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Notes DB 90: Psychogenesis_2024

Sunday 21 April 2024 - Saturday 127 April 2024

[page 301]

Sunday 21 April 2024
Spitfire /Battle of Britain. War at different scales from bacteria and viruses to nations and alliances. Basically we rely on immune systems to correct errors. The first step in error correction is to have a standard of correctness and a means to detect deviations and propose corrections. David Fairhead, Ant Palmer (Directors): Spitfire (2018)

Aquinas designed a god and a Universe in the first part of the Summa and the rest of the book was first the pars secunda which defined the target and the behaviour to get there and the third part the role of "god" in helping us to get there, built around a human sacrifice by the Son to cheer up the father. My little contribution is an attempt to follow a similar track beginning wth creation, cognitive cosmogenesis, the creation simultaneously of complexity and the control necessary to keep the order in place. As I approach 80 I can feel in my body and mind some loss of order but I have a high ambition to record what little I have learnt.

Monday 22 April 2024

The totally deterministic world of Catholic theology is marvellously simple and reassuring and has its roots in Parmenides, Zeno and Plato , but it is self contradictory and does not seems to have much contact with reality.

[page 302]

Maybe after eternity and time (Chapter 4) we get in the groove and make chapter 5 the image of page 3 action and introduce the psychological and logical attitude to action vie Parmenides. Then skip page 4 theological paradigm and pick up the thread at page 5 gods_ideas, 6 network_brain (Chapter T. . . ) to . . . .

Weird computer problem has shut me down: Localhost/ returns "it works". Localhost/anything on the computer says "file not found". Revised page 3 action and page 4 theol_paradigm but cannot get machine to read BBEdit file to Firefox to preview, so have got the 2020 machine downloading a new copy of Monterey 05 which will fix it (?). Much complaint about Monterey on the net but all the fixes involve trying to reconfigure Mac's apache, so I have left that alone.

So now I am simply loading the cognitive cosmology web page into Nisus and picking out the good bits to get them down to 2000 words, no refs, which will give me a book of about 60 000 words. There is a fair bit of duplication in cognitive cosmology because I have written the pages to stand more or less alone but it will not be necessary in the book. Hopefully this will be quicker and more thorough than writing them from scratch. Chapter numbers are cognitive cosmology +3.

Biggest cognitive cosmology file is cc18_fixed_points, 233 kb

[page 303]

to become chapter 21 = 18+3. 11 800 word (text + refs). Complete cognitive cosmology = 4 182 500 Bytes = 209 125 words @ 20 Bytes per word, 26 chapters, average 8040 words, so divide by 4.

Tuesday 23 April 2024
My interaction with the Catholic Church goes round and round in my head but I feel confident about the overall picture and this is to be the takeaway from the book. I will now rough out all the chapters parallel to cognitive cosmology and then go over it to produce some consistency and reduce duplication.

Darwin aced evolution without knowing anything about the mechanisms which are now becoming apparent as we learn how to sequence DNA and use computational linguistics to work out what it means. We are going the opposite way in physics with enormous expenditure on data gathering but using nineteenth century [continuous] mathematics to understand what it going on. My delusion is that I can explain physics to the physicists by working from the beginning like a theologian, Gn 1: In the beginning . . . there was an omnipotent initial singularity. The evolution within the singularity is the central issue, like the Trinity, but more so [like the father, every particle has Hilbert space "inside" it and creates particles (gods) more or less identical to itself, an analogue of the big bang].

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Very paindful eye injection. Second time this has happened.

[page 304]

Think of the paradigm change in biology and health care or in physics from classical to quantum.

The biggest change in theology is the framing of the problem of evil. Coming alive again after the eye horror!

Two big changes:

1. God is not some mysterious other

2. Satan is not the cause of evil

3. Everything has free will [and a personality defined by Hilbert space "inside"]

4. Evolution is the source of creativity.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Bring page numbers and chapter numbers into sync.

Friday 26 April 2024

Constant energy = constant total frequency. What does normalization in quantum mechanics mean in terms of frequency [energy is conserved]. The basis states of a Hilbert space are a set of frequencies, ie a set of energies ranging in effect from 0 to infinity, but does quantum mechanics have anything to do with energy [these energies represented by E = hf are kinematic (formal, platonic, mathematical), not dynamic, which solves the cosmological constant problem]. Like computation [quantum mechanics]it is purely concerned with logic and does not care how fast things happen, from the most energetic gamma rays to the half life of U238.

[page 305]

James Cresser: J. D. Cresser 209 https;// cresser/ J D Cresser (2009): General Mathematical Description of a Quantum System

1. Physical state defined by ket, |...>

2. Set of all state vectors is Hilbert space, every physical state of a system is represented by a vector in the state space of the system.

3. |ψ> is the same vector as c|ψ> where c is a non zero complex number.

4. Complete set of any state can be represented by |ψ> = Σi ci |ψi >

Bra vectors exist in dual Hilbert Space H* - it has all the characteristics of an operator in that it acts on |ψ > to give a complex number, ie it is a linear functional.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Chapter 14: The quantum creation of Minkowski space.

14.1: The way ahead.

First, some preliminaries, explaining what we can see from our position in Minkowski spade. [so we run aground here and seek a new order for the book to get proper continuity in the exposition].

Site page 9 = Book chapter 11: Creation of Hilbert space.

Site page 13 = Book Chapter 12: Independence of Hilbert and Minkowski space

[page 306]

Site page 10 = Book chapter 13: quantum_emerge - stationary points

Site page 16 = Book chapter 14: zero-energy_universe -bifurcation

Site page 17 = Book chapter 15: gravitation and particles

Site page 12 = Book chapter 16: Hilbert - Minkowski - boson / fermion

Site page 15 = Book chapter 17: Invisible

Site page 11 = Book chapter 18: Communication

Site page 14 = Book chapter 19: Measurement

Can we improve on this without rewriting any pages of cognitive cosmology? It is a bit confused, but it is the way of discovery (Lonergan) and the book is the way of exposition.

von Neumann QM Intro re Dirac: 'adheres to the fiction that every self-adjoint operator can be put in diagonal form'.

'Quantum mechanics as an analysis of infinitely many variables. Requires a procedure differing from the very beginning, the Hilbert theory of operators' [but we reject the notions of continuum and infinity by keeping to a countably infinite Hilbert space defined by Turing computable numbers!].

von Neumann page 57: Linear operators, ie linear mappings of R onto itself.

page 65: Eigenvalue problem. Easy in countable Rn, 50ish pages to sort out R John von Neumann (2014): Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics


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Cowger et al (2024), Global producer responsibility for plastic pollution, ' Brand names can be used to hold plastic companies accountable for their items found polluting the environment. We used data from a 5-year (2018–2022) worldwide (84 countries) program to identify brands found on plastic items in the environment through 1576 audit events. We found that 50% of items were unbranded, calling for mandated producer reporting. The top five brands globally were The Coca-Cola Company (11%), PepsiCo (5%), Nestlé (3%), Danone (3%), and Altria (2%), accounting for 24% of the total branded count, and 56 companies accounted for more than 50%. There was a clear and strong log-log linear relationship production (%) = pollution (%) between companies’ annual production of plastic and their branded plastic pollution, with food and beverage companies being disproportionately large polluters. Phasing out single-use and short-lived plastic products by the largest polluters would greatly reduce global plastic pollution.' back

Daniel Clery, Darkness made visible, ' Massive, ubiquitous, and in some cases as big as our Solar System, black holes hide in plain sight. The effect of their gravity on objects around them and, lately, the gravitational waves emitted when they collide reveal their presence. But no one had ever seen one directly—until April. That's when an international team of radio astronomers released a startling close-up image of a black hole's “shadow,” showing a dark heart surrounded by a ring of light created by photons zipping around it. Heino Falcke of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, a member of the team that produced the image, said the first glimpse felt like “looking at the gates of hell.” That evocative image is Science's 2019 Breakthrough of the Year.' back

David Fairhead, Ant Palmer (Directors), Spitfire (2018), ' In commemoration of the Royal Air Force's centenary, the history of the Spitfire airplane and the fighter pilots who helped win World War II's Battle of Britain is explored.; back

Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration (2019), First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. IV. Imaging the Central Supermassive Black Hole, ' We present the first Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) images of M87, using observations from April 2017 at 1.3 mm wavelength. These images show a prominent ring with a diameter of ∼40 μas, consistent with the size and shape of the lensed photon orbit encircling the “shadow” of a supermassive black hole. The ring is persistent across four observing nights and shows enhanced brightness in the south. To assess the reliability of these results, we implemented a two-stage imaging procedure. In the first stage, four teams, each blind to the others’ work, produced images of M87 using both an established method (CLEAN) and a newer technique (regularized maximum likelihood). This stage allowed us to avoid shared human bias and to assess common features among independent reconstructions. In the second stage, we reconstructed synthetic data from a large survey of imaging parameters and then compared the results with the corresponding ground truth images. This stage allowed us to select parameters objectively to use when reconstructing images of M87. Across all tests in both stages, the ring diameter and asymmetry remained stable, insensitive to the choice of imaging technique. We describe the EHT imaging procedures, the primary image features in M87, and the dependence of these features on imaging assumptions.' back

J D Cresser (2009), General Mathematical Description of a Quantum System, ' This idea that the state of a quantum system is to be considered a vector belonging to a complex vector space, which we have developed here in the case of a spin half system, and which has its roots in the sum over paths point of view, is the basis of all of modern quantum mechanics and is used to describe any quantum mechanical system. Below is a summary of the main points as they are used for a general quantum system whose state spaces are of arbitrary dimension (including state spaces of infinite dimension). The emphasishere is on the mathematical features of the theory.' back

John von Neumann (2014), Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, ' Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by John von Neumann translated from the German by Robert T. Beyer (New Edition) edited by Nicholas A. Wheeler. Princeton UP Princeton & Oxford. Preface: ' This book is the realization of my long-held intention to someday use the resources of TEX to produce a more easily read version of Robert T. Beyer’s authorized English translation (Princeton University Press, 1955) of John von Neumann’s classic Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik (Springer, 1932).'This content downloaded from on Sat, 30 May 2020 22:38:31 UTC back

The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration , First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. II. Array and Instrumentation, ' The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) array that comprises millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength telescopes separated by distances comparable to the diameter of the Earth. At a nominal operating wavelength of ∼1.3 mm, EHT angular resolution (λ/D) is ∼25 μas, which is sufficient to resolve nearby supermassive black hole candidates on spatial and temporal scales that correspond to their event horizons. With this capability, the EHT scientific goals are to probe general relativistic effects in the strong-field regime and to study accretion and relativistic jet formation near the black hole boundary. In this Letter we describe the system design of the EHT, detail the technology and instrumentation that enable observations, and provide measures of its performance. Meeting the EHT science objectives has required several key developments that have facilitated the robust extension of the VLBI technique to EHT observing wavelengths and the production of instrumentation that can be deployed on a heterogeneous array of existing telescopes and facilities. To meet sensitivity requirements, high-bandwidth digital systems were developed that process data at rates of 64 gigabit s−1 , exceeding those of currently operating cm-wavelength VLBI arrays by more than an order of magnitude. Associated improvements include the development of phasing systems at array facilities, new receiver installation at several sites, and the deployment of hydrogen maser frequency standards to ensure coherent data capture across the array. These efforts led to the coordination and execution of the first Global EHT observations in 2017 April, and to event-horizon-scale imaging of the supermassive black hole candidate in M87. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2024 © Jeffrey Nicholls