Natural Theology

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Sunday 5 November 2023 - Saturday 11 November 2023

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Sunday 5 November 2023

Is my mind a quantum harmonic oscillator with no rest position but zero point energy ½ℏω? The claim is that if a particle

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sits at the bottom of a potential well position and momentum will be simultaneously exact which would violate the uncertainty principle. This may be true in Minkowski space but it cannot be true in Hilbert space where neither position no momentum have meaning and stationary states [only formally (kinematically)] exist as solutions to the eigenvalue equation. Nevertheless, my consciousness as measured by an emotional variable which I might call good feeling seems to fluctuate between elation and despair on a regular basis. My stabilizer is rational argument which shows me that all is well with me in survival terms so I have nothing concrete to worry about even if my dreams do not come true.

In order to make my work theological and comprehensible it cannot be a treatise on quantum mechanics, but might instead take the view that quantum computation can do anything that a Turing machine can do and maybe a bit more so that cc22_networkQED covers the ground from my point of view with the additional point that Hilbert space gives us an algebraically complete field of variation from which to make the universe. It is in effect a more general vacuum that the Turing vacuum which is capable (through Fourier and Shannon-Nyquist) of expressing anything speakable and so humanly comprehensible. This must go in cc23_QFT. These words make me happy. A bit like a musician discovering a riff, perhaps. Fourier transform - Wikipedia, Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia, John Bell (1987: Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics

[page 347]

page 328: Einstein on the point of departure of QFT - he studied the thermal equilibrium of an atomic gas in interaction with electromagnetic radiation. He used this setup to derive Planck's law. See Pais 1982. Abraham Pais (1986): Inward Bound: Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World

Pais (1986) page 329: 'It is a weakness of the theory that it leaves time and direction of elementary processes to chance' [because of the weak coupling between Hilbert and Minkowski space?]. Heisenberg and Schrödinger have given us 'a mechanics modified in the sense of the quantum hypothesis'. The beginning of QED was the modification necessary for the calculation of the coefficients of spontaneous and induced emission and induces absorption of photons.

'field quantization' not 'second quantization'.

page 330: Dirac 1929: Scattering a photon on an electron is not a two body problem but an infinitely many body problem [it is one to one at every moment but if you watch it long enough you will see lots of variations which can be averaged to give the infinitely many body answer].

' The theoretical approach to the structure of matter began with Dirac's two papers presented in early 1927, Proc. RS A 112, 661, 1926; A 114, 243 1927; 114, 710, 1927. P. A. M. Dirac (1926): On the Theory of Quantum Mechanics, Dirac (1927): The Quantum Theory of Dispersion

Heisenberg on QFT: ' "Here in electrodynamics, it does not become simple. Well, you could do the theory, but it still never became that simple".'

Monday 6 November 2023

The days go by. Have I really got anything to say. Jesus said love one another. Constantine said kill the unbelievers and this seems to have been the basic religious stance for a long time. We learn from quantum field theory that the Universe is both complex and democratic in that the

[page 348]

numbers = probabilities rule. The hydrogen atom is peaceful because the quantum of action determines the stable orbits which in turn determine the values of photon energy that are accepted and rejected as we see in the lines of the spectrum [these lines being slightly displaced by the energy of the vacuum, eg the Lamb shift]. Lamb shift - Wikipedia

We would like to extend the model through symmetry with respect to complexity to seek acceptable 'laws' for the administration of society. The fundamental organizing principle in an atom is the nucleus. Galaxies are organized by a big black hole. What massive principle organizes humanity? Symmetry (one species) and justice. Kenan Malik: In the Middle East, as in Greek tragedy, justice must prevail over moral absolutism

Pais 1986 page 350: Each instance of particle interaction is singular [because the particles are distinct localized entitites], governed by the quantum of action E = ℏω. Quantum of action = distributive justice.

' The simple problem of the scattering of a photon and an electron is no longer a two-body problem, it is an infinitely many problem'. Just like a just interaction between two people which involves (by proxy) everyone on the planet. Yui Yazaki (2017): How the Klein–Nishina formula was derived: Based on the Sangokan Nishina Source Materials

page 354: The Casimir effect. Casimir effect - Wikipedia

page 361: Heisenberg 1972: ' "I think the discovery of antimatter was perhaps the highest jump of all the big jumps in our century".' Big Dirac quantum, annihilate an old idea, create a new one, in cognitive space coupled to real space.

Pais (1986) page 266: 'Linearity is the real novelty, directly related to superposition'. So foundations of Justice: quantum and linearity. Dirac (1983): The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th ed)

[page 349]

Pais page 361; '[Dirac's] strong discontent with quantum electrodynamics led him to the conviction that one should scrap the theory and seek a new starting point.'

Page 362: Heisenberg to Pauli 1935: 'We know that everything is wrong.'

1935 - 1945: 'decade of uncertainty'

Pais page 370: [My note]: [an electron is] now a piece of software, a [quantum] subroutine of the universe.

page 371: Einstein (1919): Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of material elementary particles? [For my yes, see page 17: Gravitation and quantum theory—in the beginning]. Albert Einstein (1919): Do gravitational fields . . .

page 373: ' The battle with infinities continues to be raged to this day'. Like all battles it is based on a false premise. The problems are purely mathematical, not observed, and so scientifically—empirically—wrong.

page 388: Dirac: ' "I really spend my life trying to find better equations for quantum electrodynamics, and so far without success, but I continue to work on it".' (At age 75).

Me too. What is an equation? a coupling E = mc2. What is the most general form of a coupling? A speech, a string of meaningful symbols. The meaning comes from the tacit dimension. The tacit dimension of the Universe is the new god, the quantum initial singularity, whose primary bifurcation into continuous gravitational potential and discrete quantum particles which carry information and derive their dynamic reality from gravitational potential. See Einstein (1919) above. Michael Polanyi (1966, 2009): The Tacit Dimension

'Renormalization has reduced the many infinities of quantum electrodynamics to three fundamental ones, those of mass and charge and non-

[page 350]

measurable vacuum quantities'.

Pais (1986) page 454 Maxwell: ' "Experimental science is continually revealing to us new forms of natural processes and we are thus compelled to search for new forms of thought appropriate to these features".'

page 463: 'the theory of photons and electrons cannot predict the electron's mass regardless of the renormalization issue simply because m is its only mass scale. m is therefore as uncalculable in that theory as is Planck's constant h in quantum theory or the light velocity c in relativity.

page 464: ' Beginning with O(α2) one finds in the guts of the radiative corrections contributions from all the species of charged particles in the physical world.'

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Questions: Do I really believe that the Universe is divine? Yes. Is this opinion consistent with modern QFT and QCD? Yes and No. I think there are some difficulties in the mathematical descriptions of what is happening. Pais gives a detailed chronology is the growth of the theory from the middle of the nineteenth century to the 1980s, but there are assumptions of infinity and ad hoc cures that do not appeal to me so I propose that we go from using the content of mathematics to the method of creating and proving mathematics to

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seek explanations of the world. In cc22_network_QED I fit a logical / computational view of the world to QED and the fit seems good. A model built on classical computation fits the classical world that we see in our lives and laboratories. A proof of this is Wilczek's demonstration of a set of equations and computations that fit the data of deep inelastic scattering from which we have derived QCD. My difficulty lies with the enormous amount of classical computation needed to model a moment in the life of a proton. So in theory at least, we have to go deeper, into quantum computation that we know is the real substrate of the world, illustrated by Feynman's "dammit":

And I'm not happy with all the analyses that go with just the classical theory, because nature isn't classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical, and by golly it's a wonderful problem, because it doesn't look so easy. Richard P. Feynman (1981): Simulating Physics with Computers

So this is the task of this page cc23_quantum_field. We replace the notion of field derived from Einstein's gravitation and general covariance with the notion of interpersonal relations first hinted in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and conceive of the structure of the Universe as a giant mind whose internal processes, described by quantum theory, is the meeting of layer after layer of small minds gradually building up into a community that describes the whole, beginning with the simplest, the quantum initial singularity which implements the first instance of Darwinian variation and selection. [This] has continued and expanded for fourteen billion years to create the world that we inhabit. The payoff from all this is for us to understand how we, a set of personalities, can learn from the creation of the Universe, to live in peace with one another and the Universe that has created us. Now after another

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night of worry and despair I am back on track. Pais's story of the struggles of physicists to read and understand the world, permeated with long periods of apparently fruitless struggle, reflect what I have been through personally to get this far. On this page I will recite some of the lessons I have learned and [apply them] on page cc24_chromodynamics. The whole idea is that the history of the discovery of the Universe follows the history of the creation of the Universe in the inverse order, from the top down, inward bound.

Dirac (1926) page 6: ' "It should be noted that the choice of the time t as the variable in the elements of the matrices representing the variable quantities is quite arbitrary and any function of t and the qs that increases steadily would do".' Because all the equations in Hilbert space are kinematic. ' "The present theory thus accounts for the absorption and stimulated emission of radiation and shows that the elements of the matrices representing the total polarization determine the transition probabilities".'

The role of physics in partnership with theology is to bring theology down from the heavens and connect it to observable reality. From this point of view we understand physics to embrace anything observable in the world, so it embraces chemistry and biology and the study of information which is physical and serves as the coupling between physics and theology.

[page 353]

Pais, 1982, Subtle Abraham Pais (1982): 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein

Epigraph: ' "Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind. Nature hides her secret because of her essential loftiness, but not by means of a ruse".'

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Einstein 1951: ' "The antipathy of these scholars toward atomic theory indubitably be traced to their positivistic philosophical attitude. This is an interesting example of the fact that even scholars of audacious spirit and fine instinct can be obstructed in the interpretation of fact by philosophical prejudices. The prejudice—which has by no means died out in the meantime—consists in the faith that the facts by themselves can and should yield scientific knowledge without free conceptual construction. Such a misconception is possible only because one does not easily become aware of the free choice of such concepts, which through verification and long usage appear to be immediately connected to the empirical material.'

The basic idea of [this] whole site is that physics connects to theology by providing the discrete material particles that encode the information which is the physical substance of the spirit. Rolf Landauer (1999): Information is a Physical Entity

Pais page 30: Einstein: 'What I found in the quantum domain are only occasional insights or fragments which were produced in the course of fruitless struggles with the grand problem.' Now we know that quantum

[page 354]

mechanics represents a conversation between two conscious sources, ie sources with complex interior states like nuclei or people, plants, animals, atoms or elementary particles.

page 31: [Einstein's grand design] 'was to be a theory of particles and fields in which general relativity and quantum theory would be synthesized. This he failed to achieve.'

page 34: 'The theories that have gradually been associated with what has been observed have led to an unbearable accumulation of independent assumption.'

Air is the ether of birdsong.

page 243: Newton's bucket: 'we have no means of distinguishing a "centrifugal field" from the gravitational field and therefore we may consider the centrifugal field to be a gravitational field. Bucket argument - Wikipedia

'According to our theory there do not exist independent qualities of space.'

page 252: 'One may choose a coordinate system at one's convenience simply because coordinate systems have no objective meaning.' But meetings of dynamic systems do,

Thursday 9 November 2023

QED provided a paradigm for quantum field theory and it has been very successful from a numerical point of view for two reasons. The first is that the coupling constant between electrons and photons

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is quite small, about 0.1, so as we move to more complex diagrams although the number of couplings increases, the perturbative contribution of each new order of interaction decreases as the coupling exponentiated to the order, so eg, it is about a thousand times smaller in the 4th order than the first. The second is that the properties of the electron and the photon are known very precisely so that renormalization can be performed effectively. The principal problem, arising from the use of continuous distances is the incidence of mathematical infinities in the model which are not observed in reality. The fact that the massless gauge particle, the photon, operates as a link between Hilbert and Minkowski space also simplifies the conceptual problems since the phase of the photon remains invariant from creation to annihilation, the difficulties begin to increase when we move to the next most complex interaction, the weak interaction associated with beta radiation. Richard Feynman (1988): QED: The Strange Story of Light and Matter

My picture of the creation of the world is based on evolution, and I place my faith in the process of evolution to solve problems whose existence I am not aware of and to solve problems (like quantum limited hearing in cats) which require a radical understanding of quantum theory and quantum noise. So I cannot and do not claim to understand the actual real practices underlying the discipline we call field theory which we must eventually know the truth of and understand how the world we are catching glimpses of really works. Nevertheless,

[page 356]

in my work on cognitive cosmology and the idea I propose here of the "Turing vacuum", that is the set of Turing computable functions which the evolutionary process has had to choose from to create the world (if it is fact that quantum computation is isomorphic to Turing computation). If in fact quantum computation is more powerful we would have to give the process of evolution an even larger set of computable functions to be used to design a stable world, the world which we live in, at least to a close approximation in which we may find the structure of some hadrons to be in fact perfectly stable. William Bialek & Allan Schweitzer (1985): Quantum Noise and the Threshold of Hearing

Is there a ground state? What is it? Does it have energy or is it a kinematic zero where nothing happens? If it is to be a Hilbert space it must have at least one basis state. Then another basis state arises which is superposed on the original and the two are the normalized to 1 and the system goes on like that growing more states but always being normalized [so that if it is ever observed, only one state will show t a time]. When measured it reveals one of its states what coincides with one of the states of the measurement operator [with a probability depending on the distance between the measured and the measuring state]. Then we measure some other object and we get a different result. In other words the Universe in Minkowski space is divided into distinct particles which have their own private Hilbert spaces which contain all the states which we will observe if we look at them. The basis real unit is the atom with all its electronic states which we can observe in it and under that is a nucleus with states of its own distinguished by energy like all

[page 357]

the energy levels of the atomic electrons. How does this all work if Hilbert space is prior to Minkowski space and not mapped onto it but in some way mapped 'inside' it.

Is Hilbert space inherently kinematic, the foundation of dynamic Minkowski space?

Pais page 266: 'As I have stressed repeatedly the theory of 1905 was purely kinematic in character. . . . By contrast, general relativity consists of an intricate web of new kinematics and new dynamics. Its one kinematic novelty was perfectly transparent from the start: Lorentz invariance is deprived of its global validity but continues to play a central role as local invariance. . . . Yet even on the purely classical level no one today would claim to have a full grasp of the rich dynamic content of the nonlinear dynamics called general relativity.'

The difference between kinematics and dynamics depends on how we understand the symbols. Dynamic symbols are energized, that is alive and self moving. Kinematic symbols are lifeless puppets, moved by dynamic symbols. Aristotle got it in the beginning. Plato's forms are kinematic. The unmoved mover is dynamic, pure action [divine]. Unmoved mover - Wikipedia

Note transcribed from Pais page 273: 'Structure of the continuum is a contradiction in terms. The continuum is by definition structureless. The misunderstanding lies at the bottom of point set theory, since the points of the continuum are presumed to have identity [identified (named) by real and higher transfinite numbers].'

[page 358]

Friday 10 November 2023

Rudderless on quantum theory. I accept that it has problems but I want to fix it (a roaring mouse). What is my prescription? Replace the 'vacuum' with my quantum initial singularity. Replace continuous mathematics with quantum logic. Get my foot in the door with a logical description of the interaction between atoms and radiation, ie rephrase QED as the paradigm of QFT in [quantum] logical terms which means reinterpreting Feynman's QED.

Order of Feynman diagrams / linking in computer networks / continuity - correlation metric / distance - Born rule / distance - Feynman path integral / superposition - brain function.

The process of evolution creates new algorithms for survival in a changing environment. Much of the human environment is dominated by thought control as practised by the historical Roman Catholic Church, maintaining its doctrinal based by killing dissidents, a process perfected in the Stalinist days of Russia and widely practised by absolutists like the Chinese Communist Party whose power, like the power of Google, comes from constraining the selective environment. Armstrong (2001): Holy War: The Crusades and their impact on today's world, Richard McGregor (2010): The Party: The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers, Mark Blaskovich (2023): How do bacteria actually become resistant to antibiotics?

The basic idea is to instigate the logical algorithmic creation model from the beginning on the basis that a matrix in Hilbert space is an algorithm, which transforms a function creating a new algorithm. So we look for the quantum mechanical transformation

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between different Turing compatible functions which transformations may themselves be Turing computable so we can imagine evolution picking certain algorithms out of the space of all turing computations, elements of the turing vacuum.

Idea is one thing. Implementing it is another, taking care of details. The problem is to get rid of the point particles and zero distances and the obvious answer lies in the finite size of the quantum of action, a kinematic measure in Hilbert space, a unit of angular momentum in Minkowski space, which couples mass, radius and peripheral velocity. How does this apply to the photon and gluon (and also to the Ws and Z)?

Pais page 289: Einstein's desiderata: 1. Unify gravitation and electromagnetism (gravitation is code free), EM is coded which explains the difference in terms of knowledge and ignorance. 2. derive quantum physics from a causal theory (it is in the Schrödinger equation and is reversible. The randomness enters at the interface of Hilbert and Minkowski. States are distinguished in Hilbert space by not being entangled. 3. Particles to be singularity free solutions to continuous fields. Continuity is logical and involves discrete operators / algorithms whose completeness is measured by the quantum of action being a full circle on the polar complex plane.

Art is the consequence of complexified sexual reproduction, the initial vital source of pleasure that led me into the monastery and out of the monastery.

Pais page 289 (cont): [Einstein believed] that all reference to the Newtonian mechanical world picture should be eradicated. Per contra every event in the world is a meeting of discrete personalities each of which is the source of the quantum of action that constitutes their meeting, ie a quantum of action is in Aristotelian terms a 'sharing of ends' ie a quantum of action takes 2, it is an act of love or violence. Aristotle (continuity): Physics V, iii, 227a10 sqq

page 290: '. . . general relativity brings a new perspective to energy-momentum conservation: gravitation alone constrains its own sources to satisfy the laws.' Built into the zero energy universe.' Zero-energy universe - Wikipedia

page 325: Einstein to Klein: ' "It seems to me that you highly overrate the value of formal points of view. These may be valuable when an already found truth needs to be formulated in a final form, but fail almost always as heuristic aids".' Which makes it seem a bit weird that he is always calculating to try to find the final theory.

page 328: Einstein to Weyl: ' "Ultimately it must turn out that action densities must not be glued together additively".' Right, the glue must be logical, sufficiently strong to account for the 10E42 difference between electricity and gravitation, and dipolarity, an extension of the division of gravitational energy into potential and kinetic. Maybe he uses formalism because it simplified things. Albert Einstein (1933): On the Method of Theoretical Physics: Herbert Spencer Lecture 1933

[page 361]

Why does the Universe work arithmetically? Because it obeys set theory and is composed of discrete identifiable events indexed by the information that they carry. Prove this. What about boson? Each carries a discrete amount of energy, even if they are indistinguishable.

So the world is quantum mechanical. Quantum mechanics is the science of communication between complex sources. Communication is quantized, so the Universe obeys set theory and physics is a numerical science.

Saturday 11 November 2023

Pais page 378: Einstein: ' "We must consider the following theorem to be the basis of Planck's theory: the energy of a [Planck oscillator] can only take those values that are integer multiples f = ; in emission and absorption the energy of the Planck oscillator] changes by jumps which are multiples of ".' This is the beginning of quantum field theory which operates at the level where particles are so simple that they cannot change, so change requires the annihilation of one particle and the creation of another (a jump). A quantum jump in an atom is possible because the atom has a large (infinitish) set of internal states. Nevertheless ab interaction with a photon requires the creation or annihilation of a photon and the corresponding annihilation and creation of an orbital state. The ground state of an atom cannot be annihilated to emit a photon because its angular momentum is already zero.

[page 362]

So we can say that the core issue in quantum field theory is the creation and annihilation of particles, running from black body radiation to the LHC where high energy particles are collided with one another to see what comes out. This is basically just quantum observation, using the collision of particles to observe one another. The results of such an observation are the particles that come out of the collision.

Pais page 382: Einstein to Besso: ' "All these fifty years of pondering have not brought me any close to answering the question, What are light quanta?" '

page 375: Light quantum paper March 1905: On a heuristic point of view concerning the production and transformation of light

page 376: ' The March paper was Einstein's only contribution that he himself called revolutionary.'

page 383: ' Einstein's March paper is the second of the revolutionary papers of the old quantum theory. It main discoveries concerned quantum rules for stationary states of matter and of pure radiation. By and large, no comparable breakthroughs occurred in regard to the most difficult of all questions concerning electromagnetic phenomena: the interaction between matter and radiation. The advances became possible only after the advent of quantum field theory, when the concepts of particle creation and annihilation were formulated.'

page 384: [my note] Let us make the Planck a particle, the real atom [realized as a fundamental universal operator (the quantum equivalent of the classical not-and)].

[page 363]

Pais page 385: ' When, in October 1913, Bohr was able to give the Rydeberg constants for singly ionized helium and hydrogen an elementary derivation that was in agreement with experiment to five significant figures, it became even more clear that Bohr's ideas had a great deal to do with the real world.' Nature, 91, 231, 1013. Niels Bohr (1913): The Spectra of Helium and Hydrogen

page 386: ' the enormous resistance to the light quanta found its roots in the particle wave paradoxes. The resistance was enhanced because the light quantum idea seemed to overthrow that pasrt of electromsgnetic theory believed to be best understood: the theory of the free field'. The doctoral thesus, Brownian motion, special relativity, equivalence principle, specific heats.

page 404: A wave is the modern analogue of Aristotle's circular motion, around the polar complex plane. The only motion possible in a closed system, that is a system which occupies the whole space of consistency bounded 'on the outside' by inconsistency, the space between consistency and inconsistency maintained by incompleteness where uncertainty (lack of control by decision) reigns.

page 407: A photon is a state of the electromagnetic field with the following properties: E = hν, p = hk, E = cp spin 1, two states of polarization, mass 0, number of photons not conserved. Beneath the particle layer we have conservation of E, p and spin which is carried across particle creation and annihilation events [by the underlying Hilbert space ?]. There are more symmetries as particles become more complex. Where are the symmetries when people meet [when I meet you are some of my mental states annihilated and new ones created]?

[page 364]

Bohr and Einstein's view of quantum mechanics irreconcilable: ' . . . it was the position of most mathematical physicists during the first decades of the quantum era that the conventional continuous description of the free radiation field be protected at all cost and that the puzzles concerning radiation should eventually be resolved by revision of the properties of the interaction between radiation and matter.'

My theological Ansatz of course is that we need to revise the relationship between matter and spirit by the concept of information [and conceive matter as the physical realization of logically computable algorithms, each particle playing a role in the universal computation process, eg photon being a massless boson carrier of constant quantum phase (memory, gauge symmetry)].

page 418: Bohr, Kramers and Slater (BKS): 'radiation processes have highly unconventional properties the cause of which we shall not seek in any departure from the electromagnetic theory of light as regards the law of propagation in free space, but in the peculiarities of the interaction between the virtual field of radiation and the illuminated atoms.'

' Before describing these properties I should point out that the BKS paper represents a program rather than a detailed research report. It contains no formalism whatever.' A bit like what I am trying to do modelled on the work of Darwin that was devoid of modern genetics and statistics with just a touch of geology to describe the time frame. Their plan was to relinquish the local conservation of energy.

[page 365]

The cognitive cosmology book - rewrite the letters to Francis!

Pais page 421: Resolution, Bohr: ' "One must be prepared for the fact that the required generalization of classical electrodynamic theory demands a profound revolution in the concepts on which the description of nature has until now been founded".'

Better rewrite Scientific Theology since the gist of the Francis book is mainly child sexual and intellectual abuse.

Why waves? If the drift of evolution is to devise algorithms for survival and the basic key to survival is reproduction, that is each generation replicating itself while it is able, we have a wave phenomenon, ie a harmonic oscillator. The simple harmonic oscillator in the classical world stores its kinetic energy as potential energy so as to create the next round of kinetic energy. Living creatures use their kinetic energy to store fats, sugars and proteins to provide them with the potential to go through a reproductive cycle which expends a lot of the potential energy. At its most abstract representation, this looks like Feynman's jewel, e and we might not be surprised that this algorithm is built into the Schr&oum;'dinger equation as it flow uninterrupted before two particles meet and lead to a 'measurement' which disturbs the cycle to some extent and creates the child particle which we use as data to try to work out what went on in the meeting (collision in the violent methodology of physics). Feynman, Leighton & Sands: The Feynman Lectures on Physics: I:22 Algebra

page 436: de Broglie: ' "After long reflection in solitude and meditation

[page 366]

I suddenly had the idea, during the year 1923, that the discovery made by Einstein in 19o5 should be generalized by extending it to all natural processes and notably to electrons." '

Pais page 437: 'It was another of Einstein's feats that he would be led to state the necessity of existence of matter waves from an analysis of fluctuations. . . . However with the achievement of an independent argument for the particle / wave duality of matter, the twenty year period of highest scientific creativity in Einstein's life, at a level probably never before equalled, came to an end.'

It is interesting that the most salient feature of quantum mechanics in many minds is its statistical nature which many try to attribute to the size of the quantum of action. From my point of view it arises from the cybernetic principle of requisite variety, and so the past cannot control the future, making evolution inevitable. The real role of the quantum of action is that it is logical principle of absolute precision which is responsible for the precision with which natural constants can be defined and which enables us to build electronic clocks that can measure the gravitational effect on time by the ride or fall of 1 centimetre in the gravitational field of Earth. Variety (cybernetics) - Wikipedia, W. F. McGrew et al: Atomic clock performance enabling geodesy below the centimetre level

page 439: Schrödinger's equation and the existence of eigenvalues; ' " I have recently shown that Einstein's gas theory can be founded on the consideration of standing waves which obey the dispersion law

[page 367]

of de Broglie . . . The above considerations about the atom could have been presented as a generalization of these considerations.

Pais page 441: Dirac Proc RS 114 243 1927: foundations of quantum electrodynamics. Einstein: " ' Dirac, to whom in my opinion we owe the most logically perfect presentation of quantum mechanics'." P A M Dirac (1927): The Quantum Theory of the Emission and Absorption of Radiation

page 443: [My note] Every causal chain of events is a proof. Things that are not proofs have a randomness whose structure is determined by their approximation to proofs (ie breeding 'true' in genetics).

Ehrenfest in tears at the gap between Bohn and Einstein.

Holland has written The Quantum Theory of Motion to explain the de Broglie Bohm causal interpretation of quantum mechanics. Missed the point. The real value of quantum theory is that it explains stability, not motion. Gravity explains motion and enables catastrophe because it is not quantized.

page 445: A Pais Niels Bohr Abraham Pais (1991): Niels Bohr's Times, in Physics, Philosophy and Polity

page 448: ' since the results of all physical measurements are expressed in classical language it is necessary to specify in details the tools of measurement in that language as well.


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Further reading


Armstrong (2001), Karen, Holy War: The Crusades and their impact on today's world, Anchor Books (Random House) 2001 Jacket: 'In 1095, with the tomb of Jesus still in the hands of infidels and the Byzantine empire overrun by Muslim Turks, Pope Urban II summoned Christian warriors to take up the cross and their swords against the Turks and then recover the holy city of Jerusalem from Islam. It was to be the first of the Crusades, a holy war that would focus the power of the European kingdoms against a common enemy. The Crusades became the stuff of romantic legend, but in reality were a series of rabidly savage battles carried out in the name of Christian piety to advance the power of the Western Church. Their legacy of religious violence is felt today as the age old conflict of Christians, Muslims and Jews persists.' 

Bell (1987), John S, Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 1987 Jacket: JB ... is particularly famous for his discovery of a crucial difference between the predictions of conventional quantum mechanics and the implications of local causality . . . . This work has played a major role in the development of our current understanding of the profound nature of quantum concepts and of the fundamental limitations they impose on the applicability of classical ideas of space, time and locality. 

Dirac (1983), P A M, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th ed), Oxford UP/Clarendon 1983 Jacket: '[this] is the standard work in the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, indispensible both to the advanced student and the mature research worker, who will always find it a fresh source of knowledge and stimulation.' (Nature)  

Feynman (1988), Richard, QED: The Strange Story of Light and Matter, Princeton UP 1988 Jacket: 'Quantum electrodynamics - or QED for short - is the 'strange theory' that explains how light and electrons interact. Thanks to Richard Feynmann and his colleagues, it is also one of the rare parts of physics that is known for sure, a theory that has stood the test of time. . . . In this beautifully lucid set of lectures he provides a definitive introduction to QED.' 

McGregor (2010), Richard, The Party: The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers, Harper 2010 Amazon editorial review: From Publishers Weekly 'McGregor, a journalist at the Financial Times, begins his revelatory and scrupulously reported book with a provocative comparison between China's Communist Party and the Vatican for their shared cultures of secrecy, pervasive influence, and impenetrability. The author pulls back the curtain on the Party to consider its influence over the industrial economy, military, and local governments. McGregor describes a system operating on a Leninist blueprint and deeply at odds with Western standards of management and transparency. Corruption and the tension between decentralization and national control are recurring themes--and are highlighted in the Party™s handling of the disturbing Sanlu case, in which thousands of babies were poisoned by contaminated milk powder. McGregor makes a clear and convincing case that the 1989 backlash against the Party, inexorable globalization, and technological innovations in communication have made it incumbent on the Party to evolve, and this smart, authoritative book provides valuable insight into how it has--and has not--met the challenge. ' Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 

Pais (1982), Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this . . . major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. . . . Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography . . . including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' [Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott, aber boshaft is er nicht] 

Pais (1986), Abraham, Inward Bound: Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press 1986 Preface: 'I will attempt to describe what has been discovered and understood about the constituents of matter, the laws to which they are subject and the forces that act on them [in the period 1895-1983]. . . . I will attempt to convey that these have been times of progress and stagnation, of order and chaos, of belief and incredulity, of the conventional and the bizarre; also of revolutionaries and conservatives, of science by individuals and by consortia, of little gadgets and big machines, and of modest funds and big moneys.' AP 

Pais (1991), Abraham, Niels Bohr's Times, in Physics, Philosophy and Polity, Clarendon Press 1991 Jacket: 'T he life of Niels Bohr spanned times of revolutionary change in science itself as well as in its impact upon society. Along with Albert Einstein, Bohr can be considered to be this century's major driving force behind the new philosophical and mathematical descriptions of the structure of the atom and the nucleus. Abraham Pais, the acclaimed biographer of Albert Einstein, here traces Bohr's progress from his well-to-do origins in late nineteenth-century Denmark to his position at centre stage in the world political scene, particularly during the Second World War and the development of atomic weapons.' 

Polanyi (1966, 2009), Michael, and Amaryta Sen (foreword), The Tacit Dimension, University Of Chicago Press 1966, 2009 ' “I shall reconsider human knowledge by starting from the fact that we can know more than we can tell,” writes Michael Polanyi, whose work paved the way for the likes of Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper. The Tacit Dimension argues that tacit knowledge—tradition, inherited practices, implied values, and prejudgments—is a crucial part of scientific knowledge. Back in print for a new generation of students and scholars, this volume challenges the assumption that skepticism, rather than established belief, lies at the heart of scientific discovery.' 


Albert Einstein (1905c), On a heuristic point of view concerning the production and transformation of light, ' The wave theory of light, which operates with continuous spatial functions, has proved itself splendidly in describing purely optical phenomena and will probably never be replaced by another theory. One should keep in mind, however, that optical observations apply to time averages and not to momentary values, and it is conceivable that despite the complete confirmation of the theories of diffraction, reflection, refraction, dispersion, etc., by experiment, the theory of light, which operates with continuous spatial functions, may lead to contradictions with experience when it is applied to the phenomena of production and transformation of light. Indeed, it seems to me that the observations regarding "black-body" light, and other groups of phenomena associated with the production or conversion of light can be understood better if one assumes that the energy of light is discontinuously distributed in space.' back

Albert Einstein (1919), Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of the material universe., ' Neither the Netonian nor the relativistic theory of gravitation has so far led ro any advance in the theory of the constitution of matter. In view of thus fact it will be shown in the following pges that there re reasons for thinking thst the elementary formations which go to make up the atom are held together by gravitational force. back

Albert Einstein (1933), On the Method of Theoretical Physics: Herbert Spencer Lecture 1933, ' It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience. back

Albert Einstein (1951), The Advent of Quantum Theory, ' Thereafter, by way of an ingenious thermodynamic consideration, which also made use of Maxwell's theory, W. Wien found that the universal function p of the two variables v and T would have to be of the form p v3f(f ) whereby f(v/T) is a universal function of one variable v/T only. It was clear that the theoretical determination of this universal function f was of fundamental importance-this was precisely the task which confronted Planck. Careful measurements had led to a very precise empirical determination of the function f. Relying on those empirical measurements, he succeeded in the first place in finding a statement which rendered the measurements very well . . . back

Alex Lo, US proxy Anthony Albanese goes to Beijing, 'As for the protection of sea lanes, it is actively undermining its own national interest, as former prime minister Paul Keating has clearly and repeatedly spelled out. The problem? In a word: Aukus. The original, now scrapped, deal with the French involved 12 diesel-driven attack submarines at a cost of roughly US$66 billion that were expected to be ready by the early 2030s. They were well-designed to patrol Australia’s immediate maritime environment and to protect alternative sea lanes from the South to the North Pacific in the event of a hot war in the South China Sea. Daily Opinion Newsletter Thought-provoking commentary and Op-ed content, curated daily by our world-class editorial team. By submitting, you consent to receiving marketing emails from SCMP. If you don't want these, tick here By registering, you agree to ourT&CandPrivacy Policy Instead, under US pressure, Morrison committed his country to eight ultra-expensive nuclear-powered subs at a projected cost of between US$268 billion and US$368 billion, the first of which won’t be ready before the early 2040s. Albanese, his foreign minister, Penny Wong, and the entire Labor Party reportedly went completely along with it - with no prior consultation - less than a day after Morrison disclosed the secret deal. Imagine: the entire military establishment and posture of a major country took a U-turn with no public consultation and no objection from the then obsequious opposition within 24 hours! No wonder Washington considers Albanese and his Labor Party a safe pair of hands.' back

Alex Lo, The real ‘no limits’ friendship is only found between US and Israel, ' What Israel wants, Israel gets; and does not even have to ask first when it comes to emergency financial aid and weapons. As Israel bombs its way across the Gaza Strip and Jewish settlers commit murder to seize Palestinian land in the West Bank, the weapons they are using are mostly supplied by Washington. Unfortunately, the current Israeli government knows no moderation. Unlike the more restrained Labor Party government of old, the current Israeli state is run by extremists. The goal of this coalition was in fact spelled out, at least for the Israeli public. When this most extreme of far-right coalitions was formed late last year, it called for not only continued occupation but also annexation of the West Bank. Its coalition deal states: “The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel – in the Galilee, the Negev, the Galan, Judea and Samaria. . . . But it strikes me that it’s the spiritual or moral equivalent of “penny-wise and pound-foolish”. According to one estimate, about 18,000 tonnes of bombs have been dropped on Gaza up to the start of this month. The death toll has hit more than 10,000 as a result. How did the Israelis deliver those bombs and who supplied them? There are the all-purpose Mk80 bombs, which are considered “dumb” but can be converted into “smart” bombs when fitted with GPS-targeting devices called JDAM. F-15, F-16 and the most advanced F-35 fighter jets have all been deployed. There are also CH-53 heavy-lift helicopters and KC-46 aerial refuelling tankers.” back

Alex Lo, Why Democratic US lawmaker Rashida Tlaib needs three cheers, ' In North America where I live, corporations and governments like to advertise their racial and gender-diversity profiles. Often, though, it’s a bit cosmetic. When the diversity hires start to take their jobs seriously beyond being photo-op props, and threaten to rock the boat, the fury unleashed on them can be quite swift and frightful. Take, for example, Democrat Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American in the US Congress. She took a stance with her own people against the war on Gaza. Sure enough, the White House condemned her and the House of Representatives voted to censure her. While their excuse was her use of allegedly antisemitic language, it’s clear her real crime was daring to step out of line, which in this case, is the United States’ bipartisan and unconditional support of Israel, however brutal the war in Gaza has become.' back

Aristotle (continuity), Physics V, iii, 'A thing that is in succession and touches is 'contiguous'. The 'continuous' is a subdivision of the contiguous: things are called continuous when the touching limits of each become one and the same and are, as the word implies, contained in each other: continuity is impossible if these extremities are two. This definition makes it plain that continuity belongs to things that naturally in virtue of their mutual contact form a unity. And in whatever way that which holds them together is one, so too will the whole be one, e.g. by a rivet or glue or contact or organic union. ' 227a10 sqq. back

Ben Cubby, Punishment and control: the secret handbook that rules a religion, 'Australian children in the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion are being trained to avoid life-saving blood transfusions and parents are being coached to thwart court processes that may prevent their children from dying, internal church documents reveal. An investigation following an inquest into the death of Jehovah’s Witness Heather Winchester, who died in Newcastle after refusing a blood transfusion, has uncovered disturbing practices within the Australian church, including the systems for discipline, punishment and control contained in the secret rule book for church “elders”. . . . The handbook Shepherd the Flock of God and other documents seen by The Sydney Morning Herald set out the lengths the church goes to prevent believers from receiving blood and details the secretive rules that govern the lives of its 70,000 members in Australia and 8.7 million around the world. . . . According to the handbook, a 290-page document issued to the church’s leaders earlier this year, elders must direct parents in the sect to read and follow the instructions in a church manual on blood issues before their child undergoes a hospital procedure. “Firm conviction is vital because a well-meaning doctor may adamantly claim that blood will improve a child’s condition,” the manual says. “Parents must be firmly resolved to ‘abstain from blood’ by refusing it for their children.” Parents are told to seek out a co-operative doctor and “train their children to defend their faith”.' back

Bucket argument - Wikipedia, Bucket argument - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Isaac Newton's rotating bucket argument (also known as Newton's bucket) was designed to demonstrate that true rotational motion cannot be defined as the relative rotation of the body with respect to the immediately surrounding bodies. It is one of five arguments from the "properties, causes, and effects" of "true motion and rest" that support his contention that, in general, true motion and rest cannot be defined as special instances of motion or rest relative to other bodies, but instead can be defined only by reference to absolute space.' back

Casimir effect - Wikipedia, Casimir effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In physics, the Casimir effect or Casimir-Polder force is a physical force arising from a quantized field. The typical example is of two uncharged metallic plates in a vacuum, placed a few micrometers apart, without any external electromagnetic field. In a classical description, the lack of an external field also means that there is no field between the plates, and no force would be measured between them. When this field is instead studied using quantum mechanics, it is seen that the plates do affect the virtual photons which constitute the field, and generate a net force—either an attraction or a repulsion depending on the specific arrangement of the two plates. This force has been measured, and is a striking example of an effect purely due to second quantization.' back

Christopher Pollard, Is capitalism dead? Yanis Varoufakis thinks it is – and he knows who killed it, Review: Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism – Yanis Varoufakis (Bodley Head) ' Traditional capitalists are people who can use capital – defined as “anything that can be used to produce saleable goods” (such as factories, machinery, raw materials, money) – to coerce workers and generate income in the form of profits. Such capitalists are clearly still flourishing, but Varoufakis argues they are not driving the economy in the way they used to. . . . Even though most of us are regularly interacting with capitalists and earning wages via our labour, now, for the first time in history, all of us contribute to “the wealth and power of the new ruling class” through our “unpaid labour”. Every time we use our cloud-linked devices – smartphones, laptops, Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri – we replenish the capital of the Big Tech cloudalists. This in turn increases their capacity to generate more wealth. How? We train their algorithms, which train us, to train them, and so on, in a feedback loop whose goal is to shape our desires and behaviour. They are “selling things to us while selling our attention to others”.' back

Donald McRae, Stuart Broad: ‘I’m still not 100% sure what “the spirit of cricket” means’, ' Was Broad surprised Australia did not try to avoid such controversy after their image had been so tarnished by the ball-tampering scandal in 2018? “That irked my frustration. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve played cricket for a long time and I’m still not 100% sure what ‘the spirit of cricket’ means. Pat quite rightly said: ‘You’re hardly a custodian of the spirit of cricket.’ I felt like saying: ‘You’re dead right. But that doesn’t mean you made the right decision.’ I thought it was a good opportunity for Australian cricket to make a statement that it had moved forward. back

Feynman, Leighton & Sands: FLP I:22, The Feynman Lectures on Physics: I:22 Algebra , ' In our study of oscillating systems we shall have occasion to use one of the most remarkable, almost astounding, formulas in all of mathematics. From the physicist’s point of view we could bring forth this formula in two minutes or so, and be done with it. But science is as much for intellectual enjoyment as for practical utility, so instead of just spending a few minutes on this amazing jewel, we shall surround the jewel by its proper setting in the grand design of that branch of mathematics which is called elementary algebra.' back

Fourier transform - Wikipedia, Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Fourier transform (FT) decomposes a function of time (a signal) into the frequencies that make it up, in a way similar to how a musical chord can be expressed as the frequencies (or pitches) of its constituent notes.' back

Hallam Stevens, A new Silicon Valley manifesto reveals the bleak, dangerous philosophy driving the tech industry, ' In 1993, Marc Andreessen was an undergraduate at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where he also worked at the US-government funded National Center for Supercomputing Applications. With a colleague, the young software engineer authored the Mosaic web browser, which set the standard for cruising the information superhighway in the 1990s. Andreessen went on to cofound Netscape Communications, making a fortune in 1999 when the company was acquired by AOL for US$4.3 billion. Since then, through his venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, the outspoken billionaire has become one of the most influential wallets in Silicon Valley. His investments – in companies including Facebook, Foursquare, Github, Lyft, Oculus and Twitter – have definitively shaped tech over the past 15 years. (He once described his approach as “funding imperial, will-to-power people”.) . . . Andreessen’s essay shows what these ideals have become in 2023. The political and economic worldview beneath its ideas about technology is most visible towards the end of the manifesto, in a list of “enemies”. Remarkably, these include “sustainability”, “trust and safety”, “tech ethics” and “social responsibility”. According to Andreessen, who describes himself as an “accelerationist”, such ideas are holding back the advance of technology and therefore human progress.. . . Andreessen describes his mission in explicitly colonial terms: “mapping uncharted territory, conquering dragons, and bringing home the spoils for our community”. This is a worldview in which territories must be constantly expanded (“our descendants will live in the stars”) in a perpetual war for supremacy.' back

Ilan Pappe, Why Israel wants to erase context and history in the war on Gaza, ' On October 24, a statement by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres caused a sharp reaction by Israel. While addressing the UN Security Council, the UN chief said that while he condemned in the strongest terms the massacre committed by Hamas on October 7, he wished to remind the world that it did not take place in a vacuum. He explained that one cannot dissociate 56 years of occupation from our engagement with the tragedy that unfolded on that day. The Israeli government was quick to condemn the statement. Israeli officials demanded Guterres’s resignation, claiming that he supported Hamas and justified the massacre it carried out. The Israeli media also jumped on the bandwagon, asserting among other things that the UN chief “has demonstrated a stunning degree of moral bankruptcy”. This reaction suggests that a new type of allegation of anti-Semitism may now be on the table. Until October 7, Israel had pushed for the definition of anti-Semitism to be expanded to include criticism of the Israeli state and questioning the moral basis of Zionism. Now, contextualising and historicising what is going on could also trigger an accusation of anti-Semitism. Thus, the October 7 attack is used by Israel as a pretext to pursue genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip. It is also a pretext for the United States to try and reassert its presence in the Middle East. And it is a pretext for some European countries to violate and limit democratic freedoms in the name of a new “war on terror”. But there are several historical contexts for what is going on now in Israel-Palestine that cannot be ignored. The wider historical context goes back to the mid-19th century, when evangelical Christianity in the West turned the idea of the “return of the Jews” into a religious millennial imperative and advocated the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine as part of the steps that would lead to the resurrection of the dead, the return of the Messiah, and the end of time. . . . 'srael will continue to be an apartheid state – as declared by a number of human rights organisations – however the situation in Gaza unfolds. The Palestinians will not disappear and will continue their struggle for liberation, with many civil societies siding with them and their governments backing Israel and providing it with an exceptional immunity. The way out remains the same: a change of regime in Israel that brings equal rights for everyone from the river to the sea and allows for the return of Palestinian refugees. Otherwise, the cycle of bloodshed will not end.' back

Kenan Malik, In the Middle East, as in Greek tragedy, justice must prevail over moral absolutism, ' Watching the tragedy unfold in Israel and Palestine has sometimes felt like reading the Oresteia backwards. A trilogy of plays by Aeschylus, written in the fifth century BC, the Oresteia tells of the transformation of ancient Greece from a society rooted in blood and revenge into one shaped by justice. The Oresteia begins with the return home from the Trojan war of Agamemnon, the leader of the triumphant Greeks. He is brutally murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, in furious revenge for his having ritually sacrificed their daughter Iphigenia on the eve of conflict to placate the gods. To avenge his father, Agamemnon’s son, Orestes, kills Clytemnestra. Pursued by the Furies, ancient deities whose role is to exact vengeance for major sins, he seeks refuge in Athens. The goddess of wisdom, Athena, convenes a jury to try Orestes. With the jury split, Athena votes in favour of acquittal, and in so doing opens up the possibilities of a world beyond that governed by the Furies. . . . There is more here than simply hypocrisy about free speech. It is an attempt to reframe the Gazan conflict as a moral, rather than political, issue, and to delegitimise Palestinian perspectives, an approach that can only make political engagement on a difficult terrain even more intractible. “Where will it end? Where will it sink to sleep and rest, this murderous hate, this Fury?”, the Chorus asks at the end of The Choephori, the second play in the Oresteia trilogy, after Orestes kills Clytemnestra. Today, the answer depends on whether we, and political leaders in Israel, Palestine and the west, wish to listen to the Furies or to Athena.' The Oresteia is a complex work engaging in issues from patriarchy to democracy. The human condition, for Aeschylus, was tragic, with Agamemnon, Clytemnestra and Orestes all facing impossible choices. Part of the process by which humans civilise themselves and learn to live with the tragedy of their condition is, he suggests, in forging the distinction between vengeance and justice. Justice brings us into the sphere of politics and allows for the possibility of reasoned change and redemption. back

Lamb shift - Wikipedia, Lamb shift - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the Lamb shift, named after Willis Lamb (1913–2008), is a difference in energy between two energy levels 2S½ and 2P½ (in term symbol notation) of the hydrogen atom which was not predicted by the Dirac equation, according to which these states should have the same energy. Interaction between vacuum energy fluctuations and the hydrogen electron in these different orbitals is the cause of the Lamb Shift, as was shown subsequent to its discovery.' back

Loveluck, George & Bimbaum, As Gaza death toll soars, secrecy shrouds Israel’s targeting process, ' In the Jabalya attack, which took out an entire residential block, the Israeli military suggested it was carefully planned to target a senior Hamas figure in the tunnels below the refugee camp. “And we struck it and it was taken out and dozens of Hamas operatives were killed with him,” Conricus said. “Of course, it’s sad and regrettable that civilians are killed, but it is a legitimate military target.” In calculating the risk to civilians, military planners could reasonably have assessed that the number of casualties would be in the hundreds, experts say. “The Jabalya strike, because it was a planned attack, shows that Israel must have a tolerance for civilian casualties which is orders of magnitude greater than that that was used by, say, the U.S. Air Force in the war against ISIS,” said Mark Lattimer, executive director of the Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights. Palestinians look at the aftermath of an airstrike on a house in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip on Friday. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post) On Oct. 14, just a week into the war, the Israeli air force said it had dropped 6,000 bombs on Hamas targets in Gaza. By contrast, a little more than 7,300 bombs were dropped on Afghanistan by the U.S.-led coalition in all of 2019, the heaviest year of aerial bombardment there.' back

Mark Blaskovich (2023), How do bacteria actually become resistant to antibiotics?, ' Antimicrobial resistance is one of the biggest global threats to health, food security and development. This month, The Conversation’s experts explore how we got here and the potential solutions. “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”, originally coined by Friedrich Nietzsche in 1888, is a perfect description of how bacteria develop antibiotic resistance. Contrary to a common belief, antibiotic resistance is not about your body becoming resistant to antibiotics. Resistance arises when bacteria are exposed to levels of antibiotics that don’t immediately kill them. They develop defences that prevent the same antibiotic from harming them in the future, even at higher doses. The ability for bacteria to adapt lies in part with their astonishing rate of reproduction. Some species, such as Escherichia coli, can replicate as quickly as every 20 minutes, depending on the environment. One bacterium can become more than 68 billion bacteria in 12 hours. While most changes are bad, sometimes they can help the bacteria grow in the presence of an antibiotic. This “new and improved” population quickly takes over.' back

Niels Bohr (1913), The Spectra of Helium and Hydrogen, ' RECENTLY Prof. Fowler (Month. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc, December, 1912) has observed a number of new lines by passing a condensed discharge through mixtures of hydrogen and helium. Some of these lines coincide closely with lines of the series observed by Pickering in the spectrum of the star ζ Puppis, and attributed to hydrogen in consequence of its simple numerical relation to the ordinary Balmer series. Other lines coincide closely with the series predicted by Rydberg and denoted as the principal series of the hydrogen spectrum. The rest of the new lines show a very simple relation to those of the latter series, but apparently have no place in Rydberg's theory. back

Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia, Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In the field of digital signal processing, the sampling theorem is a fundamental bridge between continuous-time signals (often called "analog signals") and discrete-time signals (often called "digital signals"). It establishes a sufficient condition for a sample rate that permits a discrete sequence of samples to capture all the information from a continuous-time signal of finite bandwidth.' back

P A M Dirac (1927), The Quantum Theory of the Emission and Absorption of Radiation, ' Introduction and Summary. The new quantum theory, based on the assumption that the variables do not obey the commutative law of multiplication, has by now been developed sufficiently to form a fairly complete theory of dynamics. One can treat mathematically the problem of any dynamical system composed of a number of particles with instantaneous forces acting between them, provided it is describable by a Hamiltonian function, and one can interpret the mathematics physically by a quite definite general method. On the other hand, hardly anything has been done up to the present on quantum electrodynamics. . . .. ' back

P. A. M. Dirac (1926), On the Theory of Quantum Mechanics, ' The new mechanics of the atom introduced by Heisenberg may be based on the assumption that the variables that describe a dynamical system do not obey the commutative law of multiplication, but satisfy instead certain quantum conditions. One can build up a theory without knowing anything about the dynamical variables except the algebraic laws that they are subject to, and can show that they may be represented by matrices whenever a set of uniformising variables for the dynamical system exists. It may be shown, however (see 3), that there is no set of uniformising variables for a system containing more than one electron, so that the theory cannot progress very far on these lines. A new development of the theory has recently been given by Schrödinger. Starting from the idea that an atomic system cannot be represented by a trajectory, i. e., by a point moving through the co-ordinate space, but must be represented by a wave in this space, Schrödinger obtains from a variation prin­ciple a differential equation which the wave function ψ must satisty. This differential equation turns out to be very closely connected with the Hamiltonian equation which specifies the system, namely, if H (qr, Pr - W = 0 is the Hamiltonian equation of the system, where the qr, Pr are canonical variables, then the wave equation for ψ is {H(q r, ih ∂/∂q) - W} ψ = 0.' back

P. A. M. Dirac (1927), The Quantum Theory of Dispersion, ' The new quantum mechanics could at first be used to answer questions concerning radiation only through analogies with the classical theory. In Heisenberg’s original matrix theory, for instance, it is assumed that the matrix elementsf the polarisation of an atom determine the emission and absorption of radiation analogously to the Fourier components in the classical theory. In more recent theories* a certain expression for the electric density obtained from the quantum mechanics is used to determine the emitted radiation by the same formulae as in the classical theory. These methods give satisfactory results in manycases, but cannot even be applied to problems where the classical analogies are obscure or non-existent, such as resonance radiation and the breadths of spectral lines.' back

Richard P. Feynman (1981), Simulating Physics with Computers, 'I want to talk about the possibiity that there is to be an exact simulation, that the computer will do exactly the same as nature. If this is to be proved and the type of computer is as I've already explained, then it's going to be necessary that everything that happens in a finite volume of space and time would have to be exactly analyzable with a finite number of logical operations. The present theory of physics is not that way, apparently. It allows space to go down into infinitesimal distances, wavelengths to get infinitely great, terms to be summed in infinite order, and so forth; and therefore if this proposition is right, physical law is wrong.' International Journal of Theoretical Physics, VoL 21, Nos. 6/7, 1982 back

Rolf Landauer (1999), Information is a Physical Entity, 'Abstract: This paper, associated with a broader conference talk on the fundamental physical limits of information handling, emphasizes the aspects still least appreciated. Information is not an abstract entity but exists only through a physical representation, thus tying it to all the restrictions and possibilities of our real physical universe. The mathematician's vision of an unlimited sequence of totally reliable operations is unlikely to be implementable in this real universe. Speculative remarks about the possible impact of that on the ultimate nature of the laws of physics are included.' back

Unmoved mover - Wikipedia, Unmoved mover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The unmoved mover (Ancient Greek: ὃ οὐ κινούμενον κινεῖ, lit. 'that which moves without being moved' or prime mover (Latin: primum movens) is a concept advanced by Aristotle as a primary cause (or first uncaused cause) or "mover" of all the motion in the universe. As is implicit in the name, the unmoved mover moves other things, but is not itself moved by any prior action. In Book 12 (Greek: Λ) of his Metaphysics, Aristotle describes the unmoved mover as being perfectly beautiful, indivisible, and contemplating only the perfect contemplation: self-contemplation. He equates this concept also with the active intellect. This Aristotelian concept had its roots in cosmological speculations of the earliest Greek pre-Socratic philosophers and became highly influential and widely drawn upon in medieval philosophy and theology. St. Thomas Aquinas, for example, elaborated on the unmoved mover in the Quinque viae. ' back

Variety (cybernetics) - Wikipedia, Variety (cybernetics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The term Variety was introduced by W. Ross Ashby to denote the count of the total number of states of a system. The condition for dynamic stability under perturbation (or input) was described by his Law of Requisite Variety. Ashby says: Thus, if the order of occurrence is ignored, the set {c, b, c, a, c, c, a, b, c, b, b, a} which contains twelve elements, contains only three distinct elements- a, b, c. Such a set will be said to have a variety of three elements. He adds The observer and his powers of discrimination may have to be specified if the variety is to be well defined. Variety can be stated as an integer, as above, or as the logarithm to the base 2 of the number i.e. in bits.' back

W. F. McGrew et al, Atomic clock performance enabling geodesy below the centimetre level, ' The passage of time is tracked by counting oscillations of a frequency reference, such as Earth’s revolutions or swings of a pendulum. By referencing atomic transitions, frequency (and thus time) can be measured more precisely than any other physical quantity, with the current generation of optical atomic clocks reporting fractional performance below the 10−17 level. However, the theory of relativity prescribes that the passage of time is not absolute, but is affected by an observer’s reference frame. Consequently, clock measurements exhibit sensitivity to relative velocity, acceleration and gravity potential. Here we demonstrate local optical clock measurements that surpass the current ability to account for the gravitational distortion of space-time across the surface of Earth. In two independent ytterbium optical lattice clocks, we demonstrate unprecedented values of three fundamental benchmarks of clock performance. In units of the clock frequency, we report systematic uncertainty of 1.4 × 10−18, measurement instability of 3.2 × 10−19 and reproducibility characterized by ten blinded frequency comparisons, yielding a frequency difference of [−7 ± (5)stat ± (8)sys] × 10−19, where ‘stat’ and ‘sys’ indicate statistical and systematic uncertainty, respectively. Although sensitivity to differences in gravity potential could degrade the performance of the clocks as terrestrial standards of time, this same sensitivity can be used as a very sensitive probe of geopotential. Near the surface of Earth, clock comparisons at the 1 × 10−18 level provide a resolution of one centimetre along the direction of gravity, so the performance of these clocks should enable geodesy beyond the state-of-the-art level. These optical clocks could further be used to explore geophysical phenomena, detect gravitational waves, test general relativity and search for dark matter.' back

William Bialek & Allan Schweitzer (1985), Quantum Noise and the Threshold of Hearing, ' We argue that the sensitivity of the ear reaches a limit imposed by the uncertainty principle. This is possible only of the receptor holds the detector elements in a special nonequilibirium state which has the same noise characteristics as a ground (T = 0 K) state. To accomplish this "active cooling" the molecular dynamics of the system must maintain quantum mechanical coherence over the time scale of the measurement.' back

Yui Yazaki (2017), How the Klein–Nishina formula was derived: Based on the Sangokan Nishina Source Materials, ' In 1928, Klein and Nishina investigated Compton scattering based on the Dirac equation just proposed in the same year, and derived the Klein–Nishina formula for the scattering cross section of a photon. At that time the Dirac equation had the following unsettled conceptual questions: the negative energy states, its four-component wave functions, and the spin states of an electron. Hence, during their investigation struggles, they encountered various difficulties. In this article, we describe their struggles to derive the formula using the “Sangokan Nishina Source Materials” retained in the Nishina Memorial Foundation.' back

Zero-energy universe - Wikipedia, Zero-energy universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The zero-energy universe hypothesis proposes that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero: its amount of positive energy in the form of matter is exactly cancelled out by its negative energy in the form of gravity. . . . The zero-energy universe theory originated in 1973, when Edward Tryon proposed in the journal Nature that the universe emerged from a large-scale quantum fluctuation of vacuum energy, resulting in its positive mass-energy being exactly balanced by its negative gravitational potential energy.' back

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