trade, for instance) each operation is surrounded by an aura of possible failure, (a nail might bend or a load might slip) writing also has a failure spectrum when the choice of words and their order can lead to a failure of accurate communication. This problem is particularly acute in my chosen region of operation, the attempt to harmonize physics and theology. These two disciplines span the ancient dichotomy between matter sand spirit, so language is heavily stressed by the distance to be covered. My choice of insight, communication, logic and computation seems to be best suited to bridge this gap. Since it must be done, I will conitnue with the cognitive cosmology project [because I can] even though it is just an approximation to the picture I am trying to capture.

END DB 88 Salvation

Next Volume:

Cognitive Cosmogenesis, 9 April 2023 →


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Alan Light, How Cold War Politics Destroyed One of the Most Popular Bands in America, ' Last year, Rolling Stone compiled a list of “The 50 Worst Decisions in Music History.” Near the top, alongside very high-profile errors in judgment like Decca Records’ rejection of the Beatles, there was a much less familiar episode: the time Blood, Sweat & Tears embarked on an Eastern European concert tour, underwritten by the State Department while the Vietnam War was raging. . . . Now the band members are telling their side of this bizarre story in the new documentary “What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears?” While everyone involved agrees with Rolling Stone’s conclusion — that the band’s career never recovered from that 1970 tour — the saga turns out to be more complicated than was previously known. “This isn’t a music doc, it’s a political thriller,” the director John Scheinfeld said in a telephone interview. “It’s about a group of guys who unknowingly walked into this rat’s nest, and how political forces impacted a group of individuals".' back

Aquinas, Summa I, 50, 4, Is every angel a different species?, ' . . . such things as agree in species but differ in number, agree in form, but are distinguished materially. If, therefore, the angels be not composed of matter and form, as was said above (Article 2), it follows that it is impossible for two angels to be of one species; just as it would be impossible for there to be several whitenesses apart, or several humanities, since whitenesses are not several, except in so far as they are in several substances.' back

Cosmological constant problem - Wikipedia, Cosmological constant problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In cosmology, the cosmological constant problem or vacuum catastrophe is the disagreement between the observed values of vacuum energy density (the small value of the cosmological constant) and theoretical large value of zero-point energy suggested by quantum field theory. Depending on the Planck energy cutoff and other factors, the discrepancy is as high as 120 orders of magnitude, a state of affairs described by physicists as "the largest discrepancy between theory and experiment in all of science" and "the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics".' back

Eduado Medina & April Rubin, Remains of Nearly 5,000 Native Americans Will Be Returned, U.S. Says, ' The remains of nearly 5,000 Native Americans that were excavated long ago from earthen burial mounds by the Tennessee Valley Authority could soon be returned to their tribes, now that the agency has announced it is prepared to repatriate them after a decades-long wait. . . .. Beginning on April 28, tribes across the country will be able to request that those remains be returned, the T.V.A. said. More than 1,000 funerary objects — which, like the remains, are still under the agency’s control — will also be returned. . . . .. “When you think about having relatives’ remains and cultural items returned to where they belong, it’s not just about that process of going back,” said Beth Wright, a staff attorney at the Native American Rights Fund and a citizen of the Pueblo of Laguna tribe. “It’s about the healing that comes along with that.” . . .. As of last year, remains of more than 108,000 Native Americans, along with more than 765,000 artifacts, were known to be held by museums, universities and federal agencies, according to the National Park Service.' back

Elisabetta Povoleo, Vatican Repudiates ‘Doctrine of Discovery,’ Used as Justification for Colonization, ' The Vatican formally repudiated on Thursday the “Doctrine of Discovery,” a legal concept based on 15th-century papal documents that European colonial powers used to legitimize the seizure and exploitation of Indigenous lands in Africa and the Americas, among other places. The decision comes after decades of demands from Indigenous people to rescind the doctrine, which was used for centuries to “expropriate Indigenous lands and facilitate their transfer to colonizing or dominating nations,” according to one United Nations forum.' back

Georgi Gospodinov, Putin doesn’t want the war to end – he wants to blast us back to the 40s Soviet era, ' The war in Ukraine has actually returned central and eastern Europe to Europe. From the periphery there is a hypersensitivity to what is impending, an ability to pick up the scent of alarm in the air. Eastern Europe has learned to sense danger with its skin. For this reason, I will allow myself to put it this way: don’t underestimate the books, essays, and poems from this corner of Europe. Decode the symbols in them. Words don’t stop tanks and don’t down drones. But they can (can’t they?) stop, delay or at least cause those in the tanks who make war on innocent people hesitate, at least for a bit. Words can help those who are deluded by fake news and propaganda. back

Joshua Conrad Jackson & Brock Bastian, Supernatural beliefs have featured in every society throughout history. New research helps explain why, ' Religion is a human universal. For thousands of years, humans have held religious beliefs and participated in religious rituals. Throughout history, every human society has featured some kind of supernatural or religious belief. Why is religion so prevalent? One reason is that it’s a powerful tool for explanation. The world is a mysterious place, and was even more mysterious before the rise of modern science. Religion can be a way of making sense of this mystery. . . .. Our international research team has pursued this question over the past five years, by surveying ethnographies from societies around the world and throughout history. We found societies are overwhelmingly more likely to have supernatural beliefs that concern “natural” phenomena, rather than “social” phenomena.' back

Mahima Kaila (2023), What are microaggressions? And how can they affect our health?, ' Microaggressions are seemingly innocuous verbal, behavioural or environmental slights against members of minority communities. The term microaggressions was coined by American psychiatrist Chester Pierce in his 1970 essay Offensive Mechanisms. He explained: Most offensive actions are not gross and crippling. They are subtle and stunning. The enormity of the complications they cause can be appreciated only when one considers that these subtle blows are delivered incessantly. Even though any single negotiation of offence can in justice be considered of itself to be relatively innocuous, the cumulative effect to the victim and to the victimiser is of an unimaginable magnitude. While originally conceived in the context of race relations, microaggressions may also relate to gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, weight, or a combination of these.' back

Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia, Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In the field of digital signal processing, the sampling theorem is a fundamental bridge between continuous-time signals (often called "analog signals") and discrete-time signals (often called "digital signals"). It establishes a sufficient condition for a sample rate that permits a discrete sequence of samples to capture all the information from a continuous-time signal of finite bandwidth.' back

Oswald J. Schmitz et. al., Trophic rewilding can expand natural climate solutions, 'Natural climate solutions are being advanced to arrest climate warming by protecting and enhancing carbon capture and storage in plants, soils and sediments in ecosystems. These solutions are viewed as having the ancillary benefit of protecting habitats and landscapes to conserve animal species diversity. However, this reasoning undervalues the role animals play in controlling the carbon cycle. We present scientific evidence showing that protecting and restoring wild animals and their functional roles can enhance natural carbon capture and storage. We call for new thinking that includes the restoration and conservation of wild animals and their ecosystem roles as a key component of natural climate solutions that can enhance the ability to prevent climate warming beyond 1.5°C.' back

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (film) - Wikipedia, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (Swedish: Luftslottet som sprängdes, lit. 'The castle in the sky[a] that was blown up') is a 2009 Swedish-Danish crime thriller film with German co-production directed by Daniel Alfredson from a screenplay by Ulf Rydberg and produced by Søren Stærmose, based on the 2007 novel of the same name by Swedish writer Stieg Larsson, the third entry in his Millennium series. Starring Noomi Rapace and Michael Nyqvist, it was the third and final installment of the film series, released two months following The Girl Who Played with Fire. It also marked the final film appearance of Per Oscarsson, who died in a house fire on 31 December 2010.' back

Walter Bagehot (1826-77), English economist and essayist, 3 Above all things our royalty is to be reverenced, and if you begin to poke about it you cannot reverence it…Its mystery is its life. We must not let in daylight upon magic. The English Constitution (1867) ‘The Monarchy (continued)’ back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2023 © Jeffrey Nicholls