Natural Theology

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Notes DB 90: Psychogenesis_2024

Sunday 21 January 2024 - Saturday 27 January 2024

[page 125]

Sunday 21 January 2024

On counting angels, detective stories and scientific method - seeking a theory to fit the facts by finding stationary points in superpositions.

At last I am beginning to feel a bit like a member of the human

[page 126]

mainstream rather than a forlorn and insignificant outside paddling a difficult course in a boundless ocean. Clouds over land are beginning to materialize.

Jørgen Veisdal: ' The unparalleled genius of John von Neumann. Quantum mechanics: In the period 1927 – 1931 vN published five highly influential papers on quantum mechanics.' Jørgen Veisdal (2021_05_19)

' His basic insight, which neither Heisenberg, Bohr nor Schrödinger had, in the words of Paul Halman was "that the geometry of the vectors in Hilbert space have the same formal properties as the structure of the states of a quantum mechanical system". That is he realized that a quantum system could be represented by the point of a complex Hilbert space that in general could be infinite dimensional even for a single particle. In such a formal view of quantum mechanics, observable quantities such as position and momentum are represented as linear operators acting on the Hilbert space associated with the quantum system.'

Don't like this much because Hilbert space is independent of Minkowski space and has nothing to say about it except through the language of particles. As Bohr noted, quantum frequencies are determined by the difference between two stationary states which difference is an angle or phase (or frequency?)

[page 127]

vN two contributions: 1. The mathematical framework of quantum theory. 2. Statistical aspects of quantum theory.

Then he turned to the study of linear operators in function spaces. 1930 ' Zur Algebra der Functionaloperationem und Theorie der normalen Operatoren' (Math. Ann. 102, 370-427 (1929).

Ergodic Theory: Paul Halmos (1988) 'If vN had never done anything else, they would have been sufficient to guarantee him mathematical immortality.' Proof of the Quasi-ergodic Hypothesis (1932) + Physical Applications of the Ergodic Hypothesis (1932). Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 18(1) pp 70-82; ibid 18(3)pp 263-266. John von Neumann (1932): Proof of the Quasi-ergodic Hypothesis

" The Great Purge of 1933" European academics fled Europe. Jørgen Veisdal (2020): The Great Purge of 1933

Manhattan Project 1937-45,

von Neumann: work on philosophy of mathematics, computers and AI.

Monday 22 January 2024

Another eye injection at the RAH. Perhaps it is working.

Back to cc24_trans_minkowski - my alternative to quantum field theory, a long shot but consisgtent with my story so far, a combination of Hermitean operators, symmetry with respect to complexity, bosons and fermions, Minkowski space and no continuous fields except naked gravitation [the initial singularity].

Also I hope a big jump in the market for a change. [No, sad]

[page 128]

Conclusions from previous work:

1. Initial singularity, omnipotent, continuous, topological naked gravitation

2. Hilbert space formed in initial singularity by fixed point theory.

3. Quantum theory identifying fixed points by Hermitean [self-adjoint] operators.

4. First quantum bifurcation, bosons and fermions

5. Second division classical Minkowski space, special relativity [made 3D space by fermions]

6. Third division: general relativity [a consequence of connecting Minkowski spaces]

7. Particle differentiation via increasing comlexity and elementary particles.

8. Interactions of elementary praticles characterized by operators through null geodesics.

9. Distribution of identical particles through spacetime to give transfinite increase in entropy

10. Quantum communication and computation in the "Turing" (now "von Neumann") vacuum.

Deutsch and the Fabric of Reality. Feynman explains the two slit experiment and says we cannot explain it. Deutsch supports the many universe explanation. Quantum mechanics says particles interfere with themselves by passing through both slits outside spacetime [as waves envisaged by de Broglie]. Everett restricts the Universe to one Hilbert space carrying many universes and Deutsch accepts the idea, the alternative universes being orthogonal to 'this one' [forgetting, apparently, that orthogonal vectors can add]. The answer seems to be that a lot of things are possible in Hilbert space with the Born rule probability distribution that is fairly narrow in reality [falling within the confines of a creative conversation, and the cluster decomposition principle]. David Deutsch (1997): The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes - and its Implications, Hugh Everett III (1973): The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Cluster decomposition - Wikipedia

Tuesday 23 January 2024

My book should be framed as the announcement of a discovery, the union of theology and physics that shows that the Universe is obviously divine, something I have felt since 1964-5 and have been gathering evidence since then. It is time to step up and tell the world what I know and a big first

[page 129]

step can be developed in cc24_trans_minkowski which provides a quantum mechanical formalism for the transfinite world I first discovered in 1987 with the theory of peace. Jeffrey Nicholls (1987): A theory of peace

cc24 so far

24.1: What does quantum mechanics mean

24.2: Minkowski space is built on Hilbert space

24.3: The problem with relativity

24.4: Where is Hilbert space in the classical world?

24.5: On counting angels: the fundamental particles of the standard model

24.6: The role of space is identifying identical persons / sources

24.7: von Neumann vacuum replaces QFT vacuum via Fourier transform and countable entropy

24.8: Symmetries with respect to complexity via self adjoint operators

24.9: Peace and space: 1987 revisited.

Wednesday 24 January 2024
Thursday 25 January 2024

The stable spanning set of fundamental particles. As feelings go what is the difference between despair and excitement. They are both species of excitement. In the line of principles we can only build on stable layers and the Standard Model seems to be such stable layer with a certain amount of rundancy in repetitions like electron, muon tau and fundamental bifurcations particle / antiparticle and boson / fermion and weak interaction.

[page 130]

Why am I osctracized when my natural instinct seems to be to be competent and helpful, to develop a coherent theory of peace and save the world. Is some sort of crucifixion necessary to salvation, as seems to be the case in the source of history. Wilson's Outsider. Rather like a standard set of clothed: a piece of fabric differentiates into a robe, top, bottom, shoes, hat, undies, bra etc. Colin Wilson (1987): The Outsider

Phone visiting Rosalie: The role of environment on supporting species, P vs NP. Lower layers are more stable and so broken systems can fall back to them.

System beginning to look sweet. Now we have to find an objection and answer it. Then move to chromodynamics and the fact that quarks and gluons cannot exist independently, which logically demands the existence of hadrons or else the Universe is finished, perhaps before it generated heavy hadrons to serve to as the cores of atoms. The big step forward is the invention of Minkowski space which occupies the interior of hadrons full of real particles each associated with Hilbert space and communicating through null geodesics.

I feel that I am coming out of my hole. Slow learner but hopefully solid.

I seem to have managed to create a coherent story without all

[page 131]

the problems of QFT. The cream on the cake will be to so called Turing vacuum developed by Fourier transform of speech and music in Hilbert space. Transform into frequency/phase representation and chop out the bad bits and transform back. We use Fourier transform to turn my story into computation and numbers with dimensions M, L, T, etc, gravitational, electric, weak and strong potentials which are embodied somehow in the quantum software [which is mostly in the form of linear operators].

Introduction [thinking about 'the book']: Council of Trent to repair Church after Reformation (1545 - 1563). Very much delayed and extended by European politics (and politician acting as a particle with a certain mentality, personality, message, Hermitian operator with eigenvalues, ie clear and distinct ideas). Much disciplinary legislation and assertion of old beliefs in the face of Reformist ideas. Galileo's victory hit the Church hard (he lost the war but won the peace). The Church began to double down on authoritarianism [like Mao, Putin, Stalin, Hitler, a common course]. This approach deepened on the way to the First Vatican Council as critical studies of the scriptures revealed their rathert ramshackle [history of] construction. The Academy of the Lynxes reconstructed as the Papal Academy of Sciences - John Paul II 22/ October/1966 on evolution. Denbied evolution of the Human Spirit. Second Vatican Council retreated to the Bible and ignored science. Council of Trent - Wikipedia, First Vatican Council - Wikipedia, John Paul II (22 October 1996): Address to Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of the Sciences, on ' The Origins and Early Evolution of Life'

Plato and the poets before him did not express personal opinions

[page 132]

(Julian Jaynes Bicameral Mind) Aristotle ditched the old poetic imagery and made the gods physical / metaphysical and concentrated on real history and observation, the first real scientist. Julian Jaynes (2000): The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

I feel the superpositions in my mind struggling to arrive as the almost infinite dimensional Hermitian operator which will finish writing cognitive cosmology and launch me into cognitive cosmogenesis ['the book', now Cognitive Cosmogenesis].

The guiding insight that has slowly been coming clear as I have been writing the site is encapsulated in the symmetry with respect to complexity is that quantum mechanics is a theory of intelligence that combines some of the insights of Lonergan's Insight with the neurophysiology of the central nervous system to explain how Hermitian operators are discovered by superposition and reveal the meanings of complex situations and embody the notion of love between two quantum sources. This idea lies at the heart of the story that I have concocted to replace quantum field theory and to overcome the difficulties listed by Kuhlmann. Bernard Lonergan (1992): Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, Self-adjoint operator - Wikipedia, Central nervous system - Wikipedia, Quantum superposition - Wikipedia

I have to catch the 60s vibe in the renovation of religion as soon as I get the site and the book done.

Friday 26 January 2024

[page 133]

Slowly theology, biography and cosmology have come for me into one perspective which is unified by evolution. The Universe is a wild thing and I am a wild element within it. The uniting thread within this picture is symmetry with respect to complexity which is built into quantum theory. The difficulty, as evolution teaches, is uniting the world of free action with the world of economic necessity.

The key idea, as I say at least once a day, is that the intelligence of the cognitive Universe runs on quantum mechanics. This is slowly becoming the subject of cc24. My quixotic idealism may yet pay off, I hope, and bring me a happy old age after following a very lossy zig zag course through life. The link between quantum mechanics and intelligence seems to me to clinch the case for the divine Universe.

Trying to find an outline for the introduction to "the book" [now Cognitive Cosmogenesis] (see page 131 s.v. Introduction). One approach might be to write it as 'A Letter to the Prof ' as a sequel to my honours thesis detailing the discovery I have made trying to turn my classical honours thesis into a quantum mechanical version, working on the idea that if the Universe is divine physics and theology must be mutually compatible. Quick summary leading to cognitive and quantum superposition and Hermitian operator fixed point / clear and distinct idea. Jeffrey Nicholls (2019): A prolegomenon to scientific theology

[page 134]

Saturday 27 January 2024

Myths are hypotheses held to be true in the absence of anything better, like continuous fields and ethers in physics as explained by Wilczek. Frank Wilczek (2008); The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces

The Summer of Love : There was a feeling that anything was possible. A driving force was the sense that you could change things.

1967 Monterey Festival: Music was the most important art form in Britain and America. Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit, the dark side of the Summer of Love - Vietnam. Monterey International Pop Festival - Wikipedia, Monterey Pop - Wikipedia, Jefferson Airplane: White RabbitJimi Hendrix (1969): The Scandinavian Experience (1969) - Full Concert,

Add to the Introduction: Symmetry with respect to complexity running from qubit to Universe. This is to become the theme of cc24_trans_minkowski. The brain consists of a lot of Hilbert systems (neurons) arranged in Minkowski space and cannected with axons, ie [quasi] null geodesics. This constitutes the brain model for the Universe which is distributed in page 24: Transfinite Minkowski space. The Image of God.


You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Deutsch (1997), David, The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes - and its Implications, Allen Lane Penguin Press 1997 Jacket: 'Quantum physics, evolution, computation and knowledge - these four strands of scientific theory and philosophy have, until now, remained incomplete explanations of the way the universe works. . . . Oxford scholar DD shows how they are so closely intertwined that we cannot properly understand any one of them without reference to the other three. . . .' 

Everett III (1973), Hugh, and Bryce S Dewitt, Neill Graham (editors), The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press 1973 Jacket: 'A novel interpretation of quantum mechanics, first proposed in brief form by Hugh Everett in 1957, forms the nucleus around which this book has developed. The volume contains Dr Everett's short paper from 1957, "'Relative State' formulation of quantum mechanics" and a far longer exposition of his interpretation entitled "The Theory of the Universal Wave Function" never before published. In addition other papers by Wheeler, DeWitt, Graham, Cooper and van Vechten provide further discussion of the same theme. Together they constitute virtually the entire world output of scholarly commentary on the Everett interpretation.' 

Jaynes (2000), Julian, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Mariner Books 2000 Jacket: 'At the heart of this book is the revolutionary idea that human consciousness did not begin far back in animal evolution but is a learned process brought into being out of an earlier hallucinatory mentality by cataclysm and catastrophe only 3000 years ago and still developing.' 

Lonergan (1992), Bernard J F, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '. . . Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 

Wilczek (2008), Frank, The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces, Basic Books 2008 ' In this excursion to the outer limits of particle physics, Wilczek explores what quarks and gluons, which compose protons and neutrons, reveal about the manifestation of mass and gravity. A corecipient of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics, Wilczek knows what he’s writing about; the question is, will general science readers? Happily, they know what the strong interaction is (the forces that bind the nucleus), and in Wilczek, they have a jovial guide who adheres to trade publishing’s belief that a successful physics title will not include too many equations. Despite this injunction (against which he lightly protests), Wilczek delivers an approachable verbal picture of what quarks and gluons are doing inside a proton that gives rise to mass and, hence, gravity. Casting the light-speed lives of quarks against “the Grid,” Wilczek’s term for the vacuum that theoretically seethes with quantum activity, Wilczek exudes a contagious excitement for discovery. A near-obligatory acquisition for circulating physics collections.' --Gilbert Taylor  

Wilson (1987), Colin, The Outsider, TarcherPerigee / Penguin 1987 'The seminal work on alienation, creativity, and the modern mind-set. "An exhaustive, luminously intelligent study. . . a real contribution to our understanding of our deepest predicament."—Philip Toynbee. Colin Henry Wilson (26 June 1931 – 5 December 2013) was an English writer, philosopher and novelist. He also wrote widely on true crime, mysticism and the paranormal. Wilson called his philosophy "new existentialism" or "phenomenological existentialism", and maintained his life work was "that of a philosopher, and (his) purpose to create a new and optimistic existentialism". ' 


Caitlyn Forster & Eliza Middleton, Bees can do so much more than you think – from dancing to being little art critics, ' Bees are among the most important insects on Earth – vital pollinators of our crops and significant contributors to human societies for thousands of years. While visiting various plants, bees need to figure out the best flowers so they can be the most efficient foragers possible, and communicate this to their hive. But there’s much more these insects’ tiny brains are capable of. Bees have a great memory and can learn a lot Bees can visit hundreds of flowers a day across multiple locations, and are great at learning which floral colours, shapes and locations are best for finding food. These flower memories can last for days, allowing for individual workers to return to the best flowers. Bees are capable of learning in complex ways. They can use “cross-modal” learning, recognising an object they’ve experienced with one sense when it’s presented in another sense. In one study, bumblebees were trained to tell cubes and spheres apart using only touch, but could still distinguish them visually if they were unable to touch the shapes – and vice versa.' back

Central nervous system - Wikipedia, Central nervous system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The central nervous system (CNS) is the part of the nervous system consisting primarily of the brain and spinal cord. The CNS is so named because the brain integrates the received information and coordinates and influences the activity of all parts of the bodies of bilaterally symmetric and triploblastic animals—that is, all multicellular animals except sponges and diploblasts. It is a structure composed of nervous tissue positioned along the rostral (nose end) to caudal (tail end) axis of the body and may have an enlarged section at the rostral end which is a brain.' back

Cluster decomposition - Wikipedia, Cluster decomposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In physics, the cluster decomposition property states that experiments carried out far from each other cannot influence each other. Usually applied to quantum field theory, it requires that vacuum expectation values of operators localized in bounded regions factorize whenever these regions becomes sufficiently distant from each other. First formulated by Eyvind Wichmann and James H. Crichton in 1963 in the context of the S-matrix,[1] it was conjectured by Steven Weinberg that in the low energy limit the cluster decomposition property, together with Lorentz invariance and quantum mechanics, inevitably lead to quantum field theory.' back

Council of Trent - Wikipedia, Council of Trent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The Council of Trent (Latin: Concilium Tridentinum), held between 1545 and 1563 in Trent (or Trento, in northern Italy), was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. Prompted by the Protestant Reformation, it has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation. The Council issued condemnations of what it defined to be heresies committed by proponents of Protestantism, and also issued key statements and clarifications of the Church's doctrine and teachings, including scripture, the Biblical canon, sacred tradition, original sin, justification, salvation, the sacraments, the Mass, and the veneration of saints.' back

Dai Yong Jin, Oscar nominees 2024: ‘Past Lives’ spotlights the pull of first love alongside the yearning for glory, ' The movie, now nominated for 2024 Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay, portrays two people whose lives intertwine between the past and the present by using the theme of inyeon. Inyeon is popularly understood to mean something like fate or destiny, referring to the ties between people over the course of their lives. As Korean studies professor Sarah Son explains, inyeon “in Korean Buddhism, in (因) refers to ‘direct cause’ and yeon (緣) to ‘indirect cause,’ or the conditions that make an outcome possible. . . .. Nora starts to explain what inyeon means in Korea to Arthur: "There is a word in Korean, inyeon. It’s specifically about relationships between people … If two people get married, they say it’s because there have been 8,000 layers of inyeon over 8,000 lifetimes".' back

Dennis Muller, Antoinette Lattouf sacking shows how the ABC has been damaged by successive Coalition governments, ' Anderson has also said the decision to sack her was not influenced by external pressure, although he did not directly refer to the Lawyers for Israel campaign. ABC staff are not convinced and want greater transparency around the complaints process. Nor has there been an explanation from the ABC about why the posting by Lattouf of the Human Rights Watch report was regarded as a sackable offence when the ABC had itself twice run stories about it. What does it say about the state of mind inside the management of the ABC that it was thought reasonable to issue a generalised blanket instruction to a presenter to not post anything “controversial” on social media? It suggests one panicked by the prospect that somebody somewhere might take offence at something somebody at the ABC might post on a controversial matter. It suggests a state of mind induced by two decades of cumulative intimidation, hostility, board-stacking and financial punishment inflicted on the ABC by successive Liberal-National federal governments. Of course, the history of the ABC is littered with rows between itself and governments of all stripes, but these were generally episodic and focused on a single cause. What was seen between 1996 and 2022, except for the period 2007-2013 when Labor was in office, was not episodic. It was systematic, sustained and ideological. The consequences are now being laid bare.' back

First Vatican Council - Wikipedia, First Vatican Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Vatican Council . . . was convoked by Pope Pius IX on 29 June 1868, after a period of planning and preparation that began on 6 December 1864, the twentieth ecumenical council of the Catholic Church, held three centuries after the Council of Trent, opened on 8 December 1869 and adjourned on 20 October 1870. Unlike the five earlier General Councils held in Rome, which met in the Lateran Basilica and are known as Lateran Councils, it met in the Vatican Basilica, hence its name. Its best-known decision is its definition of papal infallibility, strongly promoted by the Archbishop Luigi Natoli.' back

Grateful Dead, Sugar Magnolia / Scarlet Begonias/ Fire on the Mountain, ' "This is the opening sequence from one of the most famous, and highly regarded, Grateful Dead shows of all time, the Closing Of Winterland. With opening acts the New Riders of the Purple Sage and the Blues Brothers, the Dead didn't hit the stage until midnight, and played until the sun rose. Bill Graham served breakfast to everyone after the show." - David Lemieux' back

Hannah Ellis-Petersen & Aakasg Hassan, Modi inaugurates Hindu temple on site of razed mosque in India, ' More than three decades after a mob of militant Hindu radicals razed a mosque to the ground in the Indian town of Ayodhya, the country’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, has inaugurated the new Hindu temple that will stand in its place. . . . The consecration of the Ram temple became a national event, with 8,000 official guests including politicians, diplomats, Bollywood stars and holy figures, while hundreds of thousands of pilgrims flocked to Ayodhya from across the country to show their devotion to the new temple and Lord Ram. The town also underwent a $3bn government-funded transformation and was garlanded with flowers, saffron flags, images of Ram and billboards of Modi. . . . Others boycotted the ceremony, accusing Modi of orchestrating the event for political gain ahead of elections in the spring, where he will seek a third term in power. The demolition of the mosque in 1992 paved the way for Hindu nationalism to become the dominant political force it is today, and the pledge to build a Ram Temple in Ayodhya has been at the core of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party’s (BJP) political agenda to establish Hindu supremacy in India.' back

Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit, One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Call Alice
When she was just small

When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head
Songwriters: Grace Wing Slick back

Jeffrey Nicholls (1987), A theory of Peace, ' The argument: I began to think about peace in a very practical way during the Viet Nam war. I was the right age to be called up. I was exempted because I was a clergyman, but despite the terrors that war held for me, I think I might have gone. It was my first whiff of the force of patriotism. To my amazement, it was strong enough to make even me face death.
In the Church, I became embroiled in a deeper war. Not a war between goodies and baddies, but the war between good and evil that lies at the heart of all human consciousness. Existence is a struggle. We need all the help we can get. Religion is part of that help and theology is the scientific foundation of religion.' back

Jeffrey Nicholls (2019), A prolegomenon to scientific theology, ' This thesis is an attempt to carry speculative theology beyond the apogee it reached in the medieval work of Thomas Aquinas into the world of empirical science. Since the time of Aquinas, our understanding of the Universe has increased enormously. The ancient theologians not only conceived a perfect God, but they also saw the world as a very imperfect place. Their reaction was to place God outside the world. I argue (on classical scientific grounds) that we live in a Universe which approaches infinity in size and complexity, is as perfect as can be, and fulfils all the roles traditionally attributed to God, creator, lawmaker and judge.' back

Jimi Hendrix (1969), The Scandinavian Experience (1969) - Full Concert, ' Killing Floor
- Spanish Castle Magic
- Fire
- Hey Joe
- Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
- Red House
- Sunshine Of Your Love
Date: 1969-01-09
. Venue: Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden.
Jimi Hendrix - guitar, vocals
Noel Redding - bass guitar
Mitch Mitchell - drums, percussion
James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Johnny Allen Hendrix; November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970) was an American rock guitarist, singer, and songwriter. Although his mainstream career spanned only four years, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of popular music, and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame describes him as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music".' back

John Paul II (22 October 1996), Address to Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of the Sciences, on 'The Origins and Early Evolution of Life', 'I. . . theories of evolution which, in accordance with the philosophies inspiring them, consider the mind as emerging from the forces of living matter, or as a mere epiphenomenon of this matter, are incompatible with the truth about man. Nor are they able to ground the dignity of the person.' back

John von Neumann (1932), Proof of the Quasi-Ergodic Hypothesis, ' The purpose of this note is to prove and to generalize the quasi-ergodic hypothesis of classical Hamiltonian dynamics (or “ergodic hypothesis,” as we shall say for brevity) with the aid of the reduction, recently discovered by Koopman, of Hamiltonian systems to Hilbert space, and with the use of certain methods of ours closely connected with recent investigations of our own of the algebra of linear transformations in this space. A precise statement of our results appears on page 79.' back

Jørgen Veisdal (2020), The Great Purge of 1933, ' “If the dismissal of Jewish scientists means the annihilation of contemporary German science, then we shall do without science for a few years!” — Adolf Hilter Prior to World War II, Germany had led the world in science for more than one hundred and fifty years. Its reputation for excellence in chemistry, physics, biology, medicine and mathematics was rivaled, if at all, only by Britain (Medawar & Pyke, 2000). Of the 100 Nobel Prizes awarded between 1901 and 1932 (the year before Hitler came to power) 33 were awarded to Germans or scientists working in Germany. Britain had won 18, and the United States a mere six. Then, as the result of a series of events following Hitler’s takeover of Germany in 1933 and the passing of the Berufsbeamtengesetz (“Law for the Restoration of the Professsional Civil Service”), in order to “re-establish a national and professional civil service”, members of certain groups of public employees began being dismissed from German universities. That is, civil servants who were not considered to be of “sufficiently Aryan” descent had to leave their jobs.' [paywall] back

Jørgen Veisdal (2021_05_19), The Unparalleled Genius of John von Neumann, ' It is indeed supremely difficult to effectively refute the claim that John von Neumann is likely the most intelligent person who has ever lived. By the time of his death in 1957 at the modest age of 53, the Hungarian polymath had not only revolutionized several subfields of mathematics and physics but also made foundational contributions to pure economics and statistics and taken key parts in the invention of the atomic bomb, nuclear energy and digital computing.' back

Kurt Goedel, A Remark asbout the Relationship between Relativity Theory and Idealistic Philosophy, back

Majumda, Crabb, Pakula & Turville, The emergence of JN.1 is an evolutionary ‘step change’ in the COVID pandemic. Why is this significant?, ' Since it was detected in August 2023, the JN.1 variant of COVID has spread widely. It has become dominant in Australia and around the world, driving the biggest COVID wave seen in many jurisdictions for at least the past year. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified JN.1 as a “variant of interest” in December 2023 and in January strongly stated COVID was a continuing global health threat causing “far too much” preventable disease with worrying potential for long-term health consequences. JN.1 is significant. First as a pathogen – it’s a surprisingly new-look version of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID) and is rapidly displacing other circulating strains (omicron XBB). It’s also significant because of what it says about COVID’s evolution. Normally, SARS-CoV-2 variants look quite similar to what was there before, accumulating just a few mutations at a time that give the virus a meaningful advantage over its parent. Start your day with evidence-based news. However, occasionally, as was the case when omicron (B.1.1.529) arose two years ago, variants emerge seemingly out of the blue that have markedly different characteristics to what was there before. This has significant implications for disease and transmission. ' back

Monterey International Pop Festival - Wikipedia, Monterey International Pop Festival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The Monterey International Pop Festival was a three-day music festival held June 16 to 18, 1967, at the Monterey County Fairgrounds in Monterey, California.[1] The festival is remembered for the first major American appearances by the Jimi Hendrix Experience, the Who and Ravi Shankar, the first large-scale public performance of Janis Joplin and the introduction of Otis Redding to a mass American audience.' back

Monterey Pop - Wikipedia, Monterey Pop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Monterey Pop is a 1968 American concert film by D. A. Pennebaker that documents the Monterey International Pop Festival of 1967. Among Pennebaker's several camera operators were fellow documentarians Richard Leacock and Albert Maysles. The painter Brice Marden has an "assistant camera" credit. Titles for the film were by the illustrator Tomi Ungerer. Featured performers include Big Brother and the Holding Company with Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, Hugh Masekela, Otis Redding, Ravi Shankar, the Mamas & the Papas, the Who and the Jimi Hendrix Experience, whose namesake set his guitar on fire, broke it on the stage, then threw the neck of his guitar in the crowd at the end of "Wild Thing".' back

Monterey Pop festival 1967, Monterey Pop festival 1967—Original Movie Video, ' Some Parts ARE MISSING DUE TO COPYRIGHT ISSUES Songs featured in the film, in order of appearance:
INTRO +BIG BROTHER FEAT. JANIS JOPLIN 00:01 Scott McKenzie – "San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)"* 03:01
The Mamas & the Papas – "Creeque Alley"* and "California Dreamin'" 07:29
Canned Heat – "Rollin' and Tumblin'" 09:44
Simon & Garfunkel – "The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)" 12:22
Hugh Masekela – "Bajabula Bonke (The Healing Song)" 13:46
Jefferson Airplane – "High Flying Bird" and "Today" 17:37
Big Brother and the Holding Company – "Ball and Chain" 23:31
Eric Burdon & The Animals – "Paint It Black" 27:00
The Who – "My Generation" 30:50
Country Joe and the Fish – "Section 43" 34:12
Otis Redding (backed by Booker T. & the M.G.'s) – "Shake" and "I've Been Loving You Too Long" 39:20
The Jimi Hendrix Experience – "Wild Thing" 44:05
The Mamas & the Papas – "Got a Feelin'" 48:03
Ravi Shankar – "Dhun" ("Dadra and Fast Teental") (mistitled as "Raga Bhimpalasi") 51:04
* - Studio version, played over film footage of pre-concert activity.
The order of performances in the film was rearranged from the order of appearance at the festival. Additionally, many artists who appeared at the festival were not included in the original cut of the film.' back

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - Wikipedia, NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, back

Quantum superposition - Wikipedia, Quantum superposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Quantum superposition is the application of the superposition principle to quantum mechanics. The superposition principle is the addition of the amplitudes of waves from interference. In quantum mechanics it is the sum of wavefunction amplitudes, or state vectors. It occurs when an object simultaneously "possesses" two or more possible values for an observable quantity (e.g. the position or energy of a particle)' back

Rami G Khouri, Watching the watchdogs: Law, Propaganda, and the Media walk into a bar, ' Or what happens when legal proceedings at the ICJ expose Western media bias and Israeli state propaganda. . . .. The hearings were historic for two reasons. First, this was the first time that Israel’s decades-long aggression against the Palestinians was articulated in detail for the world to hear, without having to pass through the distorting lens of Western media or politicians. Second, this was the first time that Israel was substantively held to account in public under international law, without being shielded from such accountability by its Western backers, as it has been for the past century. . . .. The US progressive publication The Intercept did its own analysis of three leading US newspapers – The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times – and found that their reporting “heavily favoured Israel”. It said that they “disproportionately emphasized Israeli deaths in the conflict; used emotive language to describe the killings of Israelis, but not Palestinians; and offered lopsided coverage of antisemitic acts in the U.S., while largely ignoring anti-Muslim racism in the wake of October 7.” According to the Intercept’s analysis, the word “slaughter” was used in reference to Israeli deaths vs Palestinian deaths in a ratio of 125 to 2; the word “massacre” in a ratio of 60 to 1. Anti-Semitism was mentioned 549 times, while Islamophobia just 79 times. back

Sejla Ahmatovic, EU’s top diplomat accuses Israel of funding Hamas, ' The EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell on Friday openly accused Israel of having financed the Palestinian militant group Hamas. “Hamas was financed by the Israeli government in an attempt to weaken the Palestinian Authority,” Borrell was quoted as saying by Spanish newspaper El País. Borrell was speaking at Spain’s University of Valladolid, where the Spanish politician was awarded an honorary doctorate. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denied such allegations in the past. . . . Claims that Netanyahu’s government has allowed funding to Hamas, including by allowing Qatari financing of Gaza, have been made before by the Israeli opposition as well as by analysts and media outlets including the New York Times. Israeli officials say this was part of a policy that most leading Israeli politicians subscribed to as a possible way of moderating Hamas with the underlying assumption the militant group would temper its ideological fervor and to encourage it to focus on governing. “Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile cease-fire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip,” an op-ed in the Times of Israel alleged on October 8, the day after Hamas carried out violent attacks against Israel.' back

Self-adjoint operator - Wikipedia, Self-adjoint operator - Wikipedia, the free enecylopedia, ' In mathematics, a self-adjoint operator on a complex vector space V with inner product ⟨ ⋅ , ⋅ ⟩ . . . is a linear map A (from V to itself) that is its own adjoint: ⟨ A v , w ⟩ = ⟨ v , A w ⟩ . . . If V is finite-dimensional with a given orthonormal basis, this is equivalent to the condition that the matrix of A is Hermitian, i.e., equal to its conjugate transpose A*. By the finite-dimensional spectral theorem, V has an orthonormal basis such that the matrix of A relative to this basis is a diagonal matrix with entries in the real numbers. In this article, we consider generalizations of this concept to operators on Hilbert spaces of arbitrary dimension.' back

Stephennie Mulder, Gaza’s oldest mosque, destroyed in an airstrike, was once a temple to Philistine and Roman gods, a Byzantine and Catholic church, and had engravings of Jewish ritual objects, ' The Omari Mosque in Gaza was largely destroyed by Israeli bombardment on Dec. 8, 2023. It was one of the most ancient mosques in the region and a beloved Gazan landmark. The mosque was first built in the early seventh century and named after Islam’s second caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattab, a successor to the Prophet Muhammad and leader of the early Islamic community. It was a graceful white stone structure, with repeating vistas of pointed arches and a tall octagonal minaret encircled by a carved wooden balcony and crowned with a crescent. . . .. Gaza is rich in cultural treasures, with some 325 formally registered heritage sites within just 141 square miles, including three designated for UNESCO’s World Heritage tentative list. The Omari Mosque is one of over 200 ancient sites damaged or destroyed in Israeli raids since the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack.' back

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, I Won't Back Down, back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2024 © Jeffrey Nicholls