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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 14 April 2019 - Saturday 20 April 2019

[Notebook: DB 83: Physical Theology]

[page 195]

Sunday 14 April 2019

In a computer the memory maintains space division multiplexing in the form of spacelike slices and the clock maintains time division multiplexing. A random access memory requires [at least two] dimensions where the memory of the Turing machine has one dimension [which means the processor must step through many locations to get to the one it wants]. The development of the mechanical analogue of four dimensional space-time was essential to the development of a practical computer [basically already provided by local 4D spacetime].

What we are looking for is a layered classical computer network

[page 196]

with the entropy necessary to describe the whole universe beginning with local version which describes inertial space and transformations between inertial spaces in relative motion. The idea that has been with me since the mid 80s is that we can do this with the Cantor Universe, but now we have to put it on a firmer footing. This network will emulate classical physics, and depend for its basic hardware on quantum physics.

A Fitzgerald mot page 258: 'The strongest guard is placed at the gate to nothing . . . maybe because the gateway to emptiness is too shameful to behold.' So the infallible magisterium of the Church protects a vacuum, the contradiction of goodness and perfection. Fitzgerald: Tender is the Night

A lossless codec is a mapping from a set of natural numbers to itself, which may involve algorithmic compression and expansion, the power of meaning exploited by mathematicians (= symmetry) when talking about infinity. Codec - Wikipedia

Good writing: a sequence of little patches of pleasure.

Every event is a computation whose inputs and outputs are particles ie messages er photons which carry phase from one part of the universe to another, that is timing, ie position in phase space.

If the universe is a mind and minds are subject to mental disease we may find similar problems in the universe,

[page 197]

neurosis, schizophrenia etc caused by problems in the communication between neurons caused by defect or excesses in various neurotransmitters and we should think about curing the ills of the world in terms of rebalancing the transmission of information between people Fitszgerald page 214.

Practical consequences of divine mind. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, moving up to human deformity caused by genetic and developmental disorders into the realm of parasitic diseases brought on by interspecifc competition for resources. In all these cases science, ie a true understanding of what is happening through the relevant mechanisms is the key to salvation.

Monday 15 April

Classical networks depend upon quantum hardware.

Communication is the basis of real relationships and bonding.

From page 190 Wednesday 10 April: I wrote a confusing paragraph which can now possibly be explicated:

The basic function of a computer in a network is lossless transformation, ie reversible proofs, which is the defining behaviour of isolated quantum systems which is broken by observation, once the invisibility is broken by entropy increases.

Of course most classical computations are not lossless because data is erased but they can be used as lossless codecs insofar as the encoded text has effectively the same entropy as the original so that it can be fully recovered.

Now we are trying to answer Wittgenstein's problem 'Is there order an order in

[page 198]

the world a priori, and if so what does it consist in.' And the short answer I propose is tat from an algorithmic information theoretical perspective order is equivalent to low entropy and the universe began with zero entropy, therefore the world is a priori ordered.

This does not look good at first glance, but let us think in terms of an entropic metric applied to the transfinite numbers where = δ something, ie at root the divine world has entropy zero because as fast as it complexifies in the observable domain it decomplexifies in the unobservable domain. Can we make this work with a transfinite complexity metric in the dynamic domain of the transfinite computer network where all the fixed points have duals, since all fixed point theorems are in effect transformations of the hypotheses of the proof into the conclusion of the proof, ie compact, convex etc etc = fixed point and this will work out in the complex domain of the transfinite Hilbert space. Sleep on it. This is the discovery I want as the universe complexifies absolute simplicity is not broken and this is why it is an intelligent mind, the mind of God. Insight is the inverse of complexification. Lonergan was on the track but never got there because the empirical residue rubbed out all the meaning in the 'proportionate universe'.

What I do like about myself is that I am always having brilliant ideas and no-one to tell them to but myself, but these days are coming to an end gcomplex . ginsight = δij

[page 199]

Absolute simplicity is not broken because fixed point theory simply attributes different frequencies to different points. Only one point is eternal, one point where 4-energy-momentum (action) is conserved. All the other fixed points like myself, are temporary, with a lifetime.

I have been thinking in terms of the classical world as a mundane, businesslike predictable thing but now we must introduce the spiritual, ethereal, diaphanous, divine beauty an capture the foundations in words which point to the sparkling beauty above. How do we deal with the entropy question? the requisite variety question? the reversibility question? the eternity question? All these things are one side of a duality. Whenever we make a mark we make a space, and the ark and the space add up to nothing, they sink back into the continuum. So the fixed point theorem couples marks to bounded spaces. Something has got to come of this, a new theology, a new vision of God which I have always wanted to cap off my life so to speak to pay for all the evil I have done.

Can we sort out the problems of quantum field theory by somehow building special relativity into Hilbert space before we put in the quantum theory (or vice versa) so as to avoid all the difficulties pointed out by Veltman, and having done that, can we build in general relativity and then introduce a transfinite dimensional Cantor space so as to create a space capable of representing all possible network computations in which we can let a process of natural selection loose to get the universe we now inhabit. Veltman: Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules

They (Landauer) say erasure costs energy. But if we erase a mark we

[page 200]

erase the corresponding space and we are left with nothing, waiting to recreate the mark, so energy is conserved, entropy is increased and decreased. How do we get round this? By the reversibility of quantum mechanics. Marks are created by observation, what we are saying in effect is that the wave function does not collapse because all that superposited complexity represented by the putative infinity of solutions never existed [simultaneously] in the first place [but the solutions were time division multiplexed (orthogonalized) as the quantum wheel spun. Back to entanglement. Landauer: Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process

'Nicole had been designed for change, for flight, with money for fins and wings.' Fitzgerald page 299

The mental grip. The physical grip. So what does physical mean? What does it mean to say that information is physical entity? Information can be erased. Physical entities can be erased. Potentials can be erased.

Another bridge too far, but cross it and you might get there, wherever 'there' is.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

When we replace Aristotle's axiom that no potential can actualize itself with the modern idea that potential being and actual being are exactly equivalent, we open a path to the idea that the expansion of the universe is reversible to that we can have a sequence initial singularity / fully expanded universe / initial singularity . . . which is consistent with Einstein's model and also quantum mechanics if we ignore the loss of unitarity involved in observation (apparently).

[page 201]

We are trying to reconcile 5 major spaces, cantor space, computer network space, brainspace, Riemann's space and Hilbert space. We must start with a definition of space in which time is also space.

General relativity addresses every event on the history of the universe as s generic event measured by energy. Now we need to address the meaning of every event, using Cantor's transfinite numbers [the meaning coming from the history of the event stretching back to the initial event].

We take the defining characteristic space as a region in which p and not-p can exist simultaneously. We can devise a transfinite Hilbert space through the recognition thatm is in fact orthogonal to m, m ≠ n, so we can work from 2D Hilbert space to infinite and transfinite dimensional and understand the complexity of space to mean that it is dynamic, layer after layer of interacting circle groups, beginning with the circle on the complex plane and working up to the total universe. How does observation work in this system? We use the principle of finitism and begin with the EPR paradox as applied to electrons and photons, entanglement which reveals itself when we observe things, that is when we interact with them. Entanglement and the invisibility theorem.

I am gradually becoming more aware of the consequences of my assumptions, so now I have come to a purely dynamic universe, actus purus with transfinite fixed points and a range of frequencies running from zero to a machine infinity. Local fixed pointlike charged particles create local potentials which lead to more fixed points, all built, as Democritus would like to see, from atoms, but not atoms of matter but atoms of action.

[page 202]

Its a bit like singing or praying, saying the same thing over and over again. God maintains its absolute simplicity through its omniscience, seeing everything one one picture, rather like the manfold in which general relativity lives.

For the Greeks the search for truth is the search for how to live and my keystone is that we must see ourselves as gods living in a divine world that we we create ourselves - life is what you make it.

The same information is carried by the field and the particles. Measurement transforms the field information into particle information (creation). Annihilation transforms the particle information into field information each transformation being one energy-momentum conserving [quantum of] action.

All of our [written] knowledge comes in propositional form and any discipline may be summarized as a network of propositions. In the physical sciences our propositions are formulated as relationships between physical objects and frames of reference [also related to physical objects]. Newton worked out the dynamics of the solar system in the ancient frame of reference built from the axis of rotation of the Earth, the projection of the equator into the heavens and the intersection of this projection with the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. Due to the precession of the

[page 203]

Earth's axis, this 'first point of Aries' moves through a complete circle n some 26 000 years. Einstein faced the problem of devising a reference frame in which to describe the large scale structure of the Universe [with no obvious universal frame of reference] and came up with Riemann's geometry [and the relative motion of nearby geodesics, ie paths of freely falling particles] . . .. Ecliptic coordinate system - Wikipedia, Celestial coordinate system - Wikipedia

A quantum of action is a computation and so we might identify it with a Turing machine. The simplest such machine, which creates energy [from action] is the not operation, and not not is a digital representation of a full rotation of the circle group.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

What is the point of my thesis? Many ancient Greek philosophers were concerned to break the hold that the traditional Gods had over their contemporaries and so were concerned to produce models, like atomism, that showed that the working of the world was independent of the Gods. Here I am taking the opposite tack, identifying God with the observable world so that we can get a scientific grip on the nature of God through our study of the world. In the past the invisibility of the Gods has made it possible for writers of fiction to dream up all sorts of stories about who the gods are and what they want. These fictions have gained enormous political power over the past millennia and act as an enormous burden of falsehood on the collective human psyche, Here I am concerned to argue that the world revealed to us by science plays all the roles attributed to the gods and fulfills the whole space of possible being, thus making this the only possible world and neutralizing the idea that some god could have created another [perhaps] better world.

[page 204]

The world runs on transfinite dimensional music.

We have a number of spaces to unite and we want to unite them which means that we want something big enough to fit them all so we see if we can conceive of the transfinite computer network in terms of a Hilbert space, a differential manifold, a computer network and a mind. Said this before, see page 201.

Energy and momentum rotate in the same way as time and space. In music different frequencies are superposed by the structure of the instrument but down in the world of quantum mechanics there is no instrument to superpose the different frequencies but instead they are time division multiplexed, like the faces of a spinning die [seen from one point of view] and the frequency we see depends on the moment of observation as does the face of the die that we see [when it comes to rest]. Is this true, or just a plan to avoid the collapse of the wave function, but it does explain why we get the same result if we observe the system again immediately, like looking at a sitting die again.

Thursday 18 April 2019

In reality every symmetry is broken and so, as Brian says, we are all individuals. Nevertheless the symmetries are also real, and are the lower layers of the species / symmetry Homo sapiens. The fundamental symmetry is action, which extends from the actus purus traditionally called God to the individual actions or events which are elements of the divine life.

[page 205]

Actus purus undifferentiated action.

Feynman: Six Not So Easy Pieces Feynman

Back to the ancient view that circles are perfect: action, with the dimensions of angular momentum, is the basic conserved quantity in the universe. We can interpret both quantum mechanics, Lorentz transformation and general relativity in terms of rotation, and see it in the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, E = ℏω, where ℏ comes in units of action and ω in units of angular velocity, ie inverse time. Time, energy and action are central to the divinity, eternity merely tells us that there are fundamental symmetries of action and energy. Space and momentum are the third layer, after action and energy - God - actus purus.

Feyman: Vectors exist independently of coordinate systems page 11.

Feynman page 12: Vectors work where we have linear transformations.

Berger page 13: 'God is dead". Yes, the old God is dead, but the new god is bursting with cosmic life, a creature of stars, supernovas and boundless energy. Peter Berger: A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural

Epicurus and his scientific contemporaries worked to reduce the power of the old gods, but they made little progress and the boundless human taste for saviours, superheroes and shortcuts to bliss and prosperity guarantees the success of fictions like Christianity which offer an infinite reward (and infinite punishment) for a minimal program of beliefs and observances (or failure to adhere thereto). All this is so much easier

[page 206]

than actually working for a living and is a perennial implementation of the ruling class philosophy of using promises to gain the allegiance of large numbers of people to do all the work and peacefully pay taxes in the hope that the words of the ruler will guarantee peace and prosperity.

An important step forward is to reject a fundamental principle of traditional theology: that god is so far beyond us that we are completely unable to understand it. We can say nothing positive about it, only deny it incompatible features. We can see here an echo of the ancient (and modern) principle that it is a crime, treason, to question the absolute monarch. Kevin Corrigan and L. Michael Harrington (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy): Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite

Friday 19 April 2019
It is very difficult to distill the political elements out of [religious] epistemology and vice versa. Political agents generally act with a purpose in mind and strive to convince their constituency that this purpose will be beneficial to them by controlling the information communicated to the constituency. This control has two phases. First, they need to control the sources of information by determining, for instance, which data the scientific departments of the government may collect. Second, they wish to control the dissemination of such dat as is collected by controlling the content and dissemination of such reports as are prepared on the basis of the data collected. We see this process taken to the extreme in the Catholic Church which has a history of silencing and even executing individuals who collect adverse data, and a history of

claiming absolute control over what is regarded as true by claiming an infallible magisterium over all elements of its History of Salvation.

Saturday 20 April 2019

Feynman page 64: '. . . we see that events that occur in two separated places at the same time, as seen by M in S' do not happen at the same time as seen by J in S. ' This is universal phenomenon which depends on the speed of travel of the signal that informs 'as seen by', which in physics is the velocity of light but for people who are 'seeing' things through the postal system, it is determined by the speed of mail.

page 65: Lorentz transformation analogous to rotation, which conserves space-time intervals. This is the fundamental symmetry in space-time expressed by the rotation of 4-vectors.

The Lorentz transformation nullifies, in effect, the differences in relative velocities between inertial frames. We may think of space and time as formal and kinematic, and then we find that the 'underlying' energy and momentum are real and dynamic. This points to the fact that (in this case) words and meaning transform in the same way, so in a general way when I change the words in a sentence the meaning also changes. In the transfinite world of human communication this isomorphism is quite weak but in the simple world of space-time / momentum-energy it is precise.

Transformation: truth and Tarski. We have to take a meta- view of a transformation to judge if it is true. Gödel and Gödel numbering are an exponential (transfinite) process.

[page 208]

Exponentiation is the key to reality. Complex exponents give is periodicity. Real exponents give us growth and decay.

So we ask: what is the theological frame of reference? Like Newton, many propose an arbitrary God outside the universe as the reference frame, but what if we take the Einstein view that the universe is divine and so its own reference frame? Vectors are frame independent as are their children, tensors, and this is where Einstein found himself when his friend Grossman gave him a hand. (Pais page 208 sqq). So what is the theological equivalent? In mathematics we saw that Turing anfdGödel had to go transfinite to get their results, building on Cantor's diagonal, subset and permutation arguments [so we think the answer to this question is a dynamic version of the Cantor universe, the transfinite quantum computer network built in a transfinitely layered Hilbert space]. Pais: Subtle is the Lord

Fixed point theory at the zeroth level: the whole space [of just one point] maps onto itself so f(x) = x trivially. This is the case with the procession of the Son from the Father.

How do electrons have children? By mapping onto themselves at zero distance there is zero phase change since zero delay so we get another electron, not infinite energy, as in the classical picture.

Network elimination of contradiction: I cannot talk to them, we simply do not relate.

The current $100 question is how does electromagnetism relate to phase and U(1) gauge symmetry [no-one seems to know, a good question to answer].

[page 209]

What I really need to know is how we get from gauge symmetry to electric force. One would think I should know this by now, but no. I want to understand it well enough to put it in a maths free way in my philosophical thesis to explain the electric world.

Symmetry in any layer points to an underlying structure which is the same in all manifestations of that layer, eg in all physical events energy is conserved points to a [mechanical] structure which explains the conservation of energy, which suggests that it is the result of a bifurcation which creates precisely equal amounts of positive and negative energy, just as the creation of charge creates precisely equal amounts of positive and negative charge [action underlies the energy bifurcation, what underlies the charge bifurcation? The photon?] But how do we understand positive and negative energy in the light of E = hf? When we add positive and negative energy we get 0, when we add phases shifted by π radians, ie e + ei(θ + π) = 0. So we think potential energy is π out of phase with actual energy. Or maybe we have ±ℏ, ±ω [reversed frequency looks most likely].

Zero momentum means identical particles moving in opposite directions [with same velocity]. which is possible because space enables the existence of p and not-p, which space-time does as well, but is there a route to negative energy here? [energy is positive because it is a function of v2. Why? Demanded by dimensions?].

Elastic collision = reversible collision.

We might try moving the origin from which we measure energy so that given a certain E we can move the origin up E/2 so that half of it is negative and half positive, but this has no effect on E = hf [which is linear in frequency].

Very moody this evening. No wonder the ancients placed the mind in the chest/belly region.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Pais, Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this . . . major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. . . . Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography . . . including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' 

Pais, Abraham, Einstein Lived Here, Oxford University Press 1994 Amazon Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly 'These 11 essays, articles and pastiches of interviews are assembled by a physicist who is arguably Einstein's best interpreter; his biography of Einstein (1879-1955), Subtle Is the Lord , won the American Book Award in 1983. Pais's rigidly organized approach in that book served Einstein's science well but constricted the various, random views of "Einstein the man" collected here. Several of the essays have an unedited, dictated quality; many of the articles appeared in American Scientist in the late 1980s; two sections are reprinted from Subtle Is the Lord . A charming three-page selection, "Dear Dr. Einstein," contains letters addressing the scientist as though he were Ann Landers. The great figure in 20th century science that Pais depicts here seems more his own personal icon than Einstein the man.' Photos. Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. 


Alex Emmons, Secret Report Reveals Saudi Incompetence and Widespread Use of U.S. Weapons in Yemen, ' . . . a highly classified document produced by the French Directorate of Military Intelligence shows that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are overwhelmingly dependent on Western-produced weapon systems to wage their devastating war in Yemen. Many of the systems listed are only compatible with munitions, spare parts, and communications systems produced in NATO countries, meaning that the Saudis and UAE would have to replace large portions of their arsenals to continue with Russian or Chinese weapons.' back

Australian Government, Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, 'WHEREAS all children deserve a safe and happy childhood. AND Australia has undertaken international obligations to take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect children from sexual abuse and other forms of abuse, including measures for the prevention, identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment and follow up of incidents of child abuse. . . . IN WITNESS, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent. WITNESS Quentin Bryce, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Dated 11th January 2013 Governor-General By Her Excellency’s Command Prime Minister back

Candida Moss, Why Did Judas Really Betray Jesus, ' The Gospel of Judas tells us absolutely nothing about the historical events that took place on the last few days of Jesus’s life, but it does prompt the question: how did Judas’ actions shape history? According to the Bible, it was the kiss of Judas that led to Jesus’s arrest and execution, and without that Jesus might never have been crucified. In some ways, you might say, Christianity owes a lot to Judas.' back

Celestial coordinate system - Wikipedia, Celestial coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In astronomy, a celestial coordinate system is a system for specifying positions of celestial objects: satellites, planets, stars, galaxies, and so on. Coordinate systems can specify a position in 3-dimensional space, or merely the direction of the object on the celestial sphere, if its distance is not known or not important.' back

Christopher Mele, That First Black Hole Seen in an Image is Now Called Pōwehi, at least in Hawaii, ' Six months later, Professor Kimura’s insights would draw much wider attention as officials credited him with giving a name to the first-ever picture of a black hole. Dr. Dempsey and other researchers described the image to him two weeks ago, and she said she watched his face “just light up.” In a moment that she described as “astonishing” and “mind-bending,” he came up with one Hawaiian word for the black hole that took scientists six research papers to capture: pōwehi.' back

Codec - Wikipedia, Codec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A codec is a device or computer program capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal. Codec is a portmanteau of coder-decoder or, less commonly, compressor-decompressor.' back

Denise Gellene, Paul Greenguard, Nobel Prize-Winnng Neuroscientist, Dies at 93, ' Dr. Greengard’s research described how cells react to dopamine, an important chemical messenger in the brain. His work provided the underlying science for many antipsychotic drugs, which modulate the strength of chemical signals in the brain. “Our work shows the details of how dopamine produces these effects — in other words, what’s wrong in these diseases and what can be done to correct them,” Dr. Greengard said.' back

E. J. Dionne Jr, The whole church is burning, not just Notre Dame. Both have a chance for rebirth, ' That this ancient place of worship burned during Holy Week invites, perhaps paradoxically, hope. A time when Christians remember suffering and death and then celebrate resurrection speaks to the yearning for deliverance and renewal. Because Notre Dame was not completely destroyed by this tragedy — or by centuries of neglect, or by political threats — it can be reborn.' back

Ecliptic coordinate system - Wikipedia, Ecliptic coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The ecliptic coordinate system is a celestial coordinate system commonly used for representing the apparent positions and orbits of Solar System objects. Because most planets (except Mercury) and many small Solar System bodies have orbits with slight inclinations to the ecliptic, using it as the fundamental plane is convenient. The system's origin can be the center of either the Sun or Earth, its primary direction is towards the vernal (northward) equinox, and it has a right-hand convention. It may be implemented in spherical or rectangular coordinates.' back

Edwin Heathcote, Notre-Dame restoration will take more than just money, ' “The greatest products of architecture,” wrote Victor Hugo, “are less the works of individuals than of society.” Notre-Dame, the writer suggested, was the collective achievement of an entire culture. And it will take an entire society to rebuild it after Monday’s fire. The impetus to rebuild is powerful. President Emmanuel Macron has already promised to do so. But a restoration like this will take more than just money. It requires a meticulous, forensic examination and deep thought about what exactly it is that is being rebuilt. ' back

Gay Alcorn, Poverty as a moral quesion: do we have the collective will to end it?, ' Ronald Henderson, the chair of Australia’s only comprehensive inquiry into poverty, had what a friend called “an offended conscience”. His inquiry, whose main report was released a few months before the Whitlam government was dismissed in 1975, did as much as any single act before or after it to prick the bubble that Australia was a country of the fair go for all. back

Gyan Pradesh, The Massacre That Led to the End of the British Empire, ' On April 13, 1919, Gen. Reginald Dyer led a group of British soldiers to Jallianwala Bagh, a walled public garden in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar. Several thousand unarmed civilians, including women and children, had gathered to celebrate the Sikh New Year. Viewing the gathering as a violation of the prohibitory orders on public assembly, General Dyer ordered his troops to fire without warning. According to official figures, the 10 minutes of firing resulted in 379 dead and more than a thousand injured.' back

John Dugard, Why aren't Europeans calling Israel an apartheid state?, ' Israel's restrictions on freedom of movement in the occupied Palestinian territory are a resurrection of South Africa's hated pass laws, which criminalised black South Africans without a permit or pass to be in a "white" city. Israel's policy of forcible population removals and destruction of homes resembles the relocation of black people from areas zoned for exclusive white occupation in apartheid South Africa. The Israeli security forces engage in torture and brutality exceeding the worst practices of the South African security apparatus. And the humiliation of black people that was a feature of apartheid in South Africa is replicated in occupied Palestine. ' back

Kevin Corrigan and L. Michael Harrington (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy), Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 'Dionysius, or Pseudo-Dionysius, as he has come to be known in the contemporary world, was a Christian Neoplatonist who wrote in the late fifth or early sixth century CE and who transposed in a thoroughly original way the whole of Pagan Neoplatonism from Plotinus to Proclus, but especially that of Proclus and the Platonic Academy in Athens, into a distinctively new Christian context.' back

Landauer, Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process, 'Abstract: 'It is argued that computing machines inevitably involve devices which perform logical functions that do not have a single-valued inverse. The logical irreversibility is associated with physical irreversibility, and requires a minimum heat generation, per machine cycle, typically of the order of kT for each irreversible function. The dissipation serves the purpose of standardizing signals and making them independent of their exact logical history. Two simple, but representative, models of bistable devices are subjected to a more detailed analysis of switching kinetics to yield the relationship between speed and energy dissipation, and to estimate the effects of errors induced by thermal fluctuations.' back

List of War deities - Wikipedia, List of War deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A war deity is a god or goddess in mythology associated with war, combat or bloodshed. They occur commonly in both monotheistic and polytheistic religions.' back

Marion Smith, Think twice about your investment portfolio. Ot likely undermines human rights in China, ' Consider two Chinese firms, Hikvision and Dahua Technology. They supply about one-third of the world’s security cameras, but in their home country, both companies have received government contracts — totaling more than $1 billion — to install a vast surveillance apparatus in the western province of Xinjiang. “The projects include not only security cameras but also video analytics hubs, intelligent monitoring systems, big data centers, police checkpoints, and even drones,” Charles Rollet wrote in June in Foreign Policy.' back

Michelle Boorstein, Julie Zauzmer and Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Who is Wilton Gregory, Pope Francis's puck to be Washington;s next archbishop?, ' [Burke] wanted to know how she’d been able to visit Vatican officials for her research on abuse. She’d Googled “Vatican,” she told him, selected several offices she thought were related to the abuse issue, then faxed letters asking to visit. “His face was ashen. ‘You what?’ ” she recalls him saying. At 55, that was, she believed, Gregory’s first experience with lay­people who went outside the chain of command. His shock at her ability to get around protocol startled her, she said, and told her something important — that it was nearly impossible for Gregory to see things from an outside-the-church perspective. “His whole life has been devoted to this institution that’s a bureaucracy — to the point where he doesn’t know how infiltrated he is in that fabric.” ' back

Peter Coy, Did Capitalism Kill Inflation, ' In the decades after World War II, Polish economist Michal Kalecki depicted inflation as a product of the struggle between business and labor. If workers manage to extract big wage increases, their employers recoup the costs by putting through price increases, forcing workers to seek even more, and so on in a wage-price spiral. In contrast, if workers have little or no leverage, as is now the case in many industries, the wage-price spiral never gets started. Kalecki’s Marxian analysis survives in Modern Monetary Theory, a once-fringe flavor of economics for which liberal Democratic politicians such as Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York have developed a taste.' back

Rachel Kushner, Is Prison Necessary? Ruth Wilson Gilmore Might Change Your Mind, ' “I get where you’re coming from,” she said. “But how about this: Instead of asking whether anyone should be locked up or go free, why don’t we think about why we solve problems by repeating the kind of behavior that brought us the problem in the first place?” She was asking them to consider why, as a society, we would choose to model cruelty and vengeance.' back

Religious conversion - Wikipedia, Religious conversion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'At the fundamental level conversion is the awakening of religious knowledge or understanding within a human being who had previously no belief in or concern with religious or spiritual matters. This awakening to moral and spiritual realities thus precedes a transformation of lifestyle and thought patterns often taking place over a long period of time and requiring a significant level of effort and commitment as described in the spiritual teachings of the world's great religions.' back

Ross Gittins, Strong economy? No, but maybe it wil be the eighth time lucky, ' Scott Morrison wants the Coalition re-elected because of its superior management of the economy. In Josh Frydenberg’s budget speech he referred to our “strong economy” 14 times. Why? He had to keep saying it because it ain’t true. But get this: it’s not the government’s fault. It’s happening for reasons far beyond the government’s control. Growth is weak in Australia and throughout the developed world for deep reasons economists don’t yet fully understand.' back

Saint Patrick - Wikipedia, Saint Patrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Saint Patrick (Latin: Patricius; Proto-Irish: *Qatrikias;[2] Modern Irish: Pádraig;[3] Welsh: Padrig;[4] c. 387 – 17 March c. 460[5] or c. 492[6]) was a Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the "Apostle of Ireland", he is the primary patron saint of the island along with Saints Brigid and Columba.' back

Second Vatican Council - Wikipedia, Second Vatican Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (Latin: Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum Secundum; more commonly known as the Second Vatican Council, or informally as Vatican II) addressed relations between the Catholic Church and the modern world. It was the twenty-first ecumenical council of the Catholic Church and the second to be held at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The council, through the Holy See, formally opened under the pontificate of Pope John XXIII on 11 October 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December 1965.' back

Stephen L. Carter, If Trump Reads Only One Book on Immigation . . . , ' What’s the argument? In the comic, Caplan’s avatar leads us through several, the most important of which is that open borders would lead to an enormous increase in wealth. He credits models suggesting that a policy of open borders might double worldwide GDP, from $75 trillion to $150 trillion — and reminds us that even if the change is smaller than that, it’s still likely to be enormous.' back

The Holy See - Archive, Documents of the II Vatican Council, A collection of the Constitutions, Declarations, and Decrees of the Second Vatican Council. back

Wojciech Hubert Zurek, Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical, 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) "Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on -- to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the ``wavepacket collapse'', designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment -- the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert it into carrying information about them -- into becoming a witness.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls